Lloyd Biggle Jr. / Ллойд Биггл младший - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1957-2014 г. Автор: Biggle, Lloyd Jr. / Биггл, Ллойд младший Язык: Английский Формат: fb2 Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Ллойд Биггл младший (Lloyd Biggle, Jr.) 17 апреля 1923 г. - 12 сентября 2002 г. Главным делом жизни Ллойда Биггла-младшего стала музыка и только потом — научная фантастика, в тематике которой музыка занимает также немалое место. Биггл родился в 1923 году в городке Ватерлоо в США. Вторую Мировую войну провел на фронте, служил сержантом связи и был дважды ранен. Его вторая рана, шрапнелью в ногу, полученная на Эльбе в конце войны, сделала его инвалидом. После войны Биггл продолжил образование. Он окончил университет Уэйна, защитил диссертацию по музыковедению и преподавал эту же дисциплину в Университете Мичигана и в Восточно-Мичиганском Университете в пятидесятых. Писать научную фантастику принялся с 1955 года, а с 1963 года, после выхода его романа «Все цвета тьмы», стал профессиональным писателем и оставался таковым до самой смерти. И научная фантастика, и детективы Биггла получили мировое признание. Он стал известен как автор, принесший эстетику в жанр, известный своими технологическими описаниями. В его романах и рассказах часто используются музыкальные и артистические темы. Поэт-песенник Джим Вебб и писатель Орсон Скотт Кард признавались, что в юности на них оказал огромное влияние рассказ Биггла «Музыкодел». В области детективной литературы он написал два романа о Шерлоке Холмсе от лица его помощника с Бейкер-стрит, Эдварда Портера Джонса, и ряд рассказов, объединенных главной героиней — леди Сарой Варнлей. Однажды он сказал: «Я могу писать быстрее, чем журналы могут меня издавать». И действительно, журналы продолжали издавать рассказы Биггла еще несколько лет после его смерти.
01 The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets / Негромкий голос труб 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4344-4842-2, Wildside Press 02 The World Menders / Мир Мендеров 1971, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4344-4775-3, Wildside Press The Problem of the Gourmet Planet 2003, fb2
01 All the Colors of Darkness / Все цвета тьмы 1963, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4344-4847-7, Wildside Press 02 Watchers of the Dark / Часовой галактики 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4344-4750-0, Wildside Press 03 This Darkening Universe 1975, epub 04 Silence is Deadly 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4344-4395-3, Wildside Press 05 The Whirligig of Time 1979, epub, ISBN: 0-385-13211-5, Doubleday
The Case of the Wolf with Two Tales 2002, fb2 The Case of the Unrepentant Ghost 2006, fb2 Byways to Evil 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781434442970, Wildside Press
The Angry Espers 1961, epub, Ace Books The Fury Out of Time 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4344-4119-5, Wildside Press The Light that Never Was 1972, epub Monument / Памятник 1974, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4344-4825-5, Wildside Press The Chronocide Mission 2002, fb2, ISBN: 1-58715-549-4, Wildside Press The World That Death Made 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4794-0996-9, Wildside Press (with Kenneth Lloyd Biggle) Murder Applied For 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4344-4345-8, Wildside Press (with Kenneth Lloyd Biggle) Ordeal by Terror 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781434443304, Wildside Press
The Rule of the Door and Other Fanciful Regulations (= Out of the Silent Sky; The Silent Sky)
The Rule of the DoorPetty LarcenyOn the Dotted LineJudgement DaySecret Weapon (= Bridle Shower) / У железной няньки The Perfect Punishment (= Pariah Planet)A Slight Case of LimboD.F.C. (= Cronus of the D.F.C.) / Хронос Wings of Song / Крылья песни
A Galaxy of Strangers 1976, epub, ISBN: 0-385-12246-2, Doubleday
And Madly Teach / «Какая прелестная школа!…» The Double-Edged RopeEye for an EyeFirst LoveWho's on First?Round Trip to Esidarap (= Esidarap ot Pirt Dnuor)No Biz Like Show BizWhat Hath God Wrought!
The Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Megapack 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4794-0906-8, Wildside Press
Beachhead in UtopiaHornet's NestMating InstinctThe Madder They ComeTraveling SalesmanEsidarap ot Pirt Dnuor (= Round Trip to Esidarap)Lesson in BiologyOn the DoubleThey Live ForeverWho Steals My MindAn Alien By Any Other Name
The Tunesmith / Музыкодел 1957, fb2 The Orzu Problem 1958, fb2 Judgement Day 1958, fb2 Monument / Памятник 1961, fb2 Have You a Fortune in Your Attic? 1963, fb2 The Frayed String On The Stretched Forefinger Of Time / Потёртая верёвка на пальце времени 1971, fb2 No Biz Like Show Biz 1974, fb2 The Unnullified World 2004, fb2 Drawn from Death 2007, fb2 Armageddon, Inc. 2012, fb2
Everyone calls it the Center. It has another name, a long one, that gets listed in government appropriations and has its derivation analyzed in encyclopedias, but no one uses it. From Bombay to Lima, from Spitsbergen to the mines of Antarctica, from the solitary outpost on Pluto to that on Mercury, it is—the Center. You can emerge from the rolling mists of the Amazon, or the cutting dry winds of the Sahara, or the lunar vacuum, elbow your way up to a bar, and begin, “When I was at the Center—” and every stranger within hearing will listen attentively. It isn't possible to explain the Center, and it isn't necessary. From the babe in arms to the centenarian looking forward to retirement, everyone has been there, and plans to go again next year, and the year after that. It is the vacation land of the Solar System. It is square miles of undulating American Middle West farm land, transfigured by ingenious planning and relentless labor and incredible expense. It is a monumental summary of man's cultural heritage, and like a phoenix, it has emerged suddenly, inexplicably, at the end of the twenty-fourth century, from the corroded ashes of an appalling cultural decay. The Center is colossal, spectacular and magnificent. It is inspiring, edifying and amazing. It is awesome, it is overpowering, it is—everything. And though few of its visitors know about this, or care, it is also haunted. You are standing in the observation gallery of the towering Bach Monument. Off to the left, on the slope of a hill, you see the tense spectators who crowd the Grecian Theater for Euripides. Sunlight plays on their brightly-colored clothing. They watch eagerly, delighted to see in person what millions are watching on visiscope. Beyond the theater, the tree-lined Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard curves into the distance, past the Dante Monument and the Michelangelo Institute. The twin towers of a facsimile of the Rheims Cathedral rise above the horizon. Directly below, you see the curious landscaping of an eighteenth-century French jardin and, nearby, the Moliere Theater. A hand clutches your sleeve, and you turn suddenly, irritably, and find yourself face to face with an old man. The leathery face is scarred and wrinkled, the thin strands of hair glistening white. The hand on your arm is a gnarled claw. You stare, take in the slumping contortion of one crippled shoulder and the hideous scar of a missing ear, and back away in alarm. The sunken eyes follow you. The hand extends in a sweeping gesture that embraces the far horizon, and you notice that the fingers are maimed or missing. The voice is a harsh cackle. “Like it?” he says, and eyes you expectantly. Startled, you mutter, “Why, yes. Of course.” He takes a step forward, and his eyes are eager, pleading. “I say, do you like it?” In your perplexity you can do no more than nod as you turn away—but your nod brings a strange response. A strident laugh, an innocent, childish smile of pleasure, a triumphant shout. “I did it! I did it all!” . . .
It came to Obrien quite suddenly that he was dying. He was lying in a gently swaying gourd hammock, almost within reach of the flying spray where the waves broke in on the point. The caressing warmth of the sun filtered through ragged, scarlet-leaved sao trees. Shouts of the children spearing marnl off the point reached him on fitful gusts of fragrant wind. A full drinking gourd hung at his elbow. The sweet, clear tones of a girl’s voice uplifted in an old, old song, and the tremulous twanging of the nabuls stroked in accompaniment, had embroidered his reverie with bittersweet nostalgia. His first wife had sung that song at a moment in time that now seemed remote almost beyond the reach of memory. Then the realization snapped coldly across his thoughts and roused him from half-dozing, drowsy contentment to icy wakefulness. He was dying. The sudden surge of panic he experienced brought pain in its wake, and while the spasm lasted he lay quietly, hands clutching his abdomen, eyes closed, perspiration oozing from his forehead and soaking the hammock’s brightly patterned robes. It passed, and he jerked erect and shook his fist at the mocking emptiness of the cloudless blue-green sky. “What are you waiting for, damn it! What are you waiting for?” The song stopped abruptly. A nabul struck the ground with a soft thud and a dissonant rattle of strings as Dalla, the singer, leaped to her feet and hurried to his side. He sat on the edge of the hammock wearily looking about him. The multicolored vegetation encircled him with a curtain of riotous beauty, and its glistening, drooping blossoms wafted a soporific invitation to rest, to meditate. ...
UPD Релиз обновлен 11.08.2024
Добавлено 01 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets (Interplanetary Relations Bureau) - 2012.epub
Добавлено Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Light that Never Was - 1972.epub
Добавлено Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Rule of the Door and Other Fanciful Regulations - 1967.epub (сборник) Biggle, Lloyd Jr - A Galaxy of Strangers - 1976.epub (сборник) 05 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Whirligig of Time (Jan Darzek) - 1979.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The World That Death Made - 2013.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Have You a Fortune in Your Attic - 1963.fb2 (рассказ, детектив) Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Armageddon, Inc. - 2012.fb2 (рассказ)
Добавлено: 02 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The World Menders (Interplanetary Relations Bureau) - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) 01 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - All the Colors of Darkness (Jan Darzek) - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Добавлено: Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Angry Espers - 1961.epub 03 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - This Darkening Universe (Jan Darzek) - 1975.epub
Добавлено: Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Byways to Evil (Lady Sara Varnley) - 2013.epub 04 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Murder Jambalaya (J. Pletcher Mystery) - 2012.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Monument - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Murder Applied For - 2013.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Ordeal by Terror - 2013.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Megapack - 2014.epub
К сожалению, удалось собрать весьма малое количество книг Ллойда Биггла
Но "Музыкодел", "Памятник" (и рассказ и роман) и "Все цвета тьмы" - есть ...
Внимание! Релиз обновлен 26.12.2015. Добавил три книги
Внимание! Релиз обновлен 27.03.2016 Добавлена первая книга цикла "Interplanetary Relations Bureau" - The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets
Внимание! Релиз обновлен 17.08.2016 Добавлен роман The Light that Never Was
UPD Релиз обновлен 04.07.2018
UPD Релиз обновлен 27.06.2019 Добавлено: 02 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The World Menders (Interplanetary Relations Bureau) - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) 01 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - All the Colors of Darkness (Jan Darzek) - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
UPD Релиз обновлен 07.08.2021 Добавлено: Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Angry Espers - 1961.epub 03 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - This Darkening Universe (Jan Darzek) - 1975.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 11.08.2024 Добавлено: Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Byways to Evil (Lady Sara Varnley) - 2013.epub 04 Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Murder Jambalaya (J. Pletcher Mystery) - 2012.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Monument - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Murder Applied For - 2013.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - Ordeal by Terror - 2013.epub Biggle, Lloyd Jr - The Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Megapack - 2014.epub