The Knight of Chains, the Deuce of Stars short story by Yoon Ha Lee
The Wreck of the Godspeed novella by James Patrick Kelly
Saving Tiamaat / Спасти Тиамат short story by Gwyneth Jones
Six Lights Off Green Scar short story by Gareth L. Powell
Glory / Ореол novelette by Greg Egan
The Mote Dancer and the Firelife short story by Chris Willrich
On Rickety Thistlewaite short story by Michael F. Flynn
War Without End short story by Una McCormack
Finisterra / Финистерра novelette by David Moles
Seven Years from Home / В семи годах от дома novelette by Naomi Novik
Plotters and Shooters / Наводчики и снайперы novelette by Kage Baker
The Muse of Empires Lost novelette by Paul M. Berger
Boojum / Буджум short story by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette
Lehr, Rex novelette by Jay Lake
Cracklegrackle novelette by Justina Robson
Hideaway / Укрытие novelette by Alastair Reynolds
Isabel of the Fall short fiction by Ian R. MacLeod
Precious Mental novella by Robert Reed
The Two Sisters in Exile short fiction by Aliette de Bodard
Lode Stars short story by Lavie Tidhar
Silent Bridge, Pale Cascade short story by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
The Tear / Слеза novella by Ian McDonald