
Klaw, Richard (ed) - The Apes of Wrath / Кло, Ричард (ред) - Грозные обезьяны [2013, epub, ENG]

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Richard Klaw (ed) - The Apes of Wrath

Название: The Apes of Wrath / Грозные обезьяны
Год выпуска: 2013
Под редакцией: Klaw, Richard / Кло, Ричард
Издательство: Tachyon Publications
ISBN: 978-1-61696-085-8
Формат: epub
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

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By the light of the four small waning moons of Xiccarph, Tiglari had crossed that bottomless swamp wherein no reptile dwelt and no dragon descended; but where the pitch-black ooze was alive with incessant heavings. He had not cared to use the high causey of corundum that spanned the fen, and had threaded his way with much peril from isle to sedgy isle that shuddered gelatinously beneath him. When he reached the solid shore and the shelter of the palm-tall rushes, he did not approach the porphyry stairs that wound skyward through giddy chasms and along glassy scarps to the house of Maâl Dweb. The causey and the stairs were guarded by the silent, colossal automatons of Maâl Dweb, whose arms ended in long crescent blades of tempered steel which were raised in implacable scything against any who came thither without their master’s permission.
Tiglari’s naked body was smeared with the juice of a plant repugnant to all the fauna of Xiccarph. By virtue of this he hoped to pass unharmed the ferocious ape-like creatures that roamed at will through the tyrant’s cliff-hung gardens. He carried a coil of woven root-fibre, strong and light, and weighted with a brazen ball, for use in climbing the mesa. At his side, in a sheath of chimera-skin, he wore a needle-sharp knife that had been dipped in the poison of winged vipers.
Many, before Tiglari, with the same noble dream of tyrannicide, had attempted to cross the fen and scale the scarps. But none had returned; and the fate of such as had won to the palace of Maâl Dweb was a much-disputed problem. But Tiglari, the skilled jungle hunter, was undeterred by the hideous dubieties before him.
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