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Farmer, Philip José (Jose) / Фармер, Филип Хосе - Собрание сочинений (135 произведений
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Philip José Farmer / Филип Хосе Фармер - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1953-2021 г. Автор: Farmer, Philip José / Фармер, Филип Хосе Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub/pdf Качество: OCR/eBook Описание: Филип Хосе Фармер (Philip José Farmer) - американский писатель-фантаст, автор более полусотни романов и огромного числа рассказов. В середине 60-х Фармер начинает публиковать романы, которые в последующем составили два многотомных цикла. Первая из них — «Многоярусный мир» состоит из семи романов, рассказывающих о комбинации «карманных» вселенных, параллельных миров, в которые играют их неведомые создатели. А главное действующее лицо серии — настоящий землянин Пол Джаунс Финнеган (Paul Janus Finnegan), инициалы которого поразительно совпадают с инициалами самого Фармера — PJF. Но более известен его цикл «Мир Реки» в котором автор нарисовал мир, представляющий собой удивительную страну (райский сад) раскинувшуюся на берегах бесконечной, на тысячи миль, реки, населенной… воскресшими всеми людьми, когда-то жившими на Земле. Оказывается, такой фантастический эксперимент затеяли неведомые инопланетные «боги», сверхцивилизация Этики. Но с какой целью?.. Вот этим и задались целью узнать некоторые из обитателей Мира Реки — археолог и путешественник сэр Ричард Бертон (Sir Richard Burton, 1821-1890), Сэмюэл Клеменс (Samuel Clemens), более известный нам под именем Марк Твен (Mark Twain), Джек Лондон (Jack London), Сирано де Бержерак и др. Переводы на русский есть здесь: https://booktracker.org/viewtopic.php?t=11953 https://booktracker.org/viewtopic.php?t=18514 https://booktracker.org/viewtopic.php?t=44943 Father to the Stars / Отче звёздный 1981, epub, 0-523-48504-2, Tor / Pinnacle The Night of Light (повесть) A Few Miles / Несколько миль Prometheus / Прометей Father / Отец Attitudes / Отношения 00 River of Eternity / Река Вечности 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-932096-28-X, Phantasia Press 01 To Your Scattered Bodies Go / Восстаньте из праха (= В тела свои разбросанные вернитесь) 1971, fb2, ISBN: 9-997-51198-0, Putnam 02 The Fabulous Riverboat / Сказочный корабль (= Сказочный пароход; Волшебный корабль) 1971, fb2 03 The Dark Design / Темный замысел 1977, fb2; 2010, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7653-2654-6, Tor 04 The Magic Labyrinth / Магический лабиринт 1980, fb2; 2010, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7653-2655-3, Tor 05 Gods of Riverworld / Боги Мира Реки 1983, fb2; 2011, epub, eISBN: 978-1-4299-9352-4, Tor Riverworld 2010, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7653-2652-2, Tor 01 To Your Scattered Bodies Go / Восстаньте из праха 02 The Fabulous Riverboat / Сказочный корабль Riverworld / Мир реки Riverworld War Crossing the Dark River / Через темную реку A Hole In Hell / Дыра в аду Up the Bright River / Вверх по Светлой Реке Coda / Кода Crossing the Dark River / Через тёмную реку novella by Philip José Farmer A Hole in Hell / Дыра в аду short story by Philip José Farmer (as by Dane Helstrom) Graceland / Благословенная земля novelette by Allen Steele Every Man a God / Всяк человек Бог novelette by Barry N. Malzberg and Mike Resnick Blandings on Riverworld / Забавы Мира Реки novelette by Phillip C. Jennings Two Thieves / Два вора novelette by Harry Turtledove Fool's Paradise / Рай для дураков novelette by Ed Gorman The Merry Men of Riverworld / Весёлые молодцы Мира Реки novelette by John Gregory Betancourt Unfinished Business / Незаконченное дело novelette by Robert Weinberg Up the Bright River / Вверх по Светлой Реке novelette by Philip José Farmer If the King Like Not the Comedy / Коль не по нраву пьеса королю novelette by Jody Lynn Nye Because It's There / Так уж мы устроены novelette by Jerry Oltion A Place of Miracles / Край Чудес short story by Owl Goingback Diaghilev Plays Riverworld / Представления Дягилева novelette by Robert Sheckley Secret Crimes / Тайные преступления novelette by Robert Sampson Hero's Coin / Медаль героя short story by Brad Strickland Human Spirit, Beetle Spirit / Дух человека, дух жука novelette by John Gregory Betancourt Nevermore / Не вернуть novelette by David Bischoff and Dean Wesley Smith Old Soldiers / Старые солдаты short story by Lawrence Watt-Evans Legends / Легенды novelette by Esther M. Friesner Stephen Comes into Courage / Стивен обретает отвагу novelette by Rick Wilber Riverworld Roulette / Рулетка в Мире Реки novelette by Robert Weinberg Coda / Кода short story by Philip José Farmer 01 The Maker of Universes / Создатель Вселенных 1965, fb2; 1982, epub, ISBN: 0-441-51627-0, Ace 02 The Gates of Creation / Врата мироздания 1966, fb2 03 A Private Cosmos / Личный космос 1968, fb2 04 Behind the Walls of Terra / За стенами Терры (= За гранями Земли) 1970, fb2 05 The Lavalite World / Лавалитовый мир 1977, fb2 06 Red Orc's Rage / Гнев Рыжего Орка (= Ярость Рыжего Орка) 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-812-50890-4, Tor (соответственно некоторым источникам эта книга принадлежит циклу, но не входит в основную последовательность) 07 More Than Fire / Больше, чем огонь 1993, fb2 The World of Tiers: Volume One 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-4601-5, Open Road Integrated Media 01 The Maker of Universes / Создатель Вселенных 02 The Gates of Creation / Врата мироздания 03 A Private Cosmos / Личный космос 04 Behind the Walls of Terra / За стенами Терры (= За гранями Земли) 05 The Lavalite World / Лавалитовый мир 06 Red Orc's Rage / Гнев Рыжего Орка (= Ярость Рыжего Орка) 07 More Than Fire / Больше, чем огонь 01 Dayworld / Мир одного дня 1985, fb2; epub, ISBN: 0-399-12967-7, G. P. Putnam's Sons (epub включает еще рассказ The Sliced-Crosswise Only-On-Tuesday World); 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-4603-9, Open Road Integrated Media 02 Dayworld Rebel / Мир одного дня: Бунтарь (= Мятеж; Восставший в Мире Дня) 2017, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-4604-6, Open Road Integrated Media 03 Dayworld Breakup / Мир одного дня: Распад (= Разруха в Мире Дня) 2017, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-4605-3, Open Road Integrated Media 01 A Feast Unknown / Пир потаенный 2012, epub, eISBN: 978-1-78116-289-7, Titan Books 02 Lord of the Trees / Повелитель деревьев 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-7221-3488-6, Sphere; 2012, epub, eISBN: 978-1-78116-294-1, Titan Books 03 Keepers of the Secrets (= The Mad Goblin) / Хранители тайн (= Безумный гоблин) 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-7221-3489-4, Sphere 03 The Mad Goblin (= Keepers of the Secrets) / Безумный гоблин (= Хранители тайн) 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-78116-300-9, Titan Books 01 The Image of the Beast / Облик зверя 1968, fb2 02 Blown or Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind / Апофеоз, или Зарисовки на руинах моего сознания 1969, epub 03 Traitor to the Living / Ловец душ (= Там, по ту сторону...) 1973, fb2/epub 01 The Two-Edged Gift 1974, fb2 02 The Startouched / Пустая угроза 1974, fb2 03 The Evolution of Paul Eyre 1974, fb2 04 Passing On 1975, fb2 Stations of the Nightmare / Ночные кошмары 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-575-11991-8, Gateway / Orion The Two-Edged Gift The Star-Touched (= The Startouched) / Пустая угроза The Evolution of Paul Eyre Passing on Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life 1975, fb2, ISBN: 0-553-08834-3, Bantam Books The Peerless Peer 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-85768-540-7, Titan Books Tales of The Wold Newton Universe 2013, pdf, ISBN: 978-1-78116-304-7, Titan Books; 2013, epub, ISBN: 9781781163054, Titan Books The Problem of the Sore Bridge — Among Others A Scarletin Study The Doge Whose Barque Was Worse Than His Bight Skinburn The Freshman / Первокурсник After King Kong Fell Kwasin and the Bear God Into Time's Abiss The Last of the Guaranys The Wild Huntsman 01 Hadon of Ancient Opar / Хэдон из древнего Опара 1974, epub (ill.); 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-78116-296-5, Titan Books 02 Flight to Opar / Бегство в Опар 1976, epub Gods of Opar: Tales of Lost Khokarsa 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59606-471-3, Subterranean Press 01 Hadon of Ancient Opar / Хэдон из древнего Опара 02 Flight to Opar / Бегство в Опар 03 The Song of Kwasin (with Christopher Paul Carey) A Woman a Day (= The Day of Timestop; Timestop!) / Конец времён 2017, epub, VintReads The Lovers / Любящие (= Грех межзвездный; Влюбленные; Любовь зла) 1961, fb2 The Green Odyssey / Одиссея Грина 1957, fb2/epub Flesh / Плоть 2013, epub, eISBN: 978-1-78116-303-0, Titan Books Fire and the Night 1962, fb2 Inside Outside / Мир наизнанку (= Внутри и снаружи; Шиворот-навыворот) 1979, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-04041-0, Berkley Books Tongues of the Moon 1970, fb2, Pyramid Books Dare / Дейра 1979, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-03953-6, Berkley Books The Gate of Time (= Two Hawks from Earth) / Врата времени 1974, fb2, ISBN: 0-7043-1171-2, Quartet Books Two Hawks from Earth (= The Gate of Time) / Врата времени 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-6711-9, Open Road Integrated Media Lord Tyger / Властитель Тигр 2012, epub, eISBN: 978-0-85768-969-6, Titan Books Love Song / Любовная песня 1970, epub, Brandon House The Stone God Awakens / Пробуждение каменного Бога 1970, epub; 1979, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-78653-7, Ace The Wind Whales of Ishmael / Небесные киты Измаила 1971, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-78116-298-9, Titan Books The Other Log of Phileas Fogg 1973, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-85768-967-2, Titan Books Venus on the Half-Shell / Венера на раковине 2013, fb2/epub, eISBN: 978-1-78116-307-8, Titan Books Jesus on Mars / Иисус на Марсе 1982, fb2, ISBN: 0-586-05308-5, Panther / Granada Dark Is the Sun / Темное солнце 1979, fb2 The Unreasoning Mask / Бессмысленная маска (= Нерассуждающая маска) 2007, fb2, ISBN: 978-1-58567-715-3, The Overlook Press; 2007, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4683-0226-4, The Overlook Press A Barnstormer in Oz / Лицедей в стране Оз (= Паршивый актер из Страны Оз) 1982, fb2 Escape from Loki 1991, fb2 The Caterpillar's Question / Проблема с гусеницами 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-09488-0, Ace (соавтор: Piers Anthony) Nothing Burns in Hell 1999, epub, ISBN: 0-812-56495-2, Tor Naked Came the Farmer 1998, fb2, ISBN: 0-9624613-7-7, Mayfly Productions The Evil in Pemberley House 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: не указан, Meteor House (with Win Scott Eckert) Strange Relations / Странные родичи 2006, fb2, ISBN: 978-1-4165-0934-9, Baen The Lovers / Любящие (novel) Flesh / Плоть (novel) Strange Relations / Странные родичи (сборник 1960 года)
Rastignac the Devil / Растиньяк-дьявол The Celestial Blueprint They Twinkled Like Jewels / Они сверкали, как алмазы Totem and Taboo / Тотем и Табу Down in the Black Gang / Внизу, в машинном отделении ... The Shadow of Space / Тень пространства A Bowl Bigger Than Earth / Чаша больше, чем Земля Riverworld / Мир реки A Few Miles / Несколько миль Prometheus / Прометей The Blasphemers / Богохульники How Deep the Grooves / Как бездонны борозды My Sister's Brother (= Open To Me, My Sister) / Брат моей сестры (= Отвори, сестра моя) Skinburn The Alley Man / Человек на задворках (= Человек из переулка) Father's in the Basement Toward the Beloved City / На пути к возлюбленному Городу Polytropical Paramyths Don't Wash the Carats / Не отмывайте караты The Sumerian Oath / Шумерская клятва Only Who Can Make a Tree? / Вот только кто спортачит дерево? The Last Rise of Nick Adams / Последний экстаз Ника Адамса The Freshman / Первокурсник Uproar in Acheron An Exclusive Interview with Lord Greystoke / Эксклюзивное интервью с лордом Грейстоком Sexual Implications of the Charge of the Light Brigade The Obscure Life and Hard Times of Kilgore Trout: A Skirmish in Biography Thanks for the Feast Riverworld / Мир реки J. C. on the Dude Ranch The Volcano / Вулкан The Henry Miller Dawn Patrol The Problem of the Sore Bridge — Among Others Brass and Gold (or Horse and Zeppelin in Beverly Hills) The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod / Гнилой шкет из джунглей шлет привет The Voice of the Sonar in My Vermiform Appendix / Голос сонара в моем аппендиксе Monolog (= Monologue) / Монолог The Leaser of Two Evils The Phantom of the Sewers (= It's The Queen of Darkness, Pal) / Призрак канализации Up the Bright River / Вверх по Светлой Реке Crossing the Dark River / Через тёмную реку The Source of the River (ессе) The Long Warpath (= Cache from Outer Space) / Долгая тропа войны (novel) Rastignac the Devil / Растиньяк-дьявол They Twinkled Like Jewels / Они сверкали, как алмазы The Oogenesis of Bird City / Овогенез птичьего города Riders of the Purple Wage / Пассажиры с пурпурной карточкой (= Всадники пурпурной зарплаты; В погоне за пурпурной платой; Оседлав пурпурненькие; Обладатели пурпурных купюр; На королевском жалованье) Spiders of the Purple Mage / Пауки пурпурного мага The Making of Revelation, Part I The Long Wet Purple Dream of Rip van Winkle Part One: Greatheart Silver in Showdown at Shootout, or The Grand Finale / Сильвер Грейхарт Part Two: The Return of Greatheart Silver, or The Secret Life of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm / Возвращение Грейхарта Part Three: Greatheart Silver in The First Command, or Inglories Galore / Грейхарт в Первой Команде Retrieving the Lost by Isaac Asimov Introduction by Martin H. Greenberg Sail On! Sail On! / Вперед, мой челн! (= По морям, по волнам; Поднять паруса!; Плыви! Плыви!; На парус! На парус!; Вперед! Вперед!) Mother / Мама The God Business / Божий промысел The Alley Man / Человек на задворках (= Человек из переулка) My Sisters Brother (= Open To Me, My Sister) / Брат моей сестры (= Отвори, сестра моя) The King of Beasts / Царь зверей (= Повелитель зверей) One Down, One to Go UFO Versus IRS (= Uranus or UFO Versus IRS) The Making of Revelation, Part I The Long Wet Purple Dream of Rip van Winkle Osiris on Crutches / Осирис на костылях St. Francis Kisses His Ass Goodbye The Oogenesis of Bird City / Овогенез птичьего города Riders of the Purple Wage / Пассажиры с пурпурной карточкой (= Всадники пурпурной зарплаты; В погоне за пурпурной платой; Оседлав пурпурненькие; Обладатели пурпурных купюр; На королевском жалованье) The Lovers / Любящие (= Грех межзвездный; Влюбленные; Любовь зла) Dark Is the Sun / Темное солнце Riders of the Purple Wage / Пассажиры с пурпурной карточкой (= Всадники пурпурной зарплаты; В погоне за пурпурной платой; Оседлав пурпурненькие; Обладатели пурпурных купюр; На королевском жалованье) The Biological Revolt 1953, fb2 The Tin Woodman Slams the Door 1954, fb2 A Bowl Bigger Than Earth / Чаша больше, чем Земля 1967, fb2 1 His wife had held him in her arms as if she could keep death away from him. He had cried out, "My God, I am a dead man!" The door to the room had opened, and he had seen a giant, black, one-humped camel outside and had heard the tinkle of the bells on its harness as the hot desert wind touched them. Then a huge black face topped by a great black-turban had appeared in the doorway. The black eunuch had come in through the door, moving like a cloud, with a gigantic scimitar in his hand. Death, the Destroyer of Delights and the Sunderer of Society, had arrived at last. Blackness. Nothingness. He did not even know that his heart had given out forever. Nothingness. Then his eyes opened. His heart was beating strongly. He was strong, very strong! All the pain of the gout in his feet, the agony in his liver, the torture in his heart, all were gone. It was so quiet he could hear the blood moving in his head. He was alone in a world of soundlessness. A bright light of equal intensity was everywhere. He could see, yet he did not understand what he was seeing. What were these things above, beside, below him? Where was he? He tried to sit up and felt, numbly, a panic. There was nothing to sit up upon because he was hanging in nothingness. The attempt sent him forward and over, very slowly, as if he were in a bath of thin treacle. A foot from his fingertips was a rod of bright red metal. The rod came from above, from infinity, — and went on down to infinity. He tried to grasp it because it was the nearest solid object, but something invisible was resisting him. It was as if lines of some force were pushing against him, repelling him. Slowly, he turned over in a somersault. Then the resistance halted him with his fingertips about six inches from the rod. He straightened his body out and moved forward a fraction of an inch. At the same time, his body began to rotate on its longitudinal axis. He sucked in sir with aloud sawing noise. Though he knew no hold existed for him, he could not help flailing his arms in panic to try to seize onto something. He was face "down", (or was it up?) Whatever the direction, it was opposite to that toward which he had been looking when he had awakened. Not that this mattered. "Above" him and "below" him the view was the same. He was suspended in space, kept from falling by an invisible and unfelt cocoon. Six feet "below" him was the body of a woman with a very pale skin. She was naked and completely hairless. She seemed to be asleep: Her eyes were closed, and her breasts rose and fell gently. Her legs were together and straight out and her arms were by her side. She turned slowly like a chicken on a spit. The same force that was rotating her was also rotating him. He spun slowly away from her, saw other naked and hairless bodies, men, women, and children, opposite him in silent spinning rows. Above him was the rotating naked and hairless body of a Negro. He lowered his head so that he could see along his own body. He was naked and hairless, too. His skin was smooth, and the muscles of his belly were ridged, and his thighs were packed with strong young muscles. The veins that had stood out like blue mole-ridges were gone. He no longer had the body of the enfeebled and sick sixty-nine-year-old man who had been dying ply a moment ago. And the hundred or so scars were gone. He realized then that there were no old men or women among the bodies surrounding him. All seemed to be about twenty-five years old, though it was difficult to determine the exact age, since the hairless heads and pubes made them seem older and younger at the same time. He had boasted that he knew no fear. Now fear ripped away the cry forming in this throat. His fear pressed down on him and squeezed the new life from him He had been stunned at first because he was still living. Then his position in space and the arrangement of his new environment had frozen his senses. He was seeing and feeling through a thick semi-opaque window. After a few seconds something snapped inside him. He could almost hear it, as if a window had suddenly been raised. The world took a shape which he could grasp, though he could not comprehend it. Above him, on both sides, below him, as far as he could see, bodies floated. They were arranged in vertical and horizontal rows. The up-and-down ranks were separated by red rods, slender as broomsticks, one of which was twelve inches from the feet of the sleepers and the other twelve inches from their heads. Each body was spaced about six feet from the body above and below and on each side. The rods came up from an abyss without bottom and soared into an abyss without ceiling. That grayness into which the rods and the bodies, up and down, right and left, disappeared was neither the sky nor the earth. There was nothing in the distance except the lackluster of infinity. On one side was a dark man with Tuscan features. On his other side was an Asiatic Indian and beyond her a large Nordic looking man. Not until the third revolution was he able to determine what was so odd about the man. The right arm, from a point just below the elbow, was red. It seemed to lack the outer layer of skin. A few seconds later, several rows away, he saw a male adult body lacking the skin and all the muscles of the face. There were other bodies that were not quite complete. Fat away, glimpsed unclearly, was a skeleton and a jumble of organs inside it. He continued turning and observing while his heart slammed against his chest with terror. By then he understood that he wan in some colossal chamber and that the metal rods were radiating some force that somehow supported and revolved millions — maybe billions — of human beings. Where was this place? Certainly, it was not the city of Trieste of the Austro-Hungarian Empire of 1890. It was like no hell or heaven of which he had ever heard or read, and he had thought that he was acquainted with every theory of the afterlife. He had died. Now he was alive. He had scoffed all his life at a life-after-death. For once, he could not deny that he had been wrong. But there was no one present to say, "I told you so, you damned infidel!" Of all the millions, he alone was awake. . . . 1 Paul Eyre shot a flying saucer. On this bright morning, he was walking through a farmer’s field. Ahead of him was the edge of a wood bisected by a small creek. Riley, the setter, had just stiffened. Nose down, crouched low, seeming to vibrate, he pointed toward the magnet, the invisible quail. Paul Eyre’s heart pumped a little faster. Ahead of Riley, a few yards away, was a bush. Behind it should be the covey. They broke loose with that racket that had made him jump so when he was a novice. It was as if the earth had given violent birth to several tiny planets. But there was not the dozen or so he had expected. Only two. The lead one was much larger than the other, so much larger that he did jump then. He knew as the shotgun roared and kicked that it was not a bird. The concentrated pattern of his modified choke must have hit the thing squarely. It fell away at a forty-five degree angle instead of dropping as a dead bird drops, and it crashed through the lower branches of a tree on the outskirts of the wood. Automatically, he had fired the second barrel at the trailing bird. And he had missed it. The thing had rocketed up like a quail. But it had been dark and about two feet long. Or two feet wide. His finger had squeezed on the trigger even as his mind had squeezed on the revelation that it was not a winged creature. It wasn’t a creature, he thought, but a made thing. More like a huge clay pigeon than anything else. He looked around. Riley was a white and black streak, running as if a cougar were after him. He made no noise. He seemed to be conserving his breath as if he knew he’d need every atom of oxygen he could get. Behind him was a trail of excrement. Ahead of him, over half a mile up the slope, was a white farmhouse and two dark-red barns. Roger, Paul’s son, had spoken of mines which flew up into the air before exploding. This thing had not been attached to a chain nor had it blown up. It could be a dud. But there had been no blast as it soared up. Perhaps the noise of his shotgun had covered it. He shook his head. It could not have been anything like that. Unless ... Had some vicious person put it in the field just to kill hunters? Senseless violence was on the increase in this God-forsaking country. The situation was much like that of a car that refused to run. You could think about it all you wanted to and make mental images of what was wrong. But until you opened the hood and looked at the engine, you would not be able to make a definite analysis. So he would open the hood. He walked forward. The only sound was the northwest wind, gentle here because the woods broke it. The bluejay and the crows that had been so noisy before he had fired were quiet. There was the bluejay, sitting on a tree branch. It seemed frozen with shock. He was cautious but not afraid, he told himself. He had been afraid only three times in his life. When his father had deserted him, when his mother had died, and when Mavice had said she was leaving him. And these three events had taught him that nothing was as bad as he’d thought it at the time and that it was stupid, illogical to fear. He and his brothers and sisters and mother had gotten along without his father. His mother’s death had actually made his life easier. And Mavice had not left him. ‘Only the unimaginative, of whom you are the king, have no fear,’ Tincrowdor had told him. But what did that effete egg-head know of real life or real men? Nevertheless, he hesitated. He could just walk away, round up the dog, and hunt elsewhere. Or, better, tell Smith that someone had planted a strange mechanical device in his field. Perhaps, though he did not like to admit it, his sight had betrayed him. Behind his glasses were fifty-four-year-old eyes. He was in good shape, better than most men twenty years younger. Much better than that Tincrowdor, who sat on his locus all day while he typed away on his crazy stories. Still, he had been informed by the optometrist that he needed a new prescription. He had not told anyone about this. He hated to admit to anyone that he had a weakness, and that anyone included himself. When he had a chance to get fitted with new lenses, with no one except the doctor the wiser, he’d go. Perhaps he should not have put it off so long. He resumed walking slowly across the field. Once, he looked toward the farmhouse. Riley, his pace undiminished, was still headed toward it. When he caught Riley, he’d rap him a few on the nose and shame him. If he were ruined by this, he’d get rid of him. He couldn’t see feeding something that was useless. The hound ate more than he was worth as it was. He could imagine what Mavice would say about that. ‘You’re going to retire in eleven years. Would you want us to give you away or send you to the gas chamber because you’re useless?’ And he’d say, ‘But I won’t be. I’ll be working as hard as ever on my own business after I’ve retired.’ He was ten feet from the wood when the yellow haze drifted out from it. . . . Добавлено: 02 Farmer, Philip Jose - Lord of the Trees (Grandrith & Caliban) - 2012.epub Добавлено: Farmer, Philip Jose - Tales of The Wold Newton Universe (Wold Newton) - 2013.epub Добавлено: 01 Farmer, Philip Jose - Hadon of Ancient Opar (Opar) - 2013.epub (eBook, с картами, но без иллюстраций) к имеющемуся 01 Farmer, Philip Jose - Hadon of Ancient Opar (Opar) - 1974.epub (OCR, с иллюстрациями) Добавлено: 01 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld (Dayworld) - 2017.epub (в релизе есть хороший epub, но OCR, а этот - eBook от Open Road Integrated Media Добавлен цикл The Sturch; файл Farmer, Philip Jose - The Lovers - 1961.fb2 перенесен в соответствующую папку и переименован в Farmer, Philip Jose - The Lovers (The Sturch) - 1961.fb2 Добавлен роман Farmer, Philip Jose - A Woman a Day (The Sturch) - 2017.epub, входящий в этот же цикл Добавлено: Весь цикл The World of Tiers в издательском качестве: 01-03 Farmer, Philip Jose - The World of Tiers_ Volume One (The World of Tiers) - 2017.epub 04-07 Farmer, Philip Jose - The World of Tiers_ Volume Two (The World of Tiers) - 2017.epub Омнибус: Farmer, Philip Jose - The Lovers; Dark Is the Sun; Riders of the Purple Wage - 2017.epub Замена: Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld and Other Stories - 1979.epub на Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld and Other Stories - 2017.epub (OCR на retail eBook, на 2 рассказа и 1 ессе больше) Добавлено: 03 Farmer, Philip Jose - The Mad Goblin (Grandrith & Caliban) - 2013.epub (к имеющемуся fb2: 03 Farmer, Philip Jose - Keepers of the Secrets (Grandrith & Caliban) - 1983.fb2, это два разных названия одной книги) 02 Farmer, Philip Jose - Blown or Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind (Exorcism) - 1969.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - Escape from Loki - 1991.fb2 Добавлен цикл "Father Carmody" Файл Farmer, Philip Jose - Night of Light - 1977.fb2 переименован в Farmer, Philip Jose - Night of Light (Father Carmody) - 1977.fb2 и перемещен в соответствующую папку Добавлен сборник Farmer, Philip Jose - Father to the Stars (Father Carmody) - 1981.epub Добавлено: Farmer, Philip Jose - Gods of Opar (Opar) - 2012.epub (содержит все романы цикла) Farmer, Philip Jose - Greatheart Silver - 2013.epub (сборник) Farmer, Philip Jose - Nothing Burns in Hell - 1999.epub (роман) Добавлено: 00 Farmer, Philip Jose - River of Eternity (Riverworld) - 1983.fb2 Farmer, Philip Jose - The Suicide Express (Riverworld) - 1966.fb2 Farmer, Philip Jose - Tales of Riverworld (Riverworld) - 1992.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - Quest to Riverworld (Riverworld) - 1993.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - Stations of the Nightmare (Stations of the Nightmare) - 2012.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - Fire and the Night - 1962.fb2 Farmer, Philip Jose - Two Hawks from Earth - 2021.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2 The Gate of Time) Farmer, Philip Jose - Love Song - 1970.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Wind Whales of Ishmael - 2013.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Farmer, Philip Jose - The Evil in Pemberley House - 2015.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Unreasoning Mask - 2007.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Farmer, Philip Jose - Down in the Black Gang and Other Stories - 1971.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Tin Woodman Slams the Door - 1954.fb2 Замены: 02 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Rebel (Dayworld) - 1987.epub на 02 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Rebel (Dayworld) - 2017.epub 03 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Breakup (Dayworld) - 1990.epub на 03 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Breakup (Dayworld) - 2017.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Other Log of Phileas Fogg - 1973.epub на Farmer, Philip Jose - The Other Log of Phileas Fogg - 2012.epub |
OldOldNick |
UPD Релиз обновлен 23.06.2015 Добавлен файл: 02 Farmer, Philip Jose - Lord of the Trees (Grandrith & Caliban) - 2012.epub
OldOldNick |
UPD Релиз обновлен 28.03.2016
OldOldNick |
UPD Релиз обновлен 11.05.2017
OldOldNick |
UPD Релиз обновлен 08.11.2017
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UPD Релиз обновлен 05.02.2018 См. головное сообщение темы
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UPD Релиз обновлен 03.08.2018 См. "История обновлений"
OldOldNick |
UPD Релиз обновлен 05.07.2019 Добавлен цикл "Father Carmody" Файл Farmer, Philip Jose - Night of Light - 1977.fb2 переименован в Farmer, Philip Jose - Night of Light (Father Carmody) - 1977.fb2 и перемещен в соответствующую папку Добавлен сборник Farmer, Philip Jose - Father to the Stars (Father Carmody) - 1981.epub
OldOldNick |
UPD Релиз обновлен 22.09.2023 Добавлено: Farmer, Philip Jose - Gods of Opar (Opar) - 2012.epub (содержит все романы цикла) Farmer, Philip Jose - Greatheart Silver - 2013.epub (сборник) Farmer, Philip Jose - Nothing Burns in Hell - 1999.epub (роман)
OldOldNick |
UPD Релиз обновлен 12.12.2024 Добавлено: 00 Farmer, Philip Jose - River of Eternity (Riverworld) - 1983.fb2 Farmer, Philip Jose - The Suicide Express (Riverworld) - 1966.fb2 Farmer, Philip Jose - Tales of Riverworld (Riverworld) - 1992.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - Quest to Riverworld (Riverworld) - 1993.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - Stations of the Nightmare (Stations of the Nightmare) - 2012.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - Fire and the Night - 1962.fb2 Farmer, Philip Jose - Two Hawks from Earth - 2021.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2 The Gate of Time) Farmer, Philip Jose - Love Song - 1970.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Wind Whales of Ishmael - 2013.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Farmer, Philip Jose - The Evil in Pemberley House - 2015.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Unreasoning Mask - 2007.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Farmer, Philip Jose - Down in the Black Gang and Other Stories - 1971.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Tin Woodman Slams the Door - 1954.fb2 Замены: 02 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Rebel (Dayworld) - 1987.epub на 02 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Rebel (Dayworld) - 2017.epub 03 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Breakup (Dayworld) - 1990.epub на 03 Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Breakup (Dayworld) - 2017.epub Farmer, Philip Jose - The Other Log of Phileas Fogg - 1973.epub на Farmer, Philip Jose - The Other Log of Phileas Fogg - 2012.epub
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