
Various - Hugo Award: Novellas And Novelettes Vol. 1-3 / Разные авторы - Премия Хьюго: повести, тома 1-3 [2020, EPUB, ENG]

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Hugo Awards: Novellas And Novelettes Vol.1-3

Название: Hugo Awards: Novellas And Novelettes Vol.1-3 / Премия Хьюго: повести, тома 1-3
Год выпуска: 2020
Под редакцией: Jerry
Издательство: Jerry eBooks
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Антология состоит из произведений - победителей и номинантов премии Хьюго в категориях "повесть" и "короткая повесть". Годы: 1939-2018.
Составитель (Jerry) время от времени выпускает новые версии, добавляя произведения очередных победителей и номинантов.
Эта версия пока последняя из доступных, при появлении новых версий релиз будет обновляться.
Who Goes There? / Кто ты? John W. Campbell
Rule 18 / Правило 18 Clifford D. Simak
Anthem / Гимн Ayn Rand
Sleepers of Mars / Спящие Марса John Wyndham
The Time Trap / Ловушка времени Henry Kuttner
A Matter of Form / Вопрос формы H.L. Gold
Dead Knowledge John W. Campbell
Hollywood on the Moon / Лунный Голливуд Henry Kuttner
Pigeons from Hell / Голуби из ада Robert E. Howard
Werewoman / Волчица C.L. Moore
“If This Goes On—” / Если это будет продолжаться... (Part One) Robert A. Heinlein
“If This Goes On—” (Conclusion) Robert A. Heinlein
The Roads Must Roll / Дороги должны катиться Robert A. Heinlein
The Roaring Trumpet / Ревущая труба L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
Coventry / Ковентри Robert A. Heinlein
The Mathematics of Magic / Математика волшебства L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt
The Devil Makes the Law (= Magic, Inc.) / Магия, Inc. Robert A. Heinlein
It / Оно Theodore Sturgeon
Vault of the Beast / Усыпальница зверя A.E. Van Vogt
Blowups Happen / Взрыв всегда возможен Robert A. Heinlein
Farewell to the Master / Farewell To The Master Harry Bates
Waldo / Уолдо Robert A. Heinlein
Foundation (= The Encyclopedists) / Энциклопедисты Isaac Asimov
The Compleat Werewolf / Настоящий вервольф Anthony Boucher
Asylum / Жизненная сила A.E. van Vogt
Hell is Forever / Ад — это вечность Alfred Bester
Nerves / Нервы Lester del Rey
The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag / Неприятная профессия Джонатана Хога Robert A. Heinlein
The Star Mouse / Звёздная мышь Fredric Brown
There Shall Be Darkness / Грядёт тьма C.L. Moore
Goldfish Bowl / Аквариум с золотыми рыбками Robert A. Heinlein
Bridle and Saddle (= The Mayors) / Мэры Isaac Asimov
The Weapon Shop / Оружейная лавка A.E. van Vogt
Animal Farm / Скотный двор George Orwell
First Contact / Первый контакт Murray Leinster
I Remember Lemuria Richard S. Shaver
Dead Hand (= The General) Isaac Asimov
Giant Killer / Убийца Великанов A. Bertram Chandler
The Mixed Men A.E. van Vogt
Pi in the Sky / Звёздная карусель Fredric Brown
The Piper's Son / Сын несущего расходы Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore
Into Thy Hands / В руки твои Lester del Rey
The Man Who Sold the Moon / Человек, который продал Луну Robert A. Heinlein
The Little Black Bag / Чёрный чемоданчик C.M. Kornbluth
The Dreaming Jewels / Малыш и кристаллы Theodore Sturgeon
To the Stars (= Return to Tomorrow) (First of Two Parts) L. Ron Hubbard
To the Stars (= Return to Tomorrow) (Conclusion) L. Ron Hubbard
Last Enemy H. Beam Piper
... And Now You Don't (= The Search by the Foundation) (Part I) Isaac Asimov
... And Now You Don't (= The Search by the Foundation) (Second of Three Parts) Isaac Asimov
... And Now You Don't (= The Search by the Foundation) (Conclusion) Isaac Asimov
Scanners Live in Vain / Сканнеры живут напрасно Cordwainer Smith
Okie James Blish
The Helping Hand / Рука помощи Poul Anderson
Dear Devil / Милый дьявол Eric Frank Russell
A Case of Conscience / Аргументы совести James Blish
Earthman Come Home / Землянин, вернись домой James Blish
The Un-Man / Ооновец Poul Anderson
The Rose Charles L. Harness
... and my fear is great ... Theodore Sturgeon
Three Hearts and Three Lions / Три сердца и три льва (First of Two Parts) Poul Anderson
Three Hearts and Three Lions (Second of Two Parts) Poul Anderson
Second Variety / Вторая модель Philip K. Dick
Sam Hall / Сэм Холл Poul Anderson
The Wall Around the World / Стена вокруг мира Theodore R. Cogswell
The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson
The Darfsteller / Дарстеллер Walter M. Miller, Jr.
Exploration Team / Исследовательский отряд Murray Leinster
The End of Summer Algis Budrys
Home, There's No Returning / Обратной дороги нет Henry Kuttner and C.L. Moore
Who? Theodore Sturgeon
Brightside Crossing / Через Солнечную сторону Alan Nourse
A Gun for Dinosaur / С ружьём на динозавра L. Sprague de Camp
The Assistant Self / Заместитель F.L. Wallace
Legwork / Будничная работа Eric Frank Russell
The Big Time / Необъятное время (Beginning a 2-part serial) Fritz Leiber
The Big Time (Concluding a 2-part serial) Fritz Leiber
The Big Front Yard / Необъятный двор Clifford D. Simak
Unwillingly to School Pauline Ashwell
Second Game Katherine MacLean and Charles V. De Vet
A Deskful of Girls / Стол, полный девчонок Fritz Leiber
Captivity Zenna Henderson
Reap the Dark Tide (= Shark Ship) / Корабль-акула C.M. Kornbluth
The Miracle Workers / Творцы миражей Jack Vance
Rat in the Skull Rog Phillips
The Last Castle / Последний замок Jack Vance
Apology to Inky Robert M. Green, Jr.
An Ornament to His Profession Charles L. Harness
For a Breath I Tarry / Жизнь, которую я ждал Roger Zelazny
The Alchemist Charles L. Harness
Call Him Lord / Зовите его "господин" Gordon R. Dickson
The Eskimo Invasion Hayden Howard
This Moment of the Storm / Момент бури Roger Zelazny
The Manor of Roses Thomas Burnett Swann
Riders of the Purple Wage / Пассажиры с пурпурной карточкой Philip José Farmer
Gonna Roll the Bones / Побросаю-ка я кости Fritz Leiber
The Star Pit / Хомо Аструм Samuel R. Delany
Hawksbill Station Robert Silverberg
Weyr Search / Поиск Вейра Anne McCaffrey
Damnation Alley / Долина проклятий Roger Zelazny
Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes / Красотка Мэгги деньгоочи Harlan Ellison
Wizard's World / Мир чародеев Andre Norton
Faith of Our Fathers / Вера отцов наших Philip K. Dick
Nightwings / Ночные крылья Robert Silverberg
The Sharing of Flesh / Возмездие Эвелит Poul Anderson
Dragonrider / Оседлавший дракона (First of Two Parts) Anne McCaffrey
Dragonrider (Conclusion) Anne McCaffrey
Lines of Power (= We, in Some Strange Power’s Employ, Move on a Rigorous Line) / Темнота и крик. Её крик Samuel R. Delany
Hawk Among the Sparrows / Ястреб среди воробьёв Dean McLaughlin
Total Environment Brian W. Aldiss
Mother to the World Richard Wilson
Getting Through University Piers Anthony
Ship of Shadows / Корабль призраков Fritz Leiber
A Boy and His Dog / Парень и его пёс Harlan Ellison
Dramatic Mission Anne McCaffrey
To Jorselm Robert Silverberg
We All Die Naked James Blish
Ill Met in Lankhmar / Радушие по-Ланкмарски Fritz Leiber
The Region Between Harlan Ellison
The Thing in the Stone / Кто там, в толще скал? Clifford D. Simak
Beastchild Dean R. Koontz
The World Outside Robert Silverberg
The Queen of Air and Darkness / Царица ветров и тьмы Poul Anderson
A Special Kind of Morning / Чудный рассвет Gardner R. Dozois
Dead Empire John Brunner
The Fourth Profession / Четвёртая профессия Larry Niven
A Meeting with Medusa / Встреча с медузой Arthur C. Clarke
The Word for World is Forest / Слово для «леса» и «мира» одно Ursula K. Le Guin
Goat Song / Певец Poul Anderson
The Fifth Head of Cerebus / Пятая голова Цербера Gene Wolfe
The Gold at Starbow's End Frederik Pohl
Hero / Герой Joe Haldeman
The Mercenary Jerry Pournelle
Patron of the Arts William Rotsler
A Kingdom By the Sea Gardner R. Dozois
Painwise / Специалист по боли James Tiptree, Jr.
Basilisk / Василиск Harlan Ellison
The Girl Who was Plugged In / Девушка, которую подключили James Tiptree, Jr.
The Deathbird / Птица смерти Harlan Ellison
Death and Designtion Among the Asadi Michael Bishop
The White Otters of Childhood Michael Bishop
Chains of the Sea Gardner Dozois
The Death of Doctor Island / Смерть доктора Острова Gene Wolfe
He Fell into a Dark Hole Jerry Pournelle
The City on the Sand / Город на песке George Alec Effinger
Love is the Plan the Plan is Death / Любовь есть Замысел, а Замысел есть Смерть James Tiptree, Jr.
Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand Vonda N. McIntyre
The Song of Lya / Песнь о Лии George R.R. Martin
Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans / Дрейфуя у островков Лангерганса: 38°54' северной широты, 77°00'13'' западной долготы Harlan Ellison
Riding the Torch Norman Spinrad
Assault on a City (= The Insufferable Red-headed Daughter of Commander Tynnott, O.T.E.) / Несносная рыжая дочь командора Тиннота, О.З.И. Jack Vance
Born with the Dead / Рождённый с мертвецами Robert Silverberg
Strangers Gardner Dozois
Thou Art Mindful of Him / «...Яко помниши его» Isaac Asimov
A Brother to Dragons, A Companion of Owls Kate Wilhelm
Extreme Prejudice Jerry Pournelle
Midnight By the Morphy Watch Fritz Leiber
After the Dreamtime Richard A. Lupoff
Nix Olympica William Walling
Home is the Hangman / Возвращение палача Roger Zelazny
The Borderland of Sol / На окраине системы Larry Niven
The Storms of Windhaven / Шторм в Гавани Ветров Lisa Tuttle and George R.R. Martin
The Custodians Richard Cowper
Arm / АРМ Larry Niven
The Silent Eyes of Time Algis Budrys
The New Atlantis / Новая Атлантида Ursula K. Le Guin
And Seven Times Never Kill Man / «...И берегись двуногого кровь пролить» George R.R. Martin
Tinker / Страховщик Jerry Pournelle
San Diego Lightfoot Sue Tom Reamy
By Any Other Name Spider Robinson
The Bicentennial Man / Двухсотлетний человек Isaac Asimov
The Samurai and the Willow Michael Bishop
Piper at the Gates of Dawn Richard Cowper
Houston, Houston, Do You Read? / Хьюстон, Хьюстон, как слышите? James Tiptree, Jr.
The Phantom of Kansas John Varley
The Diary of the Rose / Дневник Розы Ursula K. Le Guin
Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance / Споём, станцуем John Varley
Stardance / Звёздный танец Spider Robinson and Jeanne Robinson
Eyes of Amber Joan D. Vinge
In the Hall of the Martian Kings / Во дворце марсианских царей John Varley
Aztecs Vonda N. McIntyre
A Snark in the Night Gregory Benford
The Wonderful Secret / Чудесный секрет (Part I) Keith Laumer
The Wonderful Secret (Conclusion) Keith Laumer
The Ninth Symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs Carter Scholz
The Screwfly Solution / Эффективное решение James Tiptree, Jr.
Ender's Game / Игра Эндера Orson Scott Card
Prismatica / Призматика: посвящение Джеймсу Терберу Samuel R. Delany
The Persistance of Vision / Навязчивость зрения John Varley
Hunter's Moon / Луна охотника Poul Anderson
Seven American Nights Gene Wolfe
The Watched / Под колпаком Christopher Priest
Enemies of the System / Враги системы Brian W. Aldiss
Fireship / Брандер Joan D. Vinge
The Barbie Murders / Убить Барби John Varley
Devil You Don't Dean Ing
Mikal's Songbird / Певчая птица Микала Orson Scott Card
The Man Who Had No Idea Thomas M. Disch
Enemy Mine / Враг мой Barry B. Longyear
Sandkings / Короли-пустынники George R.R. Martin
Ker-plop Ted Reynolds
The Battle of the Abaco Reefs Hilbert Schenck
Songhouse Orson Scott Card
The Moon Goddess and the Son Donald Kingsbury
Palely Loitering Christopher Priest
Options / Выбор John Varley
The Locusts Larry Niven
The Homecoming Barry Longyear
Fireflood Vonda N. McIntyre
Lost Dorsai / Потерянный Gordon R. Dickson
The Cloak and the Staff Gordon R. Dickson
One-Wing / Однокрылые Lisa Tuttle and George R.R. Martin
Nightflyers / Летящие сквозь ночь George R.R. Martin
The Brave Little Toaster / Славный маленький тостер Thomas M. Disch
All the Lies that are My Life / Ложь, которая является моей жизнью Harlan Ellison
Savage Planet Barry L. Longyear
The Lordly Ones Keith Roberts
Beatnik Bayou John Varley
The Ugly Chicken / Гадкие цыплята Howard Waldrop
The Autopsy / Вскрытие Michael Shea
The Saturn Game / Игры Сатурна Poul Anderson
Unicorn Variations / Вариант Единорога Roger Zelazny
In the Western Tradition Phyllis Eisenstein
Emergence David R. Palmer
True Names / Истинные имена Vernor Vinge
Blue Champagne / Голубое шампанское John Varley
With Thimbles, With Forks, and Hope Kate Wilhelm
The Fire When It Comes Parke Godwin
The Thermals of August Edward Bryant
The Quickening / Ускорение Michael Bishop
Guardians / Хранители George R.R. Martin
Souls Joanna Russ
Fire Watch / Пожарная охрана Connie Willis
Unsound Variations / Тупиковый вариант George R.R. Martin
Brainchild Joseph H. Delaney
Another Orphan John Kessel
The Postman David Brin
To Leave a Mark Kim Stanley Robinson
Aquila Somtow Sucharitkul
Nightlife Phyllis Eisenstein
Pawn's Gambit / Пешечный гамбит Timothy Zahn
Swarm / Рой Bruce Sterling
Cascade Point Timothy Zahn
Blood Music / Музыка, звучащая в крови Greg Bear
Hardfought / Смертельная схватка Greg Bear
Seeking David R. Palmer
Hurricane Claude Hilbert Schenck
In the Face of My Enemy Joseph H. Delaney
Black Air Kim Stanley Robinson
The Sidon in the Mirror Connie Willis
Slow Birds / Медленные птицы Ian Watson
The Monkey Treatment / Лечение мартышками George R.R. Martin
Press Enter / Нажмите «ВВОД» John Varley
Bloodchild / Мы все — одна семья... Octavia E. Butler
Valentina Joseph H. Delaney and Marc Stiegler
Cyclops Joseph H. Delaney and Marc Stiegler
Summer Solstice Charles L. Harness
Elemental Geoffrey A Landis
Blued Moon / Посиневшая луна Connie Willis
The Lucky Strike / «Лаки Страйк» Kim Stanley Robinson
Return to the Fold Timothy Zahn
Silicon Muse Hilbert Schenck
The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule / Человек, раскрасивший дракона Гриауля Lucius Shepard
The Weigher Eric Vinicoff and Marcia Martin
24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai / 24 вида горы Фудзи кисти Хокусая Roger Zelazny
Paladin of the Lost Hour / Паладин потерянного часа Harlan Ellison
The Scapegoat / Козёл отпущения C.J. Cherryh
Sailing to Byzantium / Плавание в Византий Robert Silverberg
Green Mars / Зеленый Марс Kim Stanley Robinson
The Only Neat Thing to Do / Единственно разумное James Tiptree, Jr.
Dogfight / Поединок Michael Swanwick and William Gibson
The Gift from the Graylanders Michael Bishop
The Fringe Orson Scott Card
Portraits of His Children / Портреты его детей George R.R. Martin
Gilgamesh in the Outback / У каждого свой Ад Robert Silverberg
Permafrost / Вечная мерзлота Roger Zelazny
R&R Lucius Shepard
Escape from Kathmandu / Побег из Катманду Kim Stanley Robinson
Spice Pogrom Connie Willis
Eifelheim Michael Flynn
The Winter Market / Зимний рынок William Gibson
Thor Meets Captain America David Brin
Hatrack River Orson Scott Card
The Barbarian Princess / Принцесса варваров Vernor Vinge
Eye for Eye / Око за око Orson Scott Card
Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight / Бизоны-малышки, идите гулять... Ursula K. Le Guin
The Blind Geometer / Слепой геометр Kim Stanley Robinson
The Forest of Time Michael Flynn
The Secret Sharer / Подселенец Robert Silverberg
Mother Goddess of the World Kim Stanley Robinson
Dream Baby Bruce McAllister
Rachel in Love / Влюблённая Рашель Pat Murphy
Flowers of Edo Bruce Sterling
Dinosaurs Walter Jon Williams
The Last of the Winnebagoes / Последняя из «виннебаго» Connie Willis
Schrödinger's Kitten / Кошечка Шрёдингера George Alec Effinger
The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter / Красавица-дочь добытчика чешуи Lucius Shepard
Surfacing Walter Jon Williams
The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians / Дом Калвина Кулиджа для усопших комиков Bradley Denton
Journals of the Plague Years / Хроника Чумных Лет Norman Spinrad
Ginny Sweethips' Flying Circus / Летучий цирк Сладкой Джинни Neal Barrett, Jr.
Peaches for Mad Molly Steven Gould
The Function of Dream Sleep / Функция сна Harlan Ellison
Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance? Howard Waldrop
The Mountains of Mourning / Горы скорби Lois McMaster Bujold
Enter a Soldier, Later: Enter Another / Раз солдат, два солдат... Robert Silverberg
Tiny Tango Judith Moffett
The Father of Stones / Отец камней Lucius Shepard
Time Out Connie Willis
A Touch of Lavender Megan Lindholm
Everything But Honor George Alec Effinger
The Price of Oranges Nancy Kress
At the Rialto / В отеле «Риальто» Connie Willis
Dogwalker / Гастролёр Orson Scott Card
For I Have Touched the Sky / Ибо я коснулась неба Mike Resnick
The Hemingway Hoax / Афера Хемингуэя Joe Haldeman
The Manamouki / Манамуки Mike Resnick
Fool to Believe Pat Cadigan
A Short, Sharp Shock Kim Stanley Robinson
Bones Pat Murphy
Bully! Mike Resnick
A Braver Thing Charles Sheffield
Over the Long Haul Martha Soukup
The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks Dafydd ab Hugh
Tower of Babylon / Вавилонская башня Ted Chiang
Beggars in Spain / Испанские нищие Nancy Kress
Gold / Золото Isaac Asimov
Griffin's Egg / Яйцо грифона Michael Swanwick
And Wild for to Hold / Дика, своевольна, не обуздать… Nancy Kress
The Gallery of His Dreams Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Jack / Джек Connie Willis
Understand / Понимай Ted Chiang
Dispatches from the Revolution / Донесения с фронтов революции Pat Cadigan
Fin de Cyclé Howard Waldrop
Miracle Connie Willis
Barnacle Bill the Spacer Lucius Shepard
The Nutcracker Coup / Революция щелкунчиков Janet Kagan
Stopping at Slowyear / Остановка на Медленном Году Frederik Pohl
Protection Maureen F. McHugh
Uh-Oh City / Ого-Город Jonathan Carroll
The Territory / Территория Bradley Denton
Suppose They Gave a Peace ... Susan Shwartz
True Faces / Истинные лица Pat Cadigan
In the Stone House Barry N. Malzberg
Danny Goes to Mars Pamela Sargent
Down in the Bottomlands / В Низине Harry Turtledove
Georgia on My Mind / Мыслями в Джорджии Charles Sheffield
Wall, Stone, Craft Walter Jon Williams
The Night We Buried Road Dog / Пёс дороги Jack Cady
American Childhood Pat Murphy
Into the Miranda Rift / В пещерах Миранды G. David Nordley
Mefisto in Onyx / Мефистофель в ониксе Harlan Ellison
Dancing on Air Nancy Kress
Deep Eddy / Глубокий Эдди Bruce Sterling
The Franchise John Kessel
The Shadow Knows Terry Bisson
Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge / Семь видов ущелья Олдувай Mike Resnick
The Martian Child / Мой сын - марсианин David Gerrold
Melodies of the Heart Michael F. Flynn
Cri de Coeur Michael Bishop
Les Fleurs Du Mal Brian Stableford
Forgiveness Day / День прощения Ursula K. Le Guin
A Little Knowledge / Немного знаний Mike Resnick
The Singular Habits of Wasps / Странные повадки ос Geoffrey A. Landis
The Matter of Seggri / Дело о Сеггри Ursula Le Guin
Cocoon / Кокон Greg Egan
Solitude / Одиночество Ursula K. Le Guin
The Death of Captain Future / Смерть капитана Фьючера Allen Steele
Think Like a Dinosaur / Думать, как динозавр James Patrick Kelly
A Man of the People / Муж рода Ursula K. Le Guin
A Woman's Liberation / Освобождение женщины Ursula K. Le Guin
Fault Lines Nancy Kress
Bibi Mike Resnick and Susan Shwartz
Where the Old Gods Die / Когда умирают старые боги Mike Resnick
Luminous / Светоносец Greg Egan
Must and Shall Harry Turtledove
Tap Greg Egan
The Good Rat / Хорошая крыса Allen Steele
Blood of the Dragon (missing) George R.R. Martin (нет в антологии)
Bicycle Repairman / Велосипедный мастер Bruce Sterling
Gas Fish Mary Rosenblum
Immersion / Погружение Gregory Benford
Time Travelers Never Die Jack McDevitt
The Cost to Be Wise Maureen F. McHugh
Abandon in Place / Не демонтировать! Jerry Oltion
Beauty and the Opéra or the Phantom Beast / Красавица и опера, или Призрачное чудовище Suzy McKee Charnas
Age of Aquarius William Barton
The Land of Nod / Земля Нод Mike Resnick
Mountain Ways / Законы гор Ursula K. Le Guin
“... Where Angels Fear to Tread” / Куда мудрец боится и ступить... Allen Steele
We Will Drink Fish Together ... / Выпьем, господин посол! Bill Johnson
Ecopoiesis Geoffrey A. Landis
Loose Ends Paul Levinson
The Funeral March of the Marionettes Adam-Troy Castro
Marrow / Мозг Robert Reed
Broken Symmetry Michael A. Burstein
Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream James Alan Gardner
Moon Six / Шестая луна Stephen Baxter
The Undiscovered / Неведомый Гамлет William Sanders
Oceanic / Океанический Greg Egan
Taklamakan / Такламакан Bruce Sterling
Get Me to the Church on Time / В церковь — только вовремя! Terry Bisson
The Summer Isles Ian R. MacLeod
Story of Your Life / История твоей жизни Ted Chiang
Aurora in Four Voices / Утренняя заря Catherine Asaro
Steamship Soldier on the Information Front Nancy Kress
The Planck Dive / Планковский прыжок Greg Egan
Echea Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Time Gypsy Ellen Klages
Divided By Infinity / Разделённые бесконечностью Robert Charles Wilson
Zwarte Piet's Tale Allen Steele
The Winds of Marble Arch / Вихри Мраморной арки Connie Willis
10^16 to 1 / 10^16 к 1 James Patrick Kelly
Son Observe the Time Kage Baker
The Astronaut from Wyoming Adam-Troy Castro and Jerry Oltion
Forty, Counting Down Harry Turtledove
Hunting the Snark Mike Resnick
Fossil Games / Стратегия спасения Tom Purdom
Stellar Harvest Eleanor Arnason
The Secret History of the Ornithopter / Тайная история орнитоптера Jan Lars Jensen
Border Guards / Хранители границы Greg Egan
The Chop Girl Ian R. MacLeod
The Ultimate Earth / Перевоплощённая планета Jack Williamson
Millennium Babies Kristine Kathryn Rusch
The Retrieval Artist / Мастер возвращений Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Seventy-Two Letters / 72 буквы Ted Chiang
A Roll of the Dice / Паутина игры Catherine Asaro
Oracle Greg Egan
Radiant Green Star Lucius Shepard
Generation Gap Stanley Schmidt
Agape Among the Robots / Самсон и Далила Allen Steele
On the Orion Line / На линии Ориона Stephen Baxter
Redchapel Mike Resnick
Fast Time at Fairmont High / Горячая пора в Фэрмаунтской средней школе Vernor Vinge
Hell is the Abscence God / Ад — это отсутствие Бога Ted Chiang
Stealing Alabama Allen Steele
The Diamond Pit Jack Dann
May Be Some Time Brenda W. Clough
The Chief Designer / Главный конструктор Andy Duncan
The Days Between Allen Steele
Undone James Patrick Kelly
Lobsters Charles Stross
The Return of Spring Shane Tourtellotte
Coraline / Коралина Neil Gaiman
Slow Life / Медленная жизнь Michael Swanwick
A Year in the Linear City / Год в Линейном городе Paul Di Filippo
The Political Officer Charles Coleman Finlay
Breathmoss Ian R. MacLeod
Bronte's Egg Richard Chwedyk
In Spirit Pat Forde
The Wild Girls Ursula K. Le Guin
Presence Maureen F. McHugh
Madonna of the Maquiladora Gregory Frost
Halo / Ореол Charles Stross
The Cookie Monster / Куки-монстр Vernor Vinge
Legions in Time / Хронолегион Michael Swanwick
Walk in Silence Catherine Asaro
The Empress of Mars / Королева Марса Kage Baker
The Green Leopard Plague / Зелёная леопардовая чума Walter Jon Williams
Just Like the Ones We Used to Know / Светлое Рождество Connie Willis
The Empire of Ice Cream / Империя мороженого Jeffrey Ford
Nightfall Charles Stross
Bernardo's House James Patrick Kelly
Hexagons Robert Reed
Into the Gardens of Sweet Night Jay Lake
The Concrete Jungle Charles Stross
The Faery Handbag / Волшебный ридикюль Kelly Link
Winterfair Gifts / Подарки к Зимнепразднику Lois McMaster Bujold
Time Ablaze Michael A. Burstein
Sergeant Chip Bradley Denton
Elector Charles Stross
The People of Sand and Slag / Народ песка и шлаков Paolo Bacigalupi
The Voluntary State Christopher Rowe
The Clapping Hands of God / Ладони Бога Michael F. Flynn
Biographical Notes to “A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Air-Planes” by Ben Rosenbaum Benjamin Rosenbaum
Inside Job Connie Willis
Two Hearts / Два сердца Peter S. Beagle
Identity Theft Robert J. Sawyer
The Little Goddess / Маленькая богиня Ian McDonald
Magic for Beginners / Магия для начинающих Kelly Link
Burn / Пожар James Patrick Kelly
I, Robot Cory Doctorow
Telepresence Michael A. Burstein
The Calorie Man / Специалист по калориям Paolo Bacigalupi
The King of Where-I-Go Howard Waldrop
A Billion Eves / Ева раз, Ева два… Robert Reed
The Djinn's Wife / Супруга джинна Ian McDonald
Inclination William Shunn
The Walls of the Universe / Стены Вселенной Paul Melko
Julian: A Christmas Story / Джулиан. Рождественская история Robert Charles Wilson
Lord Weary's Empire Michael Swanwick
All the Things You Are / Всё, что в тебе есть Mike Resnick
Dawn, and Sunset, and the Colours of the Earth Michael F. Flynn
Pol Pot's Beautiful Daughter / Прекрасная дочь Пол Пота Geoff Ryman
Yellow Card Man / Человек с жёлтой карточкой Paolo Bacigalupi
All Seated on the Ground Connie Willis
The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate / Купец и волшебные врата Ted Chiang
Recovering Apollo 8 / Возвращение «Аполлона-8» Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Memorare / Вспомни Gene Wolfe
The Fountain of Age Nancy Kress
Stars Seen Through Stone Lucius Shepard
The Cambist and Lord Iron: A Fairy Tale of Economics Daniel Abraham
Glory / Ореол Greg Egan
Dark Integers / Тёмные целые Greg Egan
Finisterra / Финистерра David Moles
The Erdmann Nexus / Нексус Эрдманна Nancy Kress
Shoggoths in Bloom Elizabeth Bear
The Tear / Слеза Ian McDonald
The Political Prisoner / Политический заключённый Charles Coleman Finlay
True Names Cory Doctorow and Benjamin Rosenbaum
Truth Robert Reed
Alastair Baffle's Emporium of Wonders / Лавка чудес Аластера Баффла Mike Resnick
Pride and Prometheus / Гордость и Прометей John Kessel
The Ray-Gun: A Love Story / Лучемёт: История любви James Alan Gardner
The Gambler / Игрок Paolo Bacigalupi
Palimpsest / Палимпсест Charles Stross
The Island / Остров Peter Watts
Shambling Towards Hiroshima James Morrow
Vishnu at the Cat Circus / Вишну в кошачьем цирке Ian McDonald
Act One / Действие первое Nancy Kress
The Women of Nell Gwynne's Kage Baker
The God Engines / Божественные двигатели John Scalzi
One of Our Bastards is Missing / Исчезнувший пруссак Paul Cornell
Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast Eugie Foster
Eros, Philia, Agape / Эрос, Филия Агапе Rachel Swirsky
It Takes Two / Требуются двое Nicola Griffith
Overtime Charles Stross
The Lifecycle of Software Objects / Жизненный цикл программных объектов Ted Chiang
The Emperor of Mars / Император Марса Allen M. Steele
The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen's Window Rachel Swirsky
Troika Alastair Reynolds
The Sultan of the Clouds / Султан облаков Geoffrey A. Landis
The Maiden Flight of McCauley’s Bellerophon / Первый полёт "Беллерофонта" Elizabeth Hand
The Jaguar House, in Shadow Aliette de Bodard
Eight Miles / Восемь миль Sean McMullen
That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made / Этот Левиафан, которого ты сотворил... Eric James Stone
Plus or Minus James Patrick Kelly
The Man Who Bridged the Mist / Мост через туман Kij Johnson
Six Months, Three Days Charlie Jane Anders
Kiss Me Twice Mary Robinette Kowal
Countdown Seanan McGuire
The Man Who Ended History: A Documentary Ken Liu
Silently and Very Fast / Молча, быстро и легко Catherynne M. Valente
The Ice Owl / Ледяная сова Carolyn Ives Gilman
Fields of God Rachel Swirsky
The Copenhagen Interpretation / Аргумент по-датски Paul Cornell
What We Found / Обнаружено нами Geoff Ryman
Ray of Light / Луч света Brad R. Torgersen
The Emperor's Soul / Душа императора Brandon Sanderson
The Girl-Thing Who Went Out for Sushi / Рыбёха-дурёха, подавшаяся в суши Pat Cadigan
After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall Nancy Kress
San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats Seanan McGuire
The Stars Do Not Lie / Звезды не лгут Jay Lake
On a Redtstation, Drifting Aliette de Bodard
The Boy Who Cast No Shadow Thomas Olde Heuvelt
In Sea-Salt Tears Seanan McGuire
Fade to White Catherynne M. Valente
Rat-Catcher Seanan McGuire
Equoid Charles Stross
The Lady Astronaut of Mars Mary Robinette Kowal
Six-Gun Snow White Catherynne M. Valente
The Butcher of Khardov Dan Wells
The Chaplain's Legacy Brad R. Torgersen
Wakulla Springs Ellen Klages and Andy Duncan
The Exchange Officers Brad R. Torgersen
The Waiting Stars Aliette de Bodard
Opera Vita Aeterna (missing) Vox Day (нет в антологии)
The Truth of Fact, The Truth of Feeling / Истина факта, истина чувства Ted Chiang
Flow Arlan Andrews, Sr.
The Day the World Turned Upside Down Thomas Olde Heuvelt
Big Boys Don't Cry Tom Kratman
Pale Realms of Shade (missing) John C. Wright (нет в антологии)
The Plural of Helen of Troy John C. Wright
One Bright Star to Guide Them John C. Wright
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Earth to Alluvium Gray Rinehart
The Journeyman: In the Stone House Michael F. Flynn
The Triple Sun: A Golden Age Tale / "Тройное Солнце": история времён Золотого Века Rajnar Vajra
Championship B'Tok Edward M. Lerner
Binti Nnedi Okorafor
Folding Beijing Hao Jingfang
Perfect State Brandon Sanderson
Slow Bullets Alastair Reynolds
Penric's Demon Lois McMaster Bujold
The Builders Daniel Polansky
And You Shall Know Her by the Trail of Dead Brooke Bolander
Flashpoint: Titan (missing) Benjamin Cheah (нет в антологии)
What Price Humanity? (missing) David VanDyke (нет в антологии)
Obits / Некрологи Stephen King
Every Heart a Doorway / В каждом сердце - дверь Seanan McGuire
The Tomato Thief Ursula Vernon
This Census Taker / Переписчик China Miéville
The Ballad of Black Tom Victor LaValle
Penric and the Shaman Lois McMaster Bujold
The Dream-Quest of Vellitt Boe (missing) Kij Johnson (нет в антологии)
A Taste of Honey (missing) Kai Ashante Wilson (нет в антологии)
Alien Stripper Boned From Behind The T-Rex (missing) Stix Hiscock (нет в антологии)
Touring with the Alien Carolyn Ives Gilman
The Jewel and Her Lapidary Fran Wilde
You'll Surely Drown Here If You Stay Alyssa Wong
The Art of Space Travel Nina Allan
All Systems Red / Отказ всех систем Martha Wells
The Secret Life of Bots Suzanne Palmer
Binti: Home Nnedi Okorafor
And Then There Were (N-One) Sarah Pinsker
River of Teeth Sarah Gailey
Down Among the Sticks and Bones Seanan McGuire
The Black Tides of Heaven JY Yang
A Series of Steaks Vina Jie-Min Prasad
Extracurricular Activities Yoon Ha Lee
Small Changes Over Long Periods of Time K.M. Szpara
Children of Thorns, Children of Water Aliette de Bodard
Wind Will Rove Sarah Pinsker
China Miéville
To Mic

“Like all these long low squat houses, it had been built not for but against. They were built against the forest, against the sea, against the elements, against the world. They had roof-beams and doors and hatred—as though in this part of the world an architect always included hatred among his tools, and said to his apprentice: ‘Mind you’ve brought along enough hatred today.’ ”
—Jane Gaskell, Some Summer Lands

A boy ran down a hill path screaming. The boy was I. He held his hands up and out in front of him as if he’d dipped them in paint and was coming to make a picture, to press them down to paper, but all there was on him was dirt. There was no blood on his palms.
He was nine years old, I think, and this was the fastest he’d ever run, and he stumbled and careered and it seemed many times as if he would fall into the rocks and gorse that surrounded the footpath, but I kept my feet and descended into the shadow of my hill. The air felt wet but no rain had fallen. I sent up cold dust behind me and little animals scuttling ahead.
People in the town saw that cloud long before I arrived, Samma would later tell me. When she was sure that it wasn’t just weather, she was one of those who came to wait by the pump beyond the bridge to the west, where there were the last buildings, to watch whatever was coming. After that day, when I saw her, when she could, Samma would tell me stories, including the story of when I came down the hill.
. . .
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