Berenice / Береника short story by Edgar Allan Poe
A Passage in the Life of Mr. John Oakhurst / Случай из жизни мистера Джона Окхерста short story by Bret Harte
In the Morgue short story by Dashiell Hammett
Himeros's Daughter short story by Thomas D. Sadler
A-round the Corner short story by Josef Marais
Voices in the Coalbin / Голоса в угольном ящике short story by Mary Higgins Clark
The Maiden / Дева short story by Ray Bradbury
A Thing of Beauty short story by Wallace West
The Douglas Tragedy / Трагедия Дугласов poem by Anonymous
The Permanent Stiletto / Стилет short story by W. C. Morrow
In the Shadows of My Fear short story by Joan Vander Putten
Blue Eyes short story by Maurice Level
The Lady and the Tiger novelette by Jack Moffitt