
[английский] Various - Infinity Science Fiction: The Complete Fiction / Разные авторы - Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Infinity Science Fiction" [2021, EPUB, ENG]

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Infinity Science Fiction: The Complete Fiction

Название: Infinity Science Fiction: The Complete Fiction / Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Infinity Science Fiction"
Год выпуска: 2021
Издательство: Jerry eBooks
ISBN: отсутствует
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Infinity Science Fiction". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry.
"Infinity Science Fiction" - НФ журнал, издавался с 1955 по 1958 год.
Среди авторов: William Tenn, Arthur C. Clarke, L. Sprague de Camp, Damon Knight, Frederik Pohl, Robert Sheckley, Isaac Asimov, Robert Silverberg, James Blish, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, Clifford D. Simak, Brian W. Aldiss ...
The Sickness / Недуг - William Tenn
Kid Stuff - Winston Marks
Have Tux—Will Travel - Robert Bloch
King of the Hill / Король на горе - James Blish
Phantom Duel - Ford McCormack
The First - Edward W. Ludwig
The Sirens of Space - Dave Jenrette
Placebo - David Mason
The Star / Звезда - Arthur C. Clarke
The Best of Fences - Randall Garrett
Traumerei - Charles Beaumont
Internal Combustion - L. Sprague de Camp
Glow Worm / Светлячок - Harlan Ellison
The Futile Flight of John Arthur Benn - Edward Halibut (Richard Wilson)
Course of Empire - Richard Wilson
Quarry - Kenneth Bulmer
The Murky Way - Dean A. Grennell
A Likely Story - Damon Knight
The Engineer / Инженер - Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth
The Guests of Chance - Charles Beaumont & Chad Oliver
The Stilled Patter / Пустослов - James E. Gunn
Under the Skin - Leslie Perri
Death in Transit - Jerry Sohl
Variety Agent - Peter Phillips
Sponge Dive - James Blish
Rebuttal - Betsy Curtis
Round-Up Time - Chester Cohen
The Use of Geometry in the Modern Novel - Norman J. Clarke
The Mob / Толпа - Robert Sheckley
The Big Fix - Richard Wilson
Someday / Когда-нибудь - Isaac Asimov
The Beach Where Time Began (= Extempore) / Наобум - Damon Knight
The World in the Jukebox - Edward Wellen
The Fool - David Mason
Stroke of Genius - Randall Garrett
Trojan Hearse - Harlan Ellison
The Wingless Rooster - Charles Burbee
The Final Challenge / Последняя проблема - Robert Silverberg
Lower Than Angels - Algis Budrys
A Message from Our Sponsor - Henry Slesar
The Silver Corridor / Серебряный коридор - Harlan Ellison
The Man Who Liked Lions - John Bernard Daley
Hopper / Прыгун - Robert Silverberg
My Brother on the Highway - John Jakes
The Indigestible Invaders - Damon Knight
My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon - Milton Lesser
Detour to the Stars - James Blish
Jokester / Остряк - Isaac Asimov
The Superstition-Seeders - Edward Wellen
Live with Monsters - Eric Needham
Underground Movement - Allen K. Lang
The Sons of Japheth - Richard Wilson
Hunt the Hog of Joe - Robert Ernest Gilbert
The Engrammar Age - Edward Wellen
Utter Silence - Edward Wellen
Let's Get Together / Давайте объединимся - Isaac Asimov
Breaking Point - Arthur H. Rapp
Three-Cornered Knife - Kenneth Bulmer
The Guest Rites / Гостевые обряды - Robert Silverberg
Alone at Last / Наконец-то один - Robert Sheckley
Deeper Than the Darkness / Самой тьмы мрачнее - Harlan Ellison
The Case of the Snoring Heir (= Sleeping Beauty) / Спящий красавец - Arthur C. Clarke
The Eyes of Silence / Глаза молчания - E.C. Tubb
Friends and Enemies - Fritz Leiber
The Noon's Repose - John Christopher
The Martian Shore - Charles L. Fontenay
The Gently Orbiting Blonde - John Victor Peterson
Deny the Slake - Richard Wilson
The Band Played On - Lester del Rey
The Night of No Moon - H.B. Fyfe
Pilgrims' Project / Проект «Пилигрим» - Robert F. Young
Blank! / Пустота! - Isaac Asimov
Blank? - Randall Garrett
Blank ... - Harlan Ellison
Cycle - P.H. Economou
Age of Anxiety / Беспокойный возраст - Robert Silverberg
The Burning World / Пылающий мир - Algis Budrys
The Show Must Go On - Henry Slesar
The Men Return / Возвращение людей - Jack Vance
Sweet Dreams - Edward Wellen
Rockabye, Grady - David Mason
Even Stephen - Charles A. Stearns
The Other Side of the Sky / По ту сторону неба - Arthur C. Clarke
1 Special Delivery / Специальный груз
2 Feathered Friend / Пернатый друг
3 Take a Deep Breath / Сделайте глубокий вдох
Earth Transit - Charles L. Fontenay
Dio (= The Dying Man) - Damon Knight
Wonderbird / Чудо-птица - Harlan Ellison & Algis Budrys
Deadline - Walter L. Kleine
The Courts of Jamshyd / Дворы Джамшида - Robert F. Young
Survival Factor - Charles V. De Vet
The Last Man Left in the Bar / Последний человек в баре - C.M. Kornbluth
Welcome Home - Dean McLaughlin
Dr. Vickers' Car - Edward Wellen
Death Scene / Место смерти - Clifford D. Simak
The Other Side of the Sky - Arthur C. Clarke
4 Freedom of Space / Космическая свобода
5 Passer By / Случайная встреча
6 The Call of the Stars / Зов звёзд
The Enemy - Richard Wilson
To Make a Hero - Randall Garrett
Second Census - John Victor Peterson
The General and the Axe - Gordon R. Dickson
Nor Iron Bars - James Blish
One-Way Journey / Дорога в один конец - Robert Silverberg
The Skirmisher - Algis Budrys
The Railhead at Kysyl Khoto - Allen K. Lang
Reflections on Falling Over Backwards in a Swivel Chair - Carlton J. Fassbinder (T. Bruce Yerke)
The Long Question - David Mason
Formula for Murder - Lee Gregor (Milton A. Rothman)
And Then the Town Took Off (First of Two Parts) - Richard Wilson
Lenny / Ленни - Isaac Asimov
Beyond Our Control - Randall Garrett
The Statistomat Pitch - Chan Davis
Outside Saturn - Robert Ernest Gilbert
The Overlord's Thumb / Рукою владыки - Robert Silverberg
Never Meet Again / Теперь не встретимся вовек - Algis Budrys
The Leaf / Осенний лист - Robert F. Young
Accept No Substitutes / И никаких суррогатов - Robert Sheckley
Note for a Time Capsule - Edward Wellen
And Then the Town Took Off (Conclusion) - Richard Wilson
Leg. Forst. / Коллекционер - Clifford D. Simak
The Beast of Boredom - Richard R. Smith
Wings of the Phoenix - John Bernard Daley
Slice of Life / Частичка жизни - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
A Pound of Prevention - G.C. Edmondson
West o' Mars - Charles L. Fontenay
Recalled to Life (Part 1) - Robert Silverberg
But Who Can Replace a Man? / Кто может заменить человека? - Brian W. Aldiss
The High Ones / Высокие - Poul Anderson
Pangborn's Paradox - David Mason
Poetry Leaflet - Gregg Calkins
The Way Out - Richard R. Smith
Recalled to Life (Part 2) - Robert Silverberg
Beauty Interrupted - Charles L. Fontenay
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep / И веки смежит мне усталость - William F. Nolan
Respectfully Mine - Randall Garrett
Signed, Sealed and Delivered - Dean A. Grennell
The Silent Invaders / Тихие захватчики - Calvin M. Knox (Robert Silverberg)
Words and Music - A. Bertram Chandler
Between the Dark and the Daylight - David C. Hodgkins (Algis Budrys)
The Man Who Wouldn't Sign Up - Tom Purdom
Fairyland Planet - John Silletto
Infiltration - Algis Budrys
Spacerogue / Космический бродяга - Webber Martin (Robert Silverberg)
Burden the Hand - Randall Garrett
Ozymandias / Озимандия - Ivar Jorgenson (Robert Silverberg)
Planet of Ill Repute - A. Bertram Chandler
There Was an Old Woman— / Жила-была старая женщина - Robert Silverberg
Go to Sleep, My Darling - Winston K. Marks
The Oddly Elusive Brunette - John Victor Peterson

Robert F. Young

Even his present desperate situation couldn’t spoil his memories of other days in the woods: like the lovely, lazy day he shot eleven squirrels ...

HE COULD REMEMBER the afternoon as if it were yesterday. It wasn’t, of course—actually it had been several years back. It had been around the middle of autumn, about the time when the last incarnadine leaves were making their fluttering journeys earthward. He had taken his .22 and gone into the woods where the hickory trees were, and he had settled himself comfortably against the shaggy trunk of one of the hickories, the .22 balanced across his sprawled knees. Then he had waited.
The first red squirrel had come out on one of the high limbs and posed there. That was the word all right—posed. It had sat there on its haunches with utter immobility almost as if it had been painted on canvas against a background of leafless naked branches and milk-blue sky.
He had raised the .22 lazily and sighted along the slender barrel. There was no hurry. There was all the time in the world. He didn’t squeeze the trigger until he had a perfect right-between-the-eyes bead, then he squeezed it ever so lightly. There was the sharp sound of the report, and then the small body falling swiftly, bouncing and glancing off limbs, tumbling over and over, making a rustling thump in the dry leaves at the tree’s base.
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