
Various - Laser Books Series / Разные авторы - Серия "Laser Books" (58 книг) [1975-1977, EPUB, ENG]

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Название: Laser Books Series / Серия "Laser Books"
Год выпуска: 2004-2021
Издательство: Laser Books (Harlequin Enterprises)
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Laser Books - серия НФ книг в мягком переплете, издававшихся в 1975-77 годах канадским издательством Harlequin Books, специализирующимся на любовно-приключенческих и "дамских" романах. Издательство попыталось сделать нечто подобное своим сериям, но в жанре НФ.
Новые книги выходили трижды в месяц и были доступны в магазинах и по подписке. Обложки для книг серии делал художник Kelly Freas - лауреат премии Хьюго. Среди авторов, публиковавшихся в серии - Jerry Pournelle, Dean Koontz, Piers Anthony, Tim Powers и другие, менее известные писатели.
Книги проходили весьма жесткую процедуру редактирования: размер ограничивался до 50 000 - 60 000 слов; исключалось все, похожее на богохульство; исключались "неприличные" выражения и прямое описание секса (при этом любовные сцены, прямо предполагавшие секс - допускались). Редактирование нередко производилось вопреки желаниям авторов. Тим Пауэрс сказал, что его книга Epitaph in Rust была искалечена редакторами. Книгу Пирса Антони "отредактировали" без извещения автора и добавили ему соавтора.
В феврале 1977 года выпуск серии был прекращен по коммерческим причинам.
При всех своих недостатках серия Laser Books весьма помогла немалому числу начинающих авторов и основательно расширила рынок коротких (50 000 - 60 000 слов) НФ романов.
После прекращения выхода серии права на все книги были возвращены авторам. Издательство не потребовало назад деньги, выплаченные за принятые к публикации, но не вышедшие романы.
Многие книги серии были позднее изданы в полной авторской версии издательствами Ace и Tor.

Книга Seeds of Change (имеющая здесь номер 0) традиционно включается в состав серии, хотя и не имеет в ней номера. Она была разослана книготорговцам для ознакомления с намечающейся к выходу серией, была разослана подписчикам серии, раздавалась на НФ конвентах в 1975 году, но не была в продаже в магазинах.
00 Seeds of Change by Thomas F. Monteleone 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-889-50900-X
01 Renegades of Time by Raymond F. Jones 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72001-7
02 Herds by Stephen Goldin 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72002-5
03 Crash Landing on Iduna by Arthur Tofte 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72003-3
04 Gates of the Universe by Robert Coulson & Gene DeWeese 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72004-1
05 Walls Within Walls by Arthur Tofte 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72005-X
06 Serving in Time by Gordon Eklund 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72006-8
07 Seeklight by K. W. Jeter 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72007-6
08 Caravan by Stephen Goldin 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72008-4
09 Invasion by Dean R. Koontz (as by Aaron Wolfe) 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72009-2
10 Falling Toward Forever by Gordon Eklund 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72010-6
11 Unto the Last Generation by Juanita Coulson 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72011-4
12 The King of Eolim by Raymond F. Jones 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72012-2
13 Blake's Progress by R. F. Nelson 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72013-0
14 Birthright by Kathleen Sky 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72014-9
15 The Star Web by George Zebrowski 1975, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72015-7
16 Kane's Odyssey by Jack M. Bickham (as by Jeff Clinton) 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72016-5
17 The Black Roads by J. L. Hensley 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72017-3
18 Legacy by J. F. Bone 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72018-1
19 The Unknown Shore by Donald Malcolm 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72019-X
20 Space Trap by Juanita Coulson 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72020-3
21 A Law for the Stars by John Morressy 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72021-1
22 Keeper by Joan Hunter Holly 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72022-X
23 Birth of Fire by Jerry Pournelle 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72023-8
24 Ruler of the World by J. T. McIntosh 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72024-6
25 Scavenger Hunt by Stephen Goldin 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72025-4
26 To Renew the Ages by Robert Coulson 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72026-2
27 The Horde by Joseph Green 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72027-0
28 The Skies Discrowned / Низвергнутые небеса by Tim Powers (as by Timothy Powers) 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72028-9
29 The Iron Rain by Donald Malcolm 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72029-7
30 The Seeker by David Bischoff & Chris Lampton 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72030-0
31 The Galactic Invaders by James R. Berry 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72031-9
32 Then Beggars Could Ride by R. F. Nelson 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72032-7
33 The Dreamfields / Сонное царство by K. W. Jeter 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72033-5
34 Seas of Ernathe by Jeffrey Carver 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72034-3
35 I, Aleppo by Jerry Sohl 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72035-1
36 Jeremy Case by Gene DeWeese 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72036-X
37 The Meddlers by J. F. Bone 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72037-8
38 Ice Prison by Kathleen Sky 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72038-6
39 Brandyjack by Augustine Funnell 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72039-4
40 Master of the Stars by Robert Hoskins 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72040-8
41 Future Sanctuary by Lee Harding 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72041-6
42 Cross of Empire by Christopher Lampton 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72042-4
43 Spawn by Donald F. Glut 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72043-2
44 But What of Earth? by Piers Anthony & Robert Coulson 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72044-0
45 Finish Line by Stephen Goldin 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72045-9
46 Dance of the Apocalypse by Gordon Eklund 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72046-7
47 Epitaph in Rust / Эпитафия ржавчиной by Tim Powers (as by Timothy Powers) 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72047-5
48 Rebels of Merka by Augustine Funnell 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72048-3
49 Tiger in the Stars by Zack Hughes 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72049-1
50 West of Honor by Jerry Pournelle 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72050-5
51 Mindwipe! by Stephen Robinett (as by Steve Hahn) 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72051-3
52 The Extraterritorial by John Morressy 1977, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72052-1
53 The Ecolog by R. Faraday Nelson 1977, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72053-X
54 The River and the Dream by Raymond F. Jones 1977, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72054-8
55 Shepherd by Joan Hunter Holly 1977, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72055-6
56 Gift of the Manti by J. F. Bone & Roy Myers 1977, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72056-4
57 Shadow on the Stars by Robert B. Marcus Jr. 1977, epub, ISBN: 0-373-72057-2

Lying cautiously prone on his belly, Jan Jeroux raised his chin a few inches off the stiff blanket of dry grass, then edged carefully forward on his elbows until he reached a place where the hill sloped gradually away. From here he could easily make out the wide corn field which lay directly below. Squinting against the sun, he shifted his head to see between the high stalks and counted seven, eight—no, nine figures moving between the rows. Nine, yes, and with himself that made ten. Grunting in satisfaction, he then began edging backward. If they were all down there, it meant they had given up looking for him. Just as well. The whole thing made him mad. What made them think he should be down there, too? He didn’t even like to eat corn, why should he have to go and pick it?
He made his way back to the safety of a giant willow tree and slipped beneath its drooping branches. It was dark under here, and hot. He picked up the book he had been reading and laid it open on his lap, but he was still too mad to resume reading. When a person was just growing up and learning about the world in which he lived, how could anyone demand he waste his precious time wallowing in the dirt, planting and picking corn? Wasn’t it boldly proclaimed right in the preamble to the Homestead Constitution that this was a free world? And didn’t that therefore indicate that he, Jan Jeroux, was a free man? So what was so terribly wrong if he chose to act like one?
The question seemed to satisfy him as much as any conceivable answer, so he rolled on his side and tried to read. The hot summer sun penetrated the unmoving branches of the willow and beat against his bare back and shoulders.
. . .

2064 A.D.
The sun was orange red and too bright, and the gravity was too low, but Kathryn Malcolm didn’t know that. She had lived all of her 16 years on Arrarat, and although her grandfather talked a lot about Earth, humanity’s home was not a real place to her. Earth was a place of machines and concrete roads and automobiles and great cities, where people lived crowded together far from the land. When she thought about it, Earth seemed an ugly place, not fit for people to live on.
Kathryn wondered how it smelled. Certainly it would be different from Arrarat. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with the smell of newly turned, black, rich soil. Arrarat’s soil was good. It felt right beneath her feet. Dark and crumbly, moist enough to take hold of the seeds and nurture them, but not wet and full of clods: perfect for the late-season crop she was planting.
Kathryn walked steadily behind the plow. She used a long whip to guide the oxen, flicking it to the side of the leaders, but never hitting them. There was no reason to hit them. Horace and Star knew what she wanted. The whip guided them in the precise path that would plow the field in a spiral out from the center. The plow turned the soil inward so that the center of the field would be slightly higher than the edges. That helped drain the fields and made it easier to harvest two crops every year.
. . .
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