
VanderMeer, Jeff and Ann (ed.) - The Weird / Вандермеер, Джефф и Энн (ред.) - "Странная" литература [2012, EPUB, ENG]

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Jeff and Ann VanderMeer (ed.) - The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories

Название: The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories / "Странная" литература: Собрание странных и страшных рассказов
Год выпуска: 2012
Под редакцией: VanderMeer, Jeff and Ann / Вандермеер, Джефф и Энн
Издательство: Tor
ISBN: 978-1-4668-0319-0
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Монументальная антология на 1200 страниц (в печатном виде) и 750000 слов, в которую вошло более 110 произведений писателей более чем 20 национальностей, отражающая все преобразования и мутации жанра «weird fiction» за 100 лет — от палповых журналов до литературной фантастики на стыке с мейнстримом, от уже классических до современных образцов.
Сопровожденные предисловием Майкла Муркока и послесловием Чайны Мьевиля — в книгу вошли рассказы, повести, романы и фрагменты романов таких авторов как Борхес, Франц Кафка, Альфред Кубин, Мервин Пик, Бен Окри, Анджела Картер, Харуки Мураками, Клайв Баркер, М. Р. Джеймс, Г. Ф. Лавкрафт, Элджернон Блэквуд, Ф. Марион Кроуфорд, Стефан Грабинский, Келли Линк, Нил Гейман, Стивен Кинг, Джордж Мартин и многих-многих других...

Для антологии рассматривались, но не вошли в итоговый состав (из-за проблем с правами) следующие произведения: «Сохраняющая машина» Филипа Дика, «Утонувший великан» Дж. Г. Балларда, «Старый-престарый сеньор с огромными крыльями» Габриэля Гарсиа Маркеса, «The White House in the Cold Forest» Отсуиши. Роман У. Х. Ходжсона «Дом в порубежье» не был включен из-за слишком большого объема.
По неизвестным причинам из электронной версии антологии был исключен рассказ Дино Буццати «Коломбра». Вместо него добавлен рассказ Дж. Роберта Леннона «Portal», отсутствующий в бумажной версии.
Foreweird by Michael Moorcock
Introduction by Ann VanderMeer and Jeff VanderMeer
The Other Side (excerpt) by Alfred Kubin
The Screaming Skull / Кричащий череп by F. Marion Crawford
The Willows / Ивы by Algernon Blackwood
Sredni Vashtar / Средни Ваштар by Saki
Casting the Runes / Заклятие рунами by M. R. James
How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art Upon the Gnoles / Как Нут практиковался на гнолах by Lord Dunsany
The Man in the Bottle / Человек на бутылке by Gustav Meyrink
The Dissection by Georg Heym
The Spider / Паук by Hanns Heinz Ewers
The Hungry Stones / Голодные камни by Rabindranath Tagore
The Vegetable Man by Luigi Ugolini
The People of the Pit / Племя из бездны by A. Merritt
The Hell Screen / Муки ада by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Unseen—Unfeared / Увидеть невидимое by Francis Stevens
In the Penal Colony / В исправительной колонии by Franz Kafka
The White Wyrak / Белый вырак (Быль из жизни трубочистов) by Stefan Grabinski
The Night Wire / Ночные сводки by H. F. Arnold
The Dunwich Horror / Данвичский кошмар by H. P. Lovecraft
The Book by Margaret Irwin
The Mainz Psalter / «Майнцский псалтырь» by Jean Ray
The Shadowy Street / Сумрачный переулок by Jean Ray
Genius Loci by Clark Ashton Smith
The Town of Cats by Hagiwara Sakutaro
The Tarn / Тарн by Hugh Walpole
Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass / Санатория под Клепсидрой by Bruno Schulz
Far Below / Там, под землёй by Robert Barbour Johnson
Smoke Ghost / Дымный призрак by Fritz Leiber
White Rabbits / Белые кролики by Leonora Carrington
Mimic / Мимикрия by Donald A. Wollheim
The Crowd / Толпа by Ray Bradbury
The Long Sheet by William Sansom
The Aleph / Алеф by Jorge Luis Borges
A Child in the Bush of Ghosts by Olympe Bhely-Quenum
The Summer People / Летние люди by Shirley Jackson
The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles by Margaret St. Clair
The Hungry House / Голодный дом by Robert Bloch
The Complete Gentleman by Amos Tutuola
'It's a Good Life' / Мы живём хорошо! by Jerome Bixby
Mister Taylor by Augusto Monterroso
Axolotl / Аксолотль by Julio Cortazar
A Woman Seldom Found / Редкостная женщина by William Sansom
The Howling Man by Charles Beaumont
Same Time, Same Place / Там же, тогда же by Mervyn Peake
The Other Side of the Mountain by Michel Bernanos
The Salamander by Merce Rodoreda
The Ghoulbird by Claude Seignolle
The Sea Was Wet as Wet Could Be / Вода была мокра насквозь ... by Gahan Wilson
Don't Look Now / Не оглядывайся by Daphne du Maurier
The Hospice by Robert Aickman
It Only Comes Out at Night / Оно появляется только ночью by Dennis Etchison
The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things to Rats by James Tiptree, Jr.
The Beak Doctor by Eric Basso
My Mother by Jamaica Kincaid
Sandkings / Короли-пустынники by George R. R. Martin
Window / Окно by Bob Leman
The Brood / Выводок by Ramsey Campbell
The Autopsy / Вскрытие by Michael Shea
The Belonging Kind / Принадлежность by John Shirley and William Gibson
Egnaro by M. John Harrison
The Little Dirty Girl by Joanna Russ
The New Rays by M. John Harrison
The Discovery of Telenapota by Premendra Mitra
Soft by F. Paul Wilson
Bloodchild / Мы все — одна семья... by Octavia E. Butler
In the Hills, the Cities / Холмы, города by Clive Barker
Tainaron: Mail from Another City by Leena Krohn
Hogfoot Right and Bird-Hands by Garry Kilworth
Shades by Lucius Shepard
The Function of Dream Sleep / Функция сна by Harlan Ellison
Worlds That Flourish by Ben Okri
The Boy in the Tree by Elizabeth Hand
Family by Joyce Carol Oates
His Mouth Will Taste of Wormwood / Вкус полыни by Poppy Z. Brite
The End of the Garden / Там, где кончается сад by Michal Ajvaz
The Dark by Karen Joy Fowler
Angels in Love by Kathe Koja
The Ice Man / Ледяной человек by Haruki Murakami
Replacements / Подмена by Lisa Tuttle
The Diane Arbus Suicide Portfolio by Marc Laidlaw
The Country Doctor by Steven Utley
Last Rites and Resurrections by Martin Simpson
The Ocean and All Its Devices by William Browning Spencer
The Delicate by Jeffrey Ford
The Man in the Black Suit / Человек в чёрном костюме by Stephen King
The Snow Pavilion by Angela Carter
The Meat Garden by Craig Padawer
The Stiff and the Stile by Stepan Chapman
Yellow and Red by Tanith Lee
The Specialist's Hat / Шляпа Специалиста by Kelly Link
A Redress for Andromeda by Caitlin R. Kiernan
The God of Dark Laughter / Бог тёмного смеха by Michael Chabon
Details / Детали by China Mieville
The Genius of Assassins: Three Dreams of Murder in the First Person by Michael Cisco
Feeders and Eaters / Едоки и кормильцы by Neil Gaiman
The Cage / Клетка by Jeff VanderMeer
The Beautiful Gelreesh by Jeffrey Ford
The Town Manager / Городской управляющий by Thomas Ligotti
The Brotherhood of Mutilation by Brian Evenson
The White Hands by Mark Samuels
Flat Diane by Daniel Abraham
Singing My Sister Down / Отпевание сестрёнки by Margo Lanagan
The People on the Island by T. M. Wright
The Forest by Laird Barron
The Hide by Liz Williams
Dust Enforcer by Reza Negarestani
The Familiars by Micaela Morrissette
The Lion's Den by Steve Duffy
Little Lambs by Stephen Graham Jones
The Portal by J. Robert Lennon
Saving the Gleeful Horse by K. J. Bishop
Afterweird: The Efficacy of a Worm-Eaten Dictionary by China Mieville
The Summer People

Shirley Jackson

The Allisons’ country cottage, seven miles from the nearest town, was set prettily on a hill; from three sides it looked down on soft trees and grass that seldom, even at midsummer, lay still and dry. On the fourth side was the lake, which touched against the wooden pier the Allisons had to keep repairing, and which looked equally well from the Allisons’ front porch, their side porch or any spot on the wooden staircase leading from the porch down to the water. Although the Allisons loved their summer cottage, looked forward to arriving in the early summer and hated to leave in the fall, they had not troubled themselves to put in any improvements, regarding the cottage itself and the lake as improvement enough for the life left to them. The cottage had no heat, no running water except the precarious supply from the backyard pump and no electricity. For seventeen summers, Janet Allison had cooked on a kerosene stove, heating all their water; Robert Allison had brought buckets full of water daily from the pump and read his paper by kerosene light in the evenings and they had both, sanitary city people, become stolid and matter-of-fact about their backhouse. In the first two years they had gone through all the standard vaudeville and magazine jokes about backhouses and by now, when they no longer had frequent guests to impress, they had subsided to a comfortable security which made the backhouse, as well as the pump and the kerosene, an indefinable asset to their summer life.
In themselves, the Allisons were ordinary people. Mrs. Allison was fifty-eight years old and Mr. Allison sixty; they had seen their children outgrow the summer cottage and go on to families of their own and seashore resorts; their friends were either dead or settled in comfortable year-round houses, their nieces and nephews vague. In the winter they told one another they could stand their New York apartment while waiting for the summer; in the summer they told one another that the winter was well worth while, waiting to get to the country.
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