
Архив сайта rarebookroom.org по состоянию на 20.12.2018 [Старые книги, 1455-1979, jpeg сжатые в 7z][ENG]

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Архив сайта rarebookroom.org по состоянию на 20.12.2018

Год выпуска: 1455-1979
Наличие иллюстраций: Цв. и ч/б иллюстрации
Жанр: Старые книги
Язык: Английский
ISBN: нет
Формат: jpeg сжатые в 7z
Качество: Сканированные страницы
Количество книг: 562
Описание: rarebookroom.org - Английский сайт, содержащий отсканированые старые книги. Помимо прочих авторов, в раздаче есть сканы редких изданий Льюиса Кэррола, Шекспира, Бетховена.

Сайт: http://www.rarebookroom.org/
adrtes - Adret, Solomon ben Abraham - Teshuvot she'ilot _ le-rabenu Mosheh bar Nahman.. [1519].7z
amctra - Amico - Trattato delle Piante & Immagini de Sacri Edif [1620].7z
angjuv - Johnson - [1776].7z
appast - Apianus - Astronomicum Caesareum [1540].7z
apumet - Apuleius - Metamorphose, autrement, L'asne d'or [1553].7z
aquwks - Thomas Aquinas (Saint) - Summa Theologicae Part 1', 'Summa Theologicae [Cologne].7z
aricom - Aristophanes - Comoediae novem [1498].7z
ariprc - Aristotle - Propositiones Universalis Aristotelis [1476].7z
bapinr - Baptista - In Robertum Seuerinatem panaegyricum carmen [1489].7z
bappar - Baptista - Parthenice [1499].7z
bclbzr - Braccelli - Bizzarie di Varie Figure [1624].7z
bedhis - Bede - Baedae Historia ecclesiastica Latine et Saxonice [1722].7z
beltda - Bell - A Monograph of the Testudinata [1832-1836].7z
berraw - Berwick - Rawdon Papers [1819].7z
bgwamb - Bigelow - American Medical Botany [1817-1820].7z
bibpsa - various - Bible. O.T. Psalms. Greek. Septuagint. 1481 [1481].7z
bilrgh - United States Congress - Bill of Rights [1789].7z
blkin1 - Blake - Songs of Innocence and of Experience [1794].7z
blkin2 - Blake - Songs of Innocence and of Experience [1826].7z
blkurz - Blake - The Book of Urizen [ca. 1818].7z
bodtip - Bodoni - Manuale Tipografico [1818].7z
bolfil - Bolton - Filices Britannicae [1785-1790].7z
boyexp - Boyle - New Experiments Physico-Mechanical [1662].7z
boyscp - Boyle - The Sceptical Chemist [1661].7z
btp109 - Beethoven - Piano Sonata in E Major, Opus 109 (score) [].7z
btp130 - Beethoven - Presto: String Quartet in B Flat, No. 13, Opus 130 [].7z
btp138 - Beethoven - Sketch: Loose song (score) [].7z
btp50f - Beethoven - Romance for Violin and Orchestra in F Major, Opus [].7z
btpmdg - Mozart - Two Songs from Act II of Don Giovanni (score) [].7z
btv101 - Beethoven - Sketch: Piano Sonata in A, Opus 101 [1817].7z
btv106 - Beethoven - Sketch: Piano Sonata in B Flat Major, No. 29, Opus [1819].7z
btv130 - Beethoven - Presto: String Quartet in B Flat, No. 13, Opus 130 [1827].7z
btv131 - Beethoven - Sketch: String Quartet in C Sharp Minor, No. 14, O [1827].7z
btv138 - Beethoven - Sketch: Loose song, WoO 138 [1846?].7z
btv50f - Beethoven - Romance for Violin and Orchestra in F Major, Opus [1805].7z
btvmdg - Mozart - Two Songs from Act II of Don Giovanni [].7z
btvpse - Beethoven - Piano Sonata in E Major, Opus 109 [1821].7z
btvs28 - Beethoven - Sketch: Piano Sonata in D Major, Opus 28 [1802].7z
bunthe - Bunyano - [(n.d.)].7z
carali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [].7z
caralj - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1949].7z
caralk - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1967].7z
carall - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1940].7z
casilc - Castiglione, Baldassarre, conte - l cortegiano _ del conte Baltassar Castiglione [1541].7z
casnar - Casas - Narratio regionvm indicarvm per Hispanos qvosdam deuastatarum verissima: pris . . . hispanice conscripta . . . anno veru hoc 1598. latine excusa [1598].7z
catcat - Catlin - Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio - Hunting [1844].7z
catthf - Catesby - The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and (v1) [1731].7z
catthg - Catesby - The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and (v2) [1743].7z
chkwks - Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Now Newly Imprinted [1896].7z
chpvyg - Champlain - Les Voyages de la Nouvelle France. . . [1632].7z
clksos - Clark - Songs of the Seasons. . . [1851].7z
clsdic - Grose - Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue [1785].7z
colhyp - Colonna - Hypnerotomachia Poliphili [1499].7z
coprev - Copernicus - De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Libri VI [1543].7z
corhis - Cormenin, Louis-Marie de Lahaye, vicomte de - The public and private history of the popes of Rome [1847].7z
cretho - Cremonensis - Theorica Planetarum [1472].7z
crwldg - Absaroke (Crow) Indian - Crow Ledger Drawings [1889].7z
dandan - Dante - Danthe Alighieri fiorentino [1497].7z
darhis - Dares, Phrygius - Historia Troiana secundum Daretem Phrijgium [1498].7z
darwal - Darwin and Wallace - On the Tendency of Species fo form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection [1858].7z
duruwm - Durer - De Symmetria. . . and Underweysung der Messung [1538].7z
dutali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1907].7z
dvdjrn - Davidson - The Journal of George Davidson [1785].7z
dwnzbg - Darwin - Zoology of the Beagle [1839-43].7z
edwnig - Young - Night Thoughts [1797].7z
eindie - Einstein - Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätsthe [1916].7z
espali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1910].7z
eucbyn - Euclid - The Elements of Euclid [1847].7z
eucgeo - Euclid - Elementa Geometriae [1482].7z
eucmsd - Euclid - Elementa [888].7z
farali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures Underground [].7z
fletch - Fletcher - The Woman's Prize [].7z
fosaya - Fossati - Aya Sofia Constantinople [1852].7z
frapoo - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1758].7z
frapop - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1733].7z
frapoq - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1734].7z
frapos - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1736].7z
frapot - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1737].7z
frapou - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1738].7z
frapov - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1739].7z
frapow - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1740].7z
frapox - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1741].7z
frapoy - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1742].7z
frapoz - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1743].7z
frappa - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1744].7z
frappb - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1745].7z
frappc - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1746].7z
frappd - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1747].7z
frappe - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1748].7z
frappg - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1750].7z
frapph - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1751].7z
frappi - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1752].7z
frappj - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1753].7z
frappk - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1754].7z
frappl - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1755].7z
frappm - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1756].7z
frappn - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1757].7z
frappo - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac [1758].7z
frappp - Franklin - Poor Richard's Almanac (fragment) [].7z
freali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1869].7z
frkelc - Franklin - Experiments and Observations on Electricity [1751].7z
ftaobc - Fontana - Della Trasportatione dell'Obelisco Vaticano [1590].7z
fulcan - Fulton - Canal Navigation [1796].7z
fulhis - Fuller - The historie of the holy warre [1640].7z
galgal - Galilei - Le Operazioni del Compasso Geometrico et Militare [1606].7z
galsd2 - Galilei - Sidereus Nuncius [1610].7z
galsid - Galilei - Sidereus Nuncius [1610].7z
galsol - Galilei - Istoria e Dimostrazioni Intorno Alle Macchie Solar [1613].7z
garovi - Ovid - Ovid's Metamorphoses in fifteen books [1717].7z
gelmcs - Cellarius - Harmonia Macrocosmica [1661].7z
gerali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1923].7z
geralj - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1869].7z
gerars - Unknown - Ars Moriendi [1475?].7z
gerpas - Unknown - Passio Christi [1470?].7z
gerthr - Carroll - Alice Through the Looking-Glass [1923].7z
gtnbbl - Various - Bible [1455].7z
halnew - Hale - The New Heavens [1922].7z
haselm - Unknown - [1791].7z
hashis - Unknown - [(n.d.)].7z
hasjuv - Unknown - [1786].7z
hasthe - Wright - [1782].7z
hasthf - Longueville and Bicknel - [(n.d.)].7z
hasthg - Unknown - [(n.d.)].7z
hasthi - Unknown - [(n.d.)].7z
hasthj - Scappi - Bartolomeo II [1786].7z
hasthk - Unknown - [(n.d.)].7z
hasthl - Unknown - [1784].7z
heaali - Unknown - [1767].7z
heafab - Aesop - [1765].7z
heagoo - Unknown - [(n.d.)].7z
healit - Unknown - [1768].7z
heathe - Unknown - [1769].7z
heathf - Unknown - [(n.d.)].7z
heathg - Unknown - [1769].7z
heathh - Unknown - [1769].7z
heathi - Unknown - [1767].7z
heathj - Unknown - [1770].7z
heatom - Unknown - [1768].7z
henmag - Various - Magna Carta [1215].7z
hkemic - Hooke - Micrographia [1665].7z
hlbtst - Holbien - Icones Historiarum Veteris Testamenti [1547].7z
holhun - Carroll - The Hunting of the Snark [1876].7z
homody - Homer - Odyssey [1665].7z
hoopom - Hooker - Pomona Londinensis [1818].7z
horqho - Horace - Q. Horatij Flacci Epistolae liber : liber ep[isto]laru[m] Horatij ad lectorem. [1504].7z
humerc - Ericson - Ericson Photograph Collection [].7z
hunali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1929].7z
huyosc - Huygens - Horologium Oscillatorium [1673].7z
hvaopa - Hrosvitha - Opera [].7z
hvyexc - Harvey - Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis [1628].7z
itaali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1872].7z
jnsgrm - Jones - The Grammar of Ornament [1856].7z
johjoh - Johnson - Johnson's Dictionary [1755].7z
johjoi - Johnson - Johnson's Dictionary [1755].7z
johjoj - Johnson - Johnson's Dictionary [1755].7z
johpla - Johnson - Plan of a Dictionary [1747].7z
johthe - Johnson - The plan of a dictionary of the English language [1747].7z
kepast - Kepler - Astronomia Nova [1609].7z
kephar - Kepler - Harmonices mvndi . . . [1619].7z
kiabra - Various - Various Pieces [].7z
kirada - Kircher - Obelisci Aegyptiaci ... interpretatio hieroglyphica [1666].7z
kirars - Kircher - Ars magnesia [1631].7z
kirart - Kircher - Ars magna lucis et umbrae [1646].7z
kirdia - Kircher - Diatribe de prodigiosis crucibus [1661].7z
kirhis - kircher - Historia Eustachio-Mariana [1665].7z
kirite - Kircher - Iter extaticum coeleste, quo mundi opificium [1660].7z
kirlin - Kircher - Lingua aegyptiaca restituta [1644].7z
kirmag - Kircher - Magnes sive de arte magnetica opus tripartitum(2nd Ed) [1643].7z
kirmus - Kircher - Musurgia universalis [1650].7z
kirobe - Kircher - Obeliscvs pamphilivs [1650].7z
kiroed - Kircher - Oedipus Aegyptiacus [1652-1654].7z
kirscr - Kircher - Scrutinium physico-medicum contagiosæ luis [1658].7z
ldprou - Various - Livre de Priéres Tissé3 [1886-1887 (published)].7z
leapar - Lear - Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae, or Par [1832].7z
leiart - Leibniz - Arte Combinatoria [1666].7z
leimax - Leibniz - Nova Methodus Pro Maximis et Minimis [1684].7z
leodeh - Fuchs - De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes [1542].7z
lobnec - Lobatchewsky - The Origins of Geometry [1829-1830].7z
logoxo - Loggan - Oxonia illustrata [1675].7z
macpri - Machiavelli - The Prince [1640].7z
marthe - Marcile, Thé3odore - Theodori Marcilii professoris eloquentiæ Regii, Ad Q. Horatii Flacci opera [1604].7z
maxpap - Maxwell - A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field [1864].7z
maxtre2 - Maxwell - A Treatise on electricity and Magnetism (Vol 2) [1873].7z
maxtre - Maxwell - A Treatise on electricity and Magnetism (Vol 1) [1873].7z
mayali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1907].7z
mcmali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the [1900].7z
mcrats - Mercator, Gerardus - Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica [1595].7z
mcrlit - Mercator - A Monograph on the Lettering of Maps [1500s].7z
mdlwrn - Midolle - Album du Moyen Age [1837].7z
menher - Mendel - Versuche über [1866].7z
milonl - Mill - On Liberty [1859].7z
milpar - Milton - Paradise lost (4th Ed.) [1688].7z
mkyhll1 - McKinney and Hall - History of The Indian Tribes of North America (Vol. 1) [1836-1844].7z
mkyhll2 - McKinney and Hall - History of The Indian Tribes of North America (Vol. 2) [1836-1844].7z
mkyhll3 - McKinney and Hall - History of The Indian Tribes of North America (Vol. 3) [1836-1844].7z
mltare - Milton - Areopagitica [1644].7z
moamoz - Mozart - Mozart KV 143 [].7z
mordeo - More - Utopia [1518].7z
morsto - Morris - The story of the Glittering Plain [1894].7z
moxmec - Moxon - Mechanick Exercises [1683].7z
mozmoa - Mozart - Mozart KV 461 [].7z
mozmob - Mozart - Mozart KV 577 [].7z
mozmoc - Mozart - Mozart KV 626a II [].7z
mozmod - Mozart - Mozart KV 626b _ 27 [].7z
mozmoz - Mozart - Mozart KV164 [].7z
mozmpa - Mozart - Mozart Scores [].7z
mrbprn - Merbecke - The Booke of Common Praier Noted [1550].7z
mrtlac - Martino - Libro de Arte Coquinaria [1450-60].7z
mzp219 - Mozart - Violin Concerto in A Major, No. 4, K. 219 (score) [].7z
mzp238 - Mozart - Piano Concerto in B Flat Major, K. 238 (score) [].7z
mzp370 - Mozart - Serenade in B Flat Major, K. 361_270A (score) [].7z
mzp383 - Mozart - Fragment: Aria: “;In te spero o sposo amatoó1 [].7z
mzp515 - Mozart - String Quintet in C Major, K. 515 (score) [].7z
mzt219 - Mozart - Violin Concerto in A Major, No. 4, K. 219 [1775].7z
mzt238 - Mozart - Piano Concerto in B Flat Major, K. 238 [1776].7z
mzt370 - Mozart - Serenade in B Flat Major, K. 361_270A [].7z
mzt373 - Mozart - Sonata for Violin and Piano in G Major, K. 373A [].7z
mzt383 - Mozart - Fragment: Aria: “;In te spero o sposo amatoó1 [1775].7z
mzt515 - Mozart - String Quintet in C Major, K. 515 [].7z
mztwmk - Mozart - Watermarks [].7z
naplog - Napier - Logarithmorum Canonis descriptio,. . . [].7z
naploh - Napier - Logarithmorum Canonis descriptio,. . . [1614].7z
newpri2 - Newton - Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica [1687].7z
nwtopt - Newton - Opticks [1704].7z
nwtpnc - Newton - Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica [1687].7z
nwtprt - Newton - Principia Mathematica (3rd Ed) [1726].7z
ohmgal - Ohm - Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet [1827].7z
olmlet - Olmsted - Letters on Astronomy [1840].7z
oviepi - Ovid - Heroides [1525].7z
pairih - Paine - Rights of Man [1792].7z
peaali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1907].7z
pldarc - Palladio - I Quattro Libri dell'Architettura [1570].7z
pogali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1929].7z
polali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1955].7z
prapre - Pratewell - [(n.d.)].7z
prirei - Maximilian - Reise In Das Innere Nord-America (Atlas) [1839, 1841].7z
propro - Proverbia Senece. - Prouerbia Senece. [1495].7z
racali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1907].7z
rdtrse - Redoute - Les Roses [1817-1824].7z
redcho - Redout_, Pierre-Joseph - Choix des Plus Belles Fleurs [1827].7z
redchr - Redout_, Pierre-Joseph - Choix des Plus Belles Fleurs (restored) [1827].7z
redesp - Redi - Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl'insetti [1668].7z
redros - Redoute - Les Roses [1817].7z
ripico - Ripa - Iconologie; ou, Explication nouvelle de plusieurs images, emblemes, et autres figures hyerogliphiques des vertus, des vices, des artes, des science... [1644].7z
rndpss - Renard - Poissons, Ecrevisses et Crabes, de Diverses Couleu [1754].7z
rndwar - Renard - Poissons, Ecrevisses et Crabes, de Diverses Couleu [1719].7z
rouali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1908].7z
rumali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [1958].7z
rusali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the [1979].7z
sacsph - Sacro Bosco - Sphaera mundi [1490].7z
salcon - Sallust - La conjuracion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugurta, por Cayo Salustio Crispo [1772].7z
savope - Savonarola - Operetta del amore di Iesu _ composta da Frate Hieronymo da Ferrara. [1505].7z
schars - Unknown - Song of Songs [1466].7z
schart - Schreiber - Ars Memorandi Per Figures [c.1470].7z
scharu - Unknown - Song of Songs [?ca 1470].7z
schbib - Schreiber - Biblia Pauperum [1465].7z
schioc - Schott - Magiae naturalis centuriae tres [1666].7z
serarc - Serlio - Architettu [1537].7z
serext - Serlio - Extraordinario Libro [1560].7z
serilt - Serlio - Il Terzo Libro [1540].7z
sfdckj - Sanford - The History of the Coronation of King James II [1687].7z
shaami1 - Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream [1600].7z
shaami2 - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600].7z
shaami3 - Shakespeare - Henry IV Part 2 [1600].7z
shaami4 - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1619].7z
shaami5 - Shakespeare - King Lear [1608].7z
shaami6 - Shakespeare - King Lear [1608].7z
shaami7 - Shakespeare - Yorkshire Tragedy [1619].7z
shaami - Shakespeare - Collections [1600].7z
shaamj1 - Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream [1602].7z
shaamj2 - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1602].7z
shaamj3 - Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing [1602].7z
shaamj4 - Shakespeare - Richard II [1598].7z
shaamj5 - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1598].7z
shaamj6 - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1602].7z
shaamj - Shakespeare - Collections [1602].7z
shaamk - Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream [1600 (1619)].7z
shaaml - Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream [1600 (1619)].7z
shaayo - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [N.D.].7z
shaayp - Shakespeare - Yorkshire Tragedy [1619].7z
shadic - Shakespeare - Richard II [1608].7z
shaf1b10 - Shakespeare - As You Like It [1623].7z
shaf1b11 - Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew [1623].7z
shaf1b12 - Shakespeare - All's Well that Ends Well [1623].7z
shaf1b13 - Shakespeare - Twelfth Night [1623].7z
shaf1b14 - Shakespeare - Winter's Tale [1623].7z
shaf1b15 - Shakespeare - King John [1623].7z
shaf1b16 - Shakespeare - Richard II [1623].7z
shaf1b17 - Shakespeare - Henry IV Part 1 [1623].7z
shaf1b18 - Shakespeare - Henry IV Part 2 [1623].7z
shaf1b19 - Shakespeare - Henry V [1623].7z
shaf1b1 - Shakespeare - The Tempest [1623].7z
shaf1b20 - Shakespeare - Henry VI Part 1 [1623].7z
shaf1b21 - Shakespeare - Henry VI Part 2 [1623].7z
shaf1b22 - Shakespeare - Henry VI Part 3 [1623].7z
shaf1b23 - Shakespeare - Richard III [1623].7z
shaf1b24 - Shakespeare - Henry VIII [1623].7z
shaf1b25 - Shakespeare - Troylus and Cressida [1623].7z
shaf1b26 - Shakespeare - Coriolanus [1623].7z
shaf1b27 - Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [1623].7z
shaf1b28 - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1623].7z
shaf1b29 - Shakespeare - Tymon of Athens [1623].7z
shaf1b2 - Shakespeare - Gentleman of Verona [1623].7z
shaf1b30 - Shakespeare - Julius Ceasar [1623].7z
shaf1b31 - Shakespeare - Macbeth [1623].7z
shaf1b32 - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1623].7z
shaf1b33 - Shakespeare - King Lear [1623].7z
shaf1b34 - Shakespeare - Othello [1623].7z
shaf1b35 - Shakespeare - Anthony and Cleopatra [1623].7z
shaf1b36 - Shakespeare - Cymbaline [1623].7z
shaf1b3 - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1623].7z
shaf1b4 - Shakespeare - Measure for Measure [1623].7z
shaf1b5 - Shakespeare - Comedie of Errors [1623].7z
shaf1b6 - Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing [1623].7z
shaf1b7 - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1623].7z
shaf1b8 - Shakespeare - Mid Summer's Night Dream [1623].7z
shaf1b9 - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1623].7z
shaf1b - Shakespeare - First Folio [1623].7z
shaham - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1594].7z
shahan - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1611].7z
shahao - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1603].7z
shahap - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1605].7z
shahaq - Shakespeare - Hamlet [(c.1625)].7z
shahar - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1637].7z
shahas - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1611].7z
shahat - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1637].7z
shahau - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1600].7z
shahav - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1637].7z
shahaz - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1611].7z
shahbm - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1637].7z
shahea - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1600].7z
shaheb - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1600].7z
shahec - Shakespeare - Henry VI [-1619].7z
shahed - Shakespeare - Henry VI [1600].7z
shahef - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1599].7z
shaheg - Shakespeare - Henry V [1608 - 1619].7z
shaheh - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1600].7z
shahei - Shakespeare - Richard III [1629 -1598].7z
shahej - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1608].7z
shahek - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1622].7z
shahen - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1598].7z
shaheo - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1599].7z
shahep - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1599].7z
shaheq - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1608].7z
shaher - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1613].7z
shahes - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1613].7z
shahet - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1622].7z
shaheu - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1632].7z
shahev - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1639].7z
shahew - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1600].7z
shahex - Shakespeare - Henry V [1600].7z
shahey - Shakespeare - Henry V [1608].7z
shahez - Shakespeare - Henry V [1608].7z
shahfa - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1639].7z
shahfb - Shakespeare - Henry V [1608 - 1619].7z
shahfd - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1603].7z
shahfe - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1622].7z
shahfg - Shakespeare - Henry VI [1595].7z
shahfh - Shakespeare - Henry IV [].7z
shahis - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1632].7z
shakin - Shakespeare - King Lear [1608 - 1619].7z
shakio - Shakespeare - King Lear [1608 (1619)].7z
shakip - Shakespeare - King Lear [1608].7z
shakiq - Shakespeare - King Lear [1608].7z
shakis - Shakespeare - King John [N.D.].7z
shakit - Shakespeare - King Lear [1608].7z
shaloa - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1631].7z
shalov - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1631].7z
shalow - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1631].7z
shalox - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1598].7z
shaloy1 - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1631].7z
shaloy2 - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1637].7z
shaloy3 - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1637].7z
shaloy4 - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1630].7z
shaloy5 - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1639].7z
shaloy6 - Shakespeare - Othello [1630].7z
shaloy - Shakespeare - Collections [1637].7z
shaloz - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1598].7z
shalpa - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1631].7z
shalpb - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1631].7z
shaluc1 - Shakespeare - The Rape of Lucrece [1598].7z
shaluc2 - Shakespeare - Sonnets & Lover's Complaint [1609].7z
shaluc3 - Shakespeare - Hamlet [1604].7z
shaluc4 - Shakespeare - Love's Labor's Lost [1598].7z
shaluc5 - Shakespeare - Pericles [1609].7z
shaluc6 - Shakespeare - Pericles [1619].7z
shaluc7 - Shakespeare - Yorkshire Tragedy [1608].7z
shaluc - Shakespeare - Collections [1598].7z
shamea - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1602].7z
shameb - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1630].7z
shamec - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1637].7z
shamer - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600].7z
shames - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600].7z
shamet - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600].7z
shameu - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600-1619].7z
shamev - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600-1619].7z
shamew - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1637].7z
shamex - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1619].7z
shamez - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1630].7z
shamfa - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1619].7z
shamfb - Shakespeare - Merry Wives of Windsor [1630].7z
shamfc - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600].7z
shamid - Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream [1600].7z
shamie - Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream [1600 (1619)].7z
shamif - Shakespeare - A Midsummer Night's Dream [1600 (1619)].7z
shamuc - Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing [1600].7z
shamud - Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing [1600].7z
shamue - Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing [1600].7z
shaoth - Shakespeare - Othello [1622].7z
shaoti - Shakespeare - Othello [1622].7z
shaotj - Shakespeare - Othello [1630].7z
shaotk - Shakespeare - Othello [1630].7z
shaotl - Shakespeare - Othello [1630].7z
shaotm - Shakespeare - Othello [1622].7z
shapea - Shakespeare - Pericles [1635].7z
shapeb - Shakespeare - Pericles [1630].7z
shapec - Shakespeare - Pericles [1630].7z
shaper - Shakespeare - Pericles [1630].7z
shapes - Shakespeare - Pericles [1611].7z
shapeu - Shakespeare - Henry VI [1619].7z
shapev - Shakespeare - Pericles [1635].7z
shapew - Shakespeare - Pericles [1609].7z
shapey - Shakespeare - Pericles [1630].7z
shapez - Shakespeare - Pericles [1619].7z
shapfa - Shakespeare - Pericles [1635].7z
shapfb - Shakespeare - Pericles [-1619].7z
shapfc - Shakespeare - Pericles [1619].7z
shapfd - Shakespeare - Pericles [1630].7z
shapfe - Shakespeare - Pericles [1635].7z
shapfg - Shakespeare - Pericles [1630].7z
shapms - Shakespeare - Poems [1640].7z
sharia - Shakespeare - Richard III [1634].7z
sharib - Shakespeare - Richard III [1605].7z
sharic - Shakespeare - Richard II [1597].7z
sharid - Shakespeare - Richard II [1598].7z
sharie - Shakespeare - Richard II [1608].7z
sharif - Shakespeare - Richard II [1615].7z
sharig - Shakespeare - Richard II [1634].7z
sharih - Shakespeare - Richard II [1634].7z
sharii - Shakespeare - Richard III [1597].7z
sharij - Shakespeare - Richard III [1598].7z
sharik - Shakespeare - Richard III [1598].7z
sharil - Shakespeare - Richard III [1602].7z
sharim - Shakespeare - Richard III [1605].7z
sharin - Shakespeare - Richard III [1629].7z
shario - Shakespeare - Richard III [1622].7z
sharip - Shakespeare - Richard III [1622].7z
shariq - Shakespeare - Richard III [1634].7z
sharir - Shakespeare - Richard III [1605, 1612].7z
sharis - Shakespeare - Richard III [1622].7z
sharit - Shakespeare - Richard III [1634].7z
shariu1 - Shakespeare - Richard II [1615].7z
shariu2 - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1613].7z
shariu3 - Shakespeare - Henry V [1600].7z
shariu4 - Shakespeare - Henry V [1608].7z
shariu5 - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [1600].7z
shariu6 - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [1600].7z
shariu7 - Shakespeare - Richard III [1612].7z
shariu - Shakespeare - Collections [1615].7z
shariv1 - Shakespeare - Richard II [1608].7z
shariv2 - Shakespeare - Henry IV -Part 1 [1604].7z
shariv3 - Shakespeare - Henry IV - Part 2 [1600].7z
shariv4 - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [1600].7z
shariv5 - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [1600].7z
shariv - Shakespeare - Collections [1598].7z
sharix - Shakespeare - Richard III [1629].7z
shariy - Shakespeare - Richard III [1629].7z
shariz - Shakespeare - Richard II [1634].7z
sharjb - Shakespeare - Richard II [1634].7z
sharjc - Shakespeare - Richard III [1634].7z
sharjd - Shakespeare - Richard II [1634].7z
sharje - Shakespeare - Richard III [1612].7z
sharjf - Shakespeare - Richard II [1615].7z
sharjg - Shakespeare - Richard II [1634].7z
sharji - Shakespeare - Richard III [1605].7z
sharjj - Shakespeare - Richard III [1634].7z
sharjk - Shakespeare - Richard III [1624].7z
sharjl - Shakespeare - Richard III [1622].7z
sharom - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1597].7z
sharoo - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1609].7z
sharop - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1752].7z
sharor - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1637].7z
sharot - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [-1622].7z
sharou - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1637].7z
sharow - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [].7z
sharoy - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1637].7z
sharoz - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1599].7z
shasha - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1622].7z
shashc - Shakespeare - Richard II [1615].7z
shashd - Shakespeare - Henry IV [1639].7z
shashe - Shakespeare - Richard III [1612].7z
shashf - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1637].7z
shasir - Shakespeare(attrib.) - Sir John Old-Castle [1619].7z
shason - Shakespeare - Sonnets [1609].7z
shatam - Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew [1631].7z
shatan - Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew [1631].7z
shatao - Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew [1631].7z
shatap - Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew [].7z
shataq - Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew [1631].7z
shatar - Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew [1631].7z
shathe - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1637].7z
shathf - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1600 -1619].7z
shathg - Shakespeare - The Rape of Lucrece [1632].7z
shathh - Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice [1637].7z
shatit - Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [1611].7z
shatiu - Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [1611].7z
shatiw - Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [1611].7z
shatiz - Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [1600].7z
shatro - Shakespeare - Troilus and Cressida [1609].7z
shatrp - Shakespeare - Troilus and Cressida [1609].7z
shatrq - Shakespeare - Troilus and Cressida [1609].7z
shatts - Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [1611].7z
shatwo - Shakespeare - Two Noble Kinsmen [1634].7z
shatwp - Shakespeare - Two Noble Kinsmen [1634].7z
shatwq - Shakespeare - Two Noble Kinsmen [1634].7z
shatwr - Shakespeare - Two Noble Kinsmen [1634].7z
shatws - Shakespeare - Two Noble Kinsmen [1634].7z
shatwt - Shakespeare - Two Noble Kinsmen [1634].7z
shatwu - Shakespeare - Two Noble Kinsmen [1634].7z
shaven1 - Shakespeare - Venus and Adonis [1596].7z
shaven2 - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1596].7z
shaven3 - Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet [1599].7z
shaven4 - Shakespeare - Richard III [1597].7z
shaven5 - Shakespeare - King Lear [].7z
shaven6 - Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus [1611].7z
shaven - Shakespeare - Collections [1608].7z
shayor - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [-1619].7z
shayos - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [1600].7z
shayot - Shakespeare - Yorke and Lancaster [1594].7z
shebot - Sheldrake - Botanicum Medicinale [1759].7z
shothe - Withy - [1781].7z
smahym - Smart - [1775].7z
smdsos - Schmied - Song of Songs [].7z
smimrm - Smith - The Book of Mormon [1830].7z
spathr - Carroll - Alice Through the Looking-Glass [1946].7z
strsyl - Strutt - Sylva Britannica [1826].7z
tarrac - Targioni-Tozzetti - Raccolta di Fiori Fruitti ed Agrumi [1825].7z
tenali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [].7z
tenthr - Carroll - Through the Looking-Glass [1891].7z
thedeh - Theophrastus - de Historia Plantarum [1483].7z
thedei - Theophrastus - de Historia Plantarum [1483].7z
ticprr - Rau - Pennsylvania Railroad Photographs [1890s].7z
trychf - Tory - Champ Fleury [1529].7z
tryhra - Unknown - Horae Beatae Mariae ad usum Romanum [1524].7z
tryrgs - Tory - Champ Fleury (Grolier Club Edition) [1927].7z
tsceds - Spenser - The Shepheardes Calender [1579].7z
turher - Turner - The first and seconde partes of the herbal. . . [1568].7z
unkthe - Unknown - Laborde Chansonnier [ca. 1470].7z
varcha - Various - Champ Fleury Extras [].7z
varmoz - Various - Mozart Letters [].7z
vinetu - Vincent - Etudes de Fleurs et de Fruits [1820].7z
virver - Vergil - Vergilius [1501].7z
vlshum - Vesalius - De Humani Corporis Fabrica [1543].7z
watdiv - Watts - [(n.d.)].7z
wilorn - Willughby - The ornithology [1678].7z
winali - Carroll - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the [1916].7z
wolvin - Wollstonecraft - Vindication of the Rights of Women [1792].7z
wtnyos - Whitney - The Yosemite Book [1868].7z
wycnts - Wyclif - The New Testament [1400-1450].7z
xpnrep - Xenophon - De republica Lacedaemoniorum [].7z
yossup - Snyder - Yosemite Supplemental Material [].7z
younig - Young - The Complaint, and the Consolation; or, Night Thou [1797].7z
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Данная раздача закрыта и будет перенесена в Корзину.Причина:раздачи архивированных файлов запрещены. К тому же нужно прикрепить торрент-файл, как это и положено. Чтобы можно было скачивать с трекера, а не неизвестно откуда...


Топик был перенесен из раздела Прочие библиотеки в раздел Корзина



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да, он самый.
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Топик был перенесен из раздела Корзина в раздел Жанровые и тематические подборки Художественной литературы (English)

Cap Flint

Cap Flint

regidrer писал(а):

Думаю, что на такие редкие и специфические раздачи, необходимо иметь какие-то исключения из правил.
Абсолютно верно. Мало того, большие по объёму архивы библиотек, зачастую раздаются именно в (простите за тавтологию) архивах.
Модератор по вполне понятным мотивам отреагировал на 7z файлы. Я раздачу скачал, убедился в её ценности и безопасности.

nikol00.67 писал(а):

К тому же нужно прикрепить торрент-файл, как это и положено.
С торрент-файлом всё нормально, раздача идет как положено.
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