
Various - Planet Stories: The Complete Fiction / Разные авторы - Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Planet Stories" [2020, EPUB, ENG]

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Planet Stories: The Complete Fiction

Название: Planet Stories: The Complete Fiction / Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Planet Stories"
Год выпуска: 2020
Издательство: Jerry eBooks
ISBN: отсутствует
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Planet Stories". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry.
"Planet Stories" - НФ журнал, издавался с 1939 по 1955 годы. Основное направление - приключения в космосе и на других планетах. Ориентирован, в основном, на юных читателей. Платили там меньше, чем в ведущих НФ журналах того времени, тем не менее там (иногда) публиковались такие авторы как Айзек Азимов, Клиффорд Саймак, Ли Брэкетт, Рэй Брэдбери, Филип Дик, Джеймс Блиш, Фредрик Браун, Генри Каттнер, Роберт Шекли, Пол Андерсон ...
The Golden Amazons of Venus - John Murray Reynolds
Expedition to Pluto - Fletcher Pratt and Laurence Manning
War-Lords of the Moon - Linton Davies
Cave-Dwellers of Saturn - John Wiggin
Goddess of the Moon - John Murray Reynolds
The Girl from Infinite Smallness - Ray Cummings
Martian Terror - Ed Earl Repp
The Tantalus Death - Ross Rocklynne
Revolt on the Earth-Star - Carl Selwyn
The Space Flame - Alexander M. Phillips
The Man Who Killed the World - Ray King
Dictator of Time - Nelson S. Bond
Space-Liner X-87 - Ray Cummings
Sphere of the Never-Dead - Sam Carson
The Forbidden Dream / Украденная мечта - Ross Rocklynne
Exiles of the Three Red Moons - Carl Selwyn
Star Pirate - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.
The Cosmic Juggernaut - John Russell Fearn
Asteroid H277—Plus - Harry Walton
The Dark Swordsmen of Saturn - Neil R. Jones
The Ultimate Salient - Nelson S. Bond
Quest on Io - Robert Moore Williams
Buccaneer of the Star Seas (= Quest of the Immortal) - Ed Earl Repp
Domain of Zero - Thornton Ayre
The Planet That Time Forgot - Donald A. Wollheim
Hermit of Saturn's Ring - Neil R. Jones
Venus Has Green Eyes - Carl Selwyn
Revolt in the Ice Empire - Ray Cummings
One Thousand Miles Below - Eando Binder
The Castaway - George Danzell
Atom of Death - Ross Rocklynne
Beyond Light - Nelson S. Bond
Exit from Asteroid 60 - D.L. James
Phantom of the Seven Stars - Ray Cummings
The Stellar Legion / Звездный Легион - Leigh Brackett
Twilight of the Tenth World - Thornton Ayre
The War-Nymphs of Venus - Ray Cummings
The Monster That Threatened the Universe - R.R. Winterbotham
Vampire of the Void - Neil R. Jones
Treasure of Triton - Charles A. Baker, Jr.
The Cosmic Derelict - John Russell Fearn
4½ B, Eros - Malcolm Jameson
Exiles of the Desert Star - Ross Rocklynne
Satellite of Fear - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.
Revolt on Io - Nelson S. Bond
Invaders of the Forbidden Moon - Raymond Z. Gallun
The Ballad of Blaster Bill - Nelson S. Bond
The Dragon-Queen of Jupiter (= The Dragon-Queen of Venus) / Королева драконов Венеры - Leigh Brackett
Sargasso of the Stars - Frederic A. Kummer, Jr.
Genesis! - R.R. Winterbotham
World of Mockery / Мир подражателей - Sam Moskowitz
Mutiny Aboard the “Terra” - Ross Rocklynne
Space-Wolf - Ray Cummings
Proktols of Neptune / Проктолы с Нептуна - Henry Hasse
Vassals of the Master World - Eando Binder
The Victory of Klon - Wilbur S. Peacock
The Star of Satan - Henry Hasse
Dead Man's Planet - R.R. Winterbotham
The Raiders of Saturn's Ring - Raymond Z. Gallun
South to Propontis - Henry Andrew Ackermann
Spawn of the Venus Sea - Harry Walton
“Shadrach” - Nelson S. Bond
The Lorelei Death - Nelson S. Bond
Queen of the Blue World - Basil Wells
Man of the Stars - Sam Moskowitz
A Planet for Your Thoughts - James Norman
Thief of Mars - Henry Hasse
The Mercurian - Frank Belknap Long
Espionage in Space - A. Connell
Zurk - Richard O. Lewis
Monster of the Asteroid - Ray Cummings
Black Friar of the Flame / Чёрные монахи пламени - Isaac Asimov
The Star-Mouse / Звёздная мышь - Fredric Brown
Gods of Space - Ray Cummings
The Ballad of Venus Nell - Nelson S. Bond
The Thing of Venus - Wilbur S. Peacock
Pied Piper of Mars - Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr.
The Last Martian - Raymond Van Houten
Child of the Sun - Leigh Brackett
Task to Lahri / Проблемы с лахри - Ross Rocklynne
The Cosmic Derelict - John Broome
Asteroid of the Damned - Dirk Wylie
The Star-Master - Ray Cummings
Out of This World - Henry Hasse
Captain Chaos - Nelson S. Bond
As It Was - Carlton Smith
Venus Enslaved - Manly Wade Wellman
War-Gods of the Void / Жестокие боги Венеры - Henry Kuttner
Quest of Thig - Basil Wells
Space Oasis - Raymond Z. Gallun
The Thought-Men of Mercury / Мыслители Меркурия - R.R. Winterbotham
Vampire Queen - Thornton Ayre
Prison Planet - Bob Tucker
Stellar Showboat - Malcolm Jameson
City of the Living Flame - Henry Hasse
Colossus of Chaos - Nelson S. Bond
Planet of No-Return - Wilbur S. Peacock
Spoilers of the Spaceways - Neil R. Jones
Doorway to Destruction - Garold S. Hatfield
Outpost on Io / Форпост на Ио - Leigh Brackett
Peril of the Blue World - Robert Abernathy
The Man from Siykul - Richard Wilson
Galactic Ghost - Walter Kubilius
Meteor-Men of Mars - Harry Cord and Otis Adelbert Kline
Cosmic Castaway - Carl Jacobi
The Sword of Johnny Damokles - Hugh Frazier Parker
Oridin's Formula - R.R. Winterbotham
Citadel of Lost Ships / Цитадель потерянных кораблей - Leigh Brackett
Star of Panadur - Albert dePina and Henry Hasse
The Flame Breathers - Ray Cummings
Trouble on Tycho - Nelson S. Bond
Slaves of the Ninth Moon - Ross Rocklynne
Alcatraz of the Starways - Albert dePina and Henry Hasse
The Sandhound / Песчаный Пёс - Ross Rocklynne
The Blue Behemoth / Голубое чудовище - Leigh Brackett
Stranger from Space - Hannes Bok
The Meteor Makers - Peter Hamilton
Grifters' Asteroid - H.L. Gold
Menace of the Mists - Richard Storey
Prey of the Space Falcon - Wilbur S. Peacock
Message from Mars / Послание с Марса - Clifford D. Simak
Mutiny in the Void / Мятеж в пустоте - Charles R. Tanner
Thralls of the Endless Night - Leigh Brackett
Assignment on Venus - Carl Jacobi
Revenge of the Vera - Henry Hasse
Phantom Out of Time - Nelson S. Bond
Crypt-City of the Deathless One / Город-склеп бессмертных - Henry Kuttner
Conspiracy on Callisto / Заговор губернатора - James McCreigh
Destination—Death - Wilbur S. Peacock
Black-Out - Joseph Farrell
Castaways of Eros - Nelson S. Bond
The Star Guardsman - Albert dePina
The Jewel of Bas / Драгоценность Баса - Leigh Brackett
The Avenger - Stuart Fleming
The Monster Maker / Творец чудовищ - Ray Bradbury
Saboteur of Space - Robert Abernathy
Quest's End - Basil Wells
Wanderers of the Wolf Moon - Nelson S. Bond
And the Gods Laughed / Богам на смех - Fredric Brown
Minions of the Crystal Sphere - Albert dePina
Terror Out of Space / Ужас из пространства - Leigh Brackett
Morgue Ship - Ray Bradbury
Mr. Meek—Musketeer / Мистер Мик — мушкетёр - Clifford D. Simak
Warrior of Two Worlds - Manly Wade Wellman
One Against the Stars - Vaseleos Garson
The Soul Eaters - William Conover
Men Without a World - Joseph Farrell
Doctor Universe - Carl Jacobi
The Eyes of Thar / Очи Тхара - Henry Kuttner
Mr. Meek Plays Polo / Мистер Мик играет в поло - Clifford D. Simak
The Citadel of Death - Carl Selwyn
Highwayman of the Void - Dirk Wylie
Mind Stealers of Pluto - Joseph Farrell
Doorway to Kal-Jmar - Stuart Fleming
Invader from Infinity - George A. Whittington
Keeper of the Deathless Sleep - Albert dePina
Chimera World - Wilbur S. Peacock
The Hairy Ones - Basil Wells
Colony of the Unfit - Manfred A. Carter
Lazarus Come Forth / Лазарь, восстань! - Ray Bradbury
Doublecross - James McCreigh
The Sandhound Strikes / Песчаный Пёс наносит новый удар - Ross Rocklynne
The Vanishing Venusians / Исчезновение венериан - Leigh Brackett
The Happy Castaway - Robert E. McDowell
The Silver Plague - Albert dePina
Double Trouble (= The Lady of Silver Cockatoos) - Carl Jacobi
Death Star - Tom Pace
Vandals of the Void - Robert Wilson
Joe Carson's Weapon - James R. Adams
Red Witch of Mercury / Рыжая Ведьма Меркурия - Emmett McDowell
Prodigal Weapon - Vaseleos Garson
Raiders of the Second Moon - Gene Ellerman
Spider Men of Gharr - Wilbur S. Peacock
Mists of Mars - George A. Whittington
Cosmic Yo-Yo - Ross Rocklynne
Coming of the Gods - Chester Whitehorn
Juggernaut of Space - Ray Cummings
Mutiny - Larry Offenbecker
The Last Monster - Gardner F. Fox
Beer-Trust Busters - A.R. Stuart
Battlefield in Black - George A. Whittington
The Bubble Dwellers / Обитатели пузырей - Ross Rocklynne
Formula for Conquest - James R. Adams
The Great Green Blight - Emmett McDowell
Steel Giants of Chaos - James R. Adams
The Diversifal - Ross Rocklynne
The Ultimate World - Bryce Walton
Passage to Planet X - Henry Hasse
Venusian Invader - Larry Sternig
ManNTH - Gardner F. Fox
Engines of the Gods - Gardner F. Fox
Survival - Basil Wells
Defense Mech / Защитный механизм - Ray Bradbury
What Hath Me? / Что овладело мной? - Henry Kuttner
Electron Eat Electron - Noel Loomis
Crisis on Titan - James R. Adams
The Blue Venus - Emmett McDowell
Lorelei of the Red Mist / Лорелея красной мглы - Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury
The Pumpkin Eater - Carlton Smith
Space-Lane of No-Return - George A. Whittington
Captives of the Weir-Wind - Ross Rocklynne
Prisoner of the Brain-Mistress - Bryce Walton
The Million Year Picnic (= The Long Weekend) / Каникулы на Марсе - Ray Bradbury
The Shadow-Gods - Vaseleos Garson
Dread-Flame of M'Tonak - Henry Hasse
Enter the Nebula - Carl Jacobi
The Derelict - W.J. Matthews
Total Recall - Larry Sternig
Through the Asteroids—to Hell! - Leroy Yerxa
Six Tuesdays - Ross Rocklynne
The Creatures That Time Forgot (= Frost and Fire) / Лёд и пламя - Ray Bradbury
The Man the Sun-Gods Made - Gardner F. Fox
Love Among the Robots - Emmett McDowell
Tepondicon / Тепондикон - Carl Jacobi
Space Bat - Carl Selwyn
Fog of the Forgotten - Basil Wells
Example - Tom Pace
Savage Galahad - Bryce Walton
Breath of Beelzebub - Larry Sternig
The Seven Jewels of Chamar - Raymond F. Jones
Beyond the Yellow Fog - Emmett McDowell
Distress Signal - Ross Rocklynne
Rocket Summer / Ракетное лето - Ray Bradbury
Planet of Creation - Chester S. Geier
Sword of the Seven Suns / Меч Семи Звёзд - Gardner F. Fox
Scrambled World - Basil Wells
Final Glory - Henry Hasse
Atavism - Erik Fennel
Princess of Chaos - Bryce Walton
Vassals of the Lode-Star / Вассалы Потерянной Звезды - Gardner F. Fox
Mo-Sanshon! - Bryce Walton
Moon of Danger - Albert dePina
The Venus Evil - Chester S. Geier
The Little Pets of Arkkhan - Vaseleos Garson
Quest on Phoebe - James R. Adams
The Martian Circe - Raymond F. Jones
Black Silence - Emmett McDowell
Crash Beam - John Barrett
Zero Hour / Урочный час - Ray Bradbury
Asteroid Justice - V.E. Thiessen
Against Tetrarch - A.A.O. Gilmour
Assignment in the Dawn - Bryce Walton
Test for the Pearl - Vaseleos Garson
Escape from Pluto - William Oberfield
Beneath the Red World's Crust - Erik Fennel
Girl of the Silver Sphere - J. Harvey Haggard
Black Priestess of Varda - Erik Fennel
Me, Myself, and I / Я, снова я и ещё раз я - Kenneth Putnam
Failure on Titan - Robert Abernathy
The Running of the Zar - Vaseleos Garson
Among the Scented Ones - Basil Wells
Earthbound - Henry Guth
Earth Is Missing! - Carl Selwyn
Duel in Black - John Foster West
The Outcasts of Solar III - Emmett McDowell
Mind Worms - Moses Schere
Jonah of the Jove-Run (= The Calculator) / Вычислитель - Ray Bradbury
Planet in Reverse - Henry Guth
Space-Trap at Banya Tor - W.J. Matthews
Confusion Cargo / Неприятности с грузом - Kenneth Putnam
Design for Doomsday - Bryce Walton
Z-Day on Centauri - Henry T. Simmons
The Third Little Green Man / Третий маленький зелёный человечек - Damon Knight
Pillar of Fire / Столп Огненный - Ray Bradbury
Murderer's Base - William Brittain
Day of Wrath - Bjarne Kirchhoff
In the Sphere of Time - J.W. Pelkie
Goma's Follicles - John and Dorothy de Courcy
Task of Tau - J. Harvey Haggard
Werwile of the Crystal Crypt - Gardner F. Fox
Citadel of the Green Death - Emmett McDowell
When Kohonnes Screamed - Gardner F. Fox
Mars is Heaven! (= The Third Expedition; Circumstantial Evidence; They Landed on Mars; Welcome, Brothers!; While Earthmen Sleep) / Третья экспедиция - Ray Bradbury
Preview of Peril - A. Bertram Chandler
Against the Stone Beasts - James Blish
Brooklyn Project / Бруклинский проект - William Tenn
Synthetic Hero - Erik Fennel
Valkyrie from the Void - Basil Wells
The Beast-Jewel of Mars / Звериная драгоценность Шанги - Leigh Brackett
Jinx Ship to the Rescue - Alfred Coppel
In His Image - Bryce Walton
Mutiny on Venus - A. Bertram Chandler
Asleep in Armageddon (= Perchance to Dream) / Уснувший в Армагеддоне - Ray Bradbury
The Death from Orion - W.J. Matthews
The Burnt Planet - William Brittain
The Little Monsters Come - Ray Cummings
Time Trap - Frank Belknap Long
Eternal Zemmd Must Die! - Henry Hasse
Runaway - Alfred Coppel
Moon of Madness - George Whitley
Dwellers in Silence (= The Long Years) / Долгие годы - Ray Bradbury
The Star Beast - Damon Knight
Lady Into Hell-Cat - Stanley Mullen
Animat - Basil Wells
Hostage of Tomorrow - Robert Abernathy
Queen of the Martian Catacombs - Leigh Brackett
The Madcap Metalloids - W.V. Athanas
S.O.S. Aphrodite! - Stanley Mullen
The Starbusters - Alfred Coppel, Jr.
Peril Orbit - C.J. Wedlake
Garden of Evil - Margaret St. Clair
Stalemate in Space - Charles L. Harness
Enchantress of Venus (= City of the Lost Ones) / Венерианское чародейство - Leigh Brackett
The Giants Return - Robert Abernathy
Ordeal in Space - Ralph Sloan
Captain Midas - Alfred Coppel
Signal Red - Henry Guth
The Wheel Is Death - Roger Dee
Action on Azura (= Contact, Incorporated) - Robertson Osborne
The Dead-Star Rover - Robert Abernathy
Tubemonkey - Jerome Bixby
Flight from Time - Alfred Coppel
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes - John and Dorothy de Courcy
The Green Dream - Bryce Walton
Let the Ants Try / Дать муравьям шанс - James McCreigh
Sword of Fire - Emmett McDowell
The Rocketeers Have Shaggy Ears - Keith Bennett
Forever and the Earth / О скитаньях вечных и о Земле - Ray Bradbury
The First Man on the Moon - Alfred Coppel
Madmen of Mars - Erik Fennel
Who Goes There? - Charles H. Davis
Flame-Jewel of the Ancients - Edwin L. Graber
Ultimatum - Roger Dee
Warrior Maid of Mars - Alfred Coppel
Flowering Evil - Margaret St. Clair
Death-by-Rain / Нескончаемый дождь - Ray Bradbury
The Enormous Word - William Oberfield
Collision Orbit - Clyde Beck
Alpha Say, Beta Do - Alfred E. Maxwell
Moon of Treason - Emmett McDowell
Suicide Command - Stanley Mullen
Unwelcome Tenant - Roger Dee
The Rebel of Valkyr - Alfred Coppel
Death-Wish (= The Blue Bottle) / Синяя бутылка - Ray Bradbury
The Crowded Colony / Чехарда - Jay B. Drexel
The Sky Is Falling / Небо рушится - C.H. Liddell
Meem - Margaret St. Clair
Star Ship / Звездолёт - Poul Anderson
Strange Exodus - Robert Abernathy
Patch - William Shedenhelm
Carry Me Home / Унеси меня домой - C.H. Liddell
Sidewinders from Sirius - Fox B. Holden
Cargo to Callisto / Сорванная доставка - Jay B. Drexel
Machine of Klamugra - Allen K. Lang
Final Mission - John D. MacDonald
Mitkey Rides Again / Второе путешествие Звёздной мыши - Fredric Brown
The Last Two Alive! - Alfred Coppel
Witch of the Demon Seas / Колдунья с Демонических морей - A.A. Craig
Tiger by the Tail / К тигру в клетку - Poul Anderson
Task to Luna - Alfred Coppel
Poison Planet - William Oberfield
Guest Expert - Allen K. Lang
Safety Margin - J.T. M'Intosh
Martian Nightmare - Bryce Walton
Duel on Syrtis / Дуэль на Марсе - Poul Anderson
The Star-Saint / Галактический святой - A.E. van Vogt
The Envoy, Her - H.B. Fyfe
Asteroid of Fear / Астероид страха - Raymond Z. Gallun
The Diversifal - Ross Rocklynne
Black Amazon of Mars - Leigh Brackett
Captives of the Thieve-Star - James H. Schmitz
Blind Play - Chan Davis
Out of the Dark Nebula - Milton L. Coe
Garrigan's Bems (= Cartoonist) / Карикатурист - Mack Reynolds and Fredric Brown
Lake of Fire / Озеро огня - Frank Belknap Long
The Bryd - Noel Loomis
Open Invitation - H.B. Fyfe
Dateline: Mars - Richard Wilson
Exile from Venus - E. Hoffmann Price
Slave Ship to Andrigo - Ross Rocklynne
Sign of Life - Dave Dryfoos
Monster / Чудовище - William Morrison
Venus Mission / Крушение на Венере - J.T. M'Intosh
The Timeless Ones / Вне времени - Frank Belknap Long
Temple of Han (= The God and the Temple Robber) / Бог и храмовый вор - Jack Vance
Mercy Flight - Mack Reynolds
Blackout in Cygni - James Blish
The Virgin of Valkarion / Дева из Валькариона - Poul Anderson
The Incubi of Parallel X / Инкубы из параллели Х - Theodore Sturgeon
Sanctuary, Oh Ulla! / Убежища, о Улла! - J.T. MacIntosh
The Inhabited Men - Margaret St. Clair
The Star-Fool - Gordon Dickson
Last Night Out - Lee Gregor
Tydore's Gift - Alfred Coppel
The Watchers - Roger Dee
Vengeance on Mars / Возмездие на Марсе - D.B. Lewis
Hospitality - J.W. Groves
Lord of a Thousand Suns (= Deux ex Machina) / Властелин тысячи солнц - Poul Anderson
Swordsman of Lost Terra / Мечник из Забытой Земли - Poul Anderson
Halftripper - Mack Reynolds
Palimpsest - Roger Dee
Grim Green World - John Starr
The Last Laugh - Bryce Walton
The Illusionaries / Создатели иллюзий - Eric Frank Russell
Wreck Off Triton - Alfred Coppel
The Conquistadors Come - Mary Elizabeth Counselman
The Pit of Nympthons - Stanley Mullen
Sargasso of Lost Starships - Poul Anderson
The Android Kill - John Jakes
A Fine Day for Dying - John Martin
The Vanderlark - M. St. Clair
Last Call - Bryce Walton
It - Hayden Howard
The Dancers - Wilton Hazzard
Calling World-4 of Kithgol! - H.B. Fyfe
Captive of the Centaurianess / Пленники центавриан - Poul Anderson
Ricochet on Miza - Gordon R. Dickson
Is That You Xeluchli? - Dick Hetschel
The Ambassadors from Venus - Kendell Foster Crossen
Return of a Legend - Raymond Z. Gallun
Tonight the Stars Revolt! - Gardner F. Fox
War-Maid of Mars - Poul Anderson
Criteria - Peter Phillips
The Bloodhounds of Zirth - Lloyd Palmer
The Reluctant Colonist - J.T. McIntosh
Spacemen Are Born - Bolling Branham
Doomsday 257 A.G.! - Bryce Walton
Venus Hate - John McGreevey
When the Spoilers Came / Когда начинаются неприятности - Robert Moore Williams
The Man Who Staked the Stars - Charles Dye
The Wealth of Echindul - Noel Loomis
One Purple Hope! - Henry Hasse
Acid Bath - Vaseleos Garson
Beyond Lies the Wub / Вкус Уаба - Philip K. Dick
Bride of the Dark One - Florence Verbell Brown
Frozen Hell - John Jakes
Master of the Moondog - Stanley Mullen
Evil Out of Onzar - Mark Ganes
Zero Data - Charles Saphro
The Gun / Пушка - Philip K. Dick
The Star Plunderer (= Collar of Iron) / Героическая личность - Poul Anderson
Thompson's Cat - Robert Moore Williams
Big Pill - Raymond Z. Gallun
The Slaves of Venus - Edwin James
The Conjurer of Venus - Conan T. Troy
The Rhizoid Kill - Jack Bradley
The Luminous Blonde - Hayden Howard
As It Was - Paul Lawrence Payne
A Planet Named Joe - S.A. Lombino
Captain Chaos - D. Allen Morrissey
Shannach—the Last / Шеннеч Последний - Leigh Brackett
Design for Great-Day (= The Ultimate Invader) / Непревзойденные миротворцы - Eric Frank Russell
The Imaginative Man - Bryan Berry
The Final Venusian - Bryan Berry
Groundling - Bryan Berry
War Drums of Mercury Lost - John W. Jakes
The Sun-Death - Stanley Whiteside
Oh Mesmerist from Mimas! - Roger Dee
The Warlock of Sharrador - Gardner F. Fox
Chicken Farm - Ross Rocklynne
Ricardo's Virus / Вирус Рикардо - William Tenn
Happy Rain Night - Dean Evans
Amour, Amour, Dear Planet! - Mark Clutter
What Inhabits Me? / Что поселилось во мне? - Robert Moore Williams
The Berserker - Charles V. De Vet
Temptress of Planet Delight - Betsy Curtis
Mars is Home - Bryan Berry
Give Back a World - Raymond Z. Gallun
The Infinites / Бесконечные - Philip K. Dick
Cosmic Castaway - Stanley Mullen
Eyes of the Double Moon - Joe L. Hensley
Last Run on Venus - James McKimmey, Jr.
Con-Fen - James R. Adams
Task of Kayin / Испытание Кейина - William Morrison
The Man the Worlds Rejected - Dickson Gordon
The Ethic of the Assassin - Hayden Howard
Spoilers of the Spaceways - W. Bradford Martin
Sales Talk - H.F. Cente
Where the Gods Decide - James McKimmey, Jr.
Gama is Thee! - Stanley Mullen
Bunzo Farewell - Charles V. De Vet
The Flight of the Eagle - Sol Galaxan
Miss Tweedham's Elogarsn - Robert Moore Williams
The Un-Reconstructed Woman - Hayden Howard
Preview of Peril - Alfred Coppel
Where Sex Met Space - J.W. Groves
Death Star - James McKimmey, Jr.
The Ark of Mars - Leigh Brackett
Highway J - Charles Eric Maine
The Golden Apples of the Sun / Золотые яблоки Солнца - Ray Bradbury
Slay-Ride - Winston K. Marks
The Prison of the Stars - Stanley Mullen
Password - J.W. Groves
Purple Forever - Jack Lewis
The Fatal Third / Роковой третий - Theodore L. Thomas
Beyond the X Ecliptic - Fox B. Holden
A Sound of Thunder / И грянул гром - Ray Bradbury
B-12's Moon Glow - Charles A. Stearns
The Woman-Stealers of Thrayx - Fox B. Holden
George Loves Gistla - James McKimmey, Jr.
The Crystal Crypt / Хрустальный склеп - Philip K. Dick
Feline Red - Robert Sampson
Narakan Rifles, About Face! - Jan Smith
Mars Minus Bisha / Марс минус Биша - Leigh Brackett
Solar Stiff - Chas. A. Stopher
Grandma Perkins and the Space Pirates - James McConnell
Sword of Tormain - Eric Storm
Mimsy's Joke - Millard Grimes
Morley's Weapon - D.W. Barefoot
The Purple Pariah - Byron Tustin
The Moon and the Sun - James McKimmey, Jr.
The Galactic Ghost - Mack Reynolds
The Toy - Bryan Berry
The Man the Tech-Men Made - Fox B. Holden
Sixty-Year Extension - Alan E. Nourse
James P. Crow / Джеймс П. Кроу - Philip K. Dick
Skeletons of Space - James McKimmey, Jr.
Land Beyond the Flame - Evelyn Goldstein
The Primus Curse - Bill Wesley
Hoydons Aweigh! - J.W. Groves
The Lost Tribes of Venus - Erik Fennel
Mary Anonymous - Bryce Walton
The Ogre Test / Тест для варвара - Robert Sheckley
The Last Monster - James McKimmey, Jr.
Color Blind - Charles A. Stearns
The Ambassadors of Flesh (= Warriors from Nowhere) / Воины ниоткуда - Poul Anderson
Dawn of the Demigods - Raymond Z. Gallun
The Geisha Memory - Winston Marks
Jupiter's Joke - A.L. Haley
Down Went McGinty - Fox B. Holden
“Phone Me in Central Park” - James McConnell
Hex on Hax / Подарок для диктатора - Robert Sheckley
The Violators - Eando Binder
The Pluto Lamp - Charles A. Stearns
The Time-Techs of Kra - Max C. Sheridan
Teleportress of Alpha C - Leigh Brackett
The Grave of Solon Regh - Charles A. Stearns
Bottom is Up - Raymond E. Banks
The Recluse - Mike Curry
Life of a Salesman - Fred Freair
The Ultimate Eve - H. Sanford Effron
The Vanisher - Michael Shaara
Cage of a Thousand Wings - Algis Budrys
The Beast-Jewel of Mars - V.E. Thiessen
Hagerty's Enzymes - A.L. Haley
Mirage for Planet X - Stanley Mullen
The Space Between - Robert Ernest Gilbert
The Brain Sinner - Alan E. Nourse
Out of the Iron Womb! (= Holmgang) / Хольмганг - Poul Anderson
Once a Starman - Joe L. Hensley
Image of Splendor - Lu Kella
The Brides of Ool - M.A. Cummings
Dust Unto Dust - Lyman D. Hinckley
Alien Equivalent - Richard R. Smith
Last Call from Sector 9G - Leigh Brackett

Philip K. Dick

The slovenly wub might well have said: Many men talk like philosophers and live like fools.

THEY had almost finished with the loading. Outside stood the Optus, his arms folded, his face sunk in gloom. Captain Franco walked leisurely down the gangplank, grinning.
“What’s the matter?” he said. “You’re getting paid for all this.”
The Optus said nothing. He turned away, collecting his robes. The Captain put his boot on the hem of the robe.
“Just a minute. Don’t go off. I’m not finished.”
“Oh?” The Optus turned with dignity. “I am going back to the village.” He looked toward the animals and birds being driven up the gangplank into the spaceship. “I must organize new hunts.”
Franco lit a cigarette. “Why not? You people can go out into the veldt and track it all down again. But when we run out halfway between Mars and Earth—”
The Optus went off, wordless. Franco joined the first mate at the bottom of the gangplank.
“How’s it coming?” he said. He looked at his watch. “We got a good bargain here.”
The mate glanced at him sourly. “How do you explain that?”
“What’s the matter with you? We need it more than they do.”
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