Harry Turtledove / Гарри Тертлдав - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1984-2022 г. Автор: Turtledove, Harry / Тертлдав, Гарри Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Гарри Тертлдав (Harry Turtledove) Родился: 14 июня 1949 г.
В 1977 г. получил степень доктора философии, защитив диссертацию по истории Византии. Интерес и знание истории отразились на всем творчестве Тертлдава — он известен своими книгами в жанре альтернативной истории. Впервые опубликовался в 1979 г. под псевдонимом Эрик Г. Иверсон. По словам самого автора, его издатель посчитал, что книги изданные под его собственной фамилией (Turtledove — дикий голубь), читатели не воспримут всеръез. Но с 1985 г. Тертлдав сменив издателя, пишет уже под своим собственным именем. Затем последовал ряд произведений малой формы; лучшие из них собраны в сборнике «Калейдоскоп» (1990). Новеллы «Несовпадение» (1988) и «Сжатие Земли» (1991) определенно относятся к жанру «твердой» НФ. Что необычно для Тертлдава, действие в них происходит не в альтернативном мире, а на Земле. Однако в романе «Иная плоть» (1988) описываются события, происходящие в «других» США, а в романе «Мир различий» (1989) советский и американский исследовательские экипажи сталкиваются на «другом» Марсе. На сегодня Гарри Тертлдав один из признанных авторитетов исторической фантастики. Является номинантом и обладателем многих премий в области литературы. Наибольшую известность ему принес так называемый «Видесский цикл». Он включает в себя три серии, связанных общим миром. По хронологии первыми идут 4 романа серии «Смутные времена» — действие за 150 лет до «Сказаний о Криспе». Действие самих хроник пропавшего легиона, цикл «Видессос», происходит спустя 650 лет после «Смутных времен». Какое бы произведение Тертлдава вы не читали, все они отличаются точностью деталей, интересным сюжетом и логичной концовкой. Будь это фэнтези «Свалка токсичных заклинаний» или же альтернативная история о войне Севера и Юга — читатель всегда получит удовольствие от хорошего чтения.
Typecasting 2016, epub (retail), ISBN: 9780765389824, Tor (A Tor.com Original) Three Bill Williamson Stories 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-250-62283-9, Tor (A Tor.com Original)
Something FishyAlways Something NewTie a Yellow Ribbon
01 Gunpowder Empire 2003, fb2; 2010, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-1505-2, Tor 02 Curious Notions 2004, fb2; 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-1506-9, Tor 03 In High Places 2006, fb2; 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-1504-5, Tor 04 The Disunited States of America 2006, fb2; 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-6561-3, Tor 05 The Gladiator 2007, fb2; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-6565-1, Tor 06 The Valley-Westside War 2008, fb2; 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-6566-8, Tor
01 Days Of Infamy 2005, fb2, ISBN: 0-451-46056-1, Roc / New American Library; 2004, epub, ISBN: 978-1-1012-1264-6, NAL 02 End of the Beginning 2006, fb2, ISBN: 0-451-46078-2, Roc / New American Library; 2005, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-1012-1266-0, New American Library
01 Werenight/ Ночь оборотней 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-0946-1, Open Road Integrated Media (Переработанный вариант двух романов 70-х: "Wereblood"и "Werenight") 02 Prince of the North / Принц Севера 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-0947-8, Open Road Integrated Media 03 King of the North / Владыка Севера 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-575-12100-3, Gateway / Orion Wisdom of the Fox 1999, fb2
01 Werenight / Ночь оборотней (Переработанный вариант двух романов 70-х: "Wereblood"и "Werenight") 02 Prince of the North / Принц Севера
Tale of the Fox 2000, fb2
03 King of the North / Владыка Севера04 Fox and Empire / Лис и империя
How Few Remain 1997, fb2; 2008, epub, ISBN: 978-0-307-53101-8, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 American Front 1998, fb2; 2006, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-49430-6, Del Rey / Ballantine 02 Walk in Hell 1999, fb2; 2006, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-49432-0, Del Rey / Ballantine 03 Breakthroughs 2000, fb2; 2006, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-49431-3, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 Blood and Iron 2001, fb2; 2006, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-49428-3, Del Rey / Ballantine 02 The Center Cannot Hold 2002, fb2; 2002, epub, ISBN: 0-345-45480-4, Del Rey / Ballantine 03 The Victorious Opposition 2003, fb2; 2003, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-46450-7, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 Return Engagement 2004, fb2; 2004, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-47859-7, Del Rey / Ballantine 02 Drive to the East 2005, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-48462-8, Del Rey / Ballantine 03 The Grapple 2006, fb2; 2006, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-49364-4, Del Rey / Ballantine 04 In at the Death 2007, fb2; 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-50051-9, Del Rey / Ballantine
Audubon in Atlantis / Одюбон в Атлантиде 2005, fb2 The Scarlet Band 2006, fb2 01 Opening Atlantis 2007, fb2; 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-21286-8, Roc / New American Library 02 The United States of Atlantis 2008, fb2; 2008, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4406-4079-7, Roc / New American Library 03 Liberating Atlantis 2009, fb2; 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-15195-2, Roc / New American Library
01 Beyond the Gap 2007, fb2; 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-4097-9, Tor 02 The Breath of God 2008, fb2; 2008, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7653-1711-7, Tor 03 The Golden Shrine 2009, fb2
01 Eruption 2011, fb2; 2011, epub, ISBN : 978-1-101-55220-9, Roc / New American Library 02 All Fall Down 2012, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-61177-7, Roc / New American Library 03 Things Fall Apart 2013, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-1-101-62656-6, Roc / New American Library
01 Into the Darkness / Тьма надвигается 1999, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-684-85825-8, Earthlight; 2000, epub, ISBN: 978-0-613-27901-7, Turtleback Books 02 Darkness Descending / Тьма сгущается 2000, fb2/epub 03 Through the Darkness 2001, fb2/epub 04 Rulers of the Darkness 2002, fb2; 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-1500-7, Tor 05 Jaws of Darkness 2003, fb2/epub 06 Out of the Darkness 2004, fb2/epub
01 Sentry Peak 2000, fb2 02 Marching Through Peachtree 2001, fb2 03 Advance and Retreat 2002, fb2
01 Bombs Away 2015, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-0-553-39071-1, Del Rey 02 Fallout 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-0-553-39074-2, Del Rey 03 Armistice 2017, epub, ISBN: 978-0-553-39077-3, Del Rey
Издавалось под псевдонимом Dan Chernenko 01 The Bastard King / Проклятие низвергнутого бога 2003, fb2, ISBN: 0-451-45914-8, Roc / New American Library; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2746-5, Open Road Integrated Media 02 The Chernagor Pirates / Пираты черных гор 2004, fb2, ISBN: 0-451-45956-3, Roc / New American Library; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2747-2, Open Road Integrated Media 03 The Scepter's Return 2005, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-2748-9, Open Road Integrated Media
01 Hitler's War 2009, fb2; 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-51565-0, Del Rey / Ballantine 02 West and East 2010, fb2; 2010, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-52184-2, Del Rey / Ballantine 03 The Big Switch 2011, fb2; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-52638-0, Del Rey / Ballantine 04 Coup d'Etat 2012, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-52467-6, Del Rey / Ballantine 05 Two Fronts 2013, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-52470-6, Del Rey / Ballantine 06 Last Orders 2014, fb2; 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-52473-7, Del Rey
The Seventh Chapter 1997, fb2 Bridge of the Separator 2005, fb2, ISBN: 978-1-4165-0918-9, Baen
01 The Misplaced Legion / Пропавший легион 2011, epub, eISBN: 978-0-307-78983-9, Del Rey 02 An Emperor for the Legion / Император для легиона 2011, epub, eISBN: 978-0-307-78984-6, Del Rey 03 The Legion of Videssos / Легион Видесса 2011, epub, eISBN: 978-0-307-78985-3, Del Rey 04 Swords of the Legion / Мечи легиона 2011, epub, eISBN: 978-0-307-78986-0, Del Rey
01 Krispos Rising / Возвышение Криспа 1991, fb2; 2008, epub, eISBN: 978-0-307-49636-2, Del Rey / Ballantine 02 Krispos of Videssos / Крисп Видесский 1991, fb2 03 Krispos the Emperor / Император Крисп 1994, fb2 The Tale of Krispos 2007, epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-50277-3, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 Krispos Rising / Возвышение Криспа02 Krispos of Videssos / Крисп Видесский03 Krispos the Emperor / Император Крисп
The Time of Troubles I 2005, fb2, ISBN: 978-1-4165-0904-2, Baen
01 The Stolen Throne / Похищенный трон02 Hammer and Anvil / Молот и наковальня
The Time of Troubles II 2005, fb2, ISBN: 1-4165-0899-6, Baen
03 The Thousand Cities04 Videssos Besieged
01 In the Balance / Флот вторжения 1995, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-38852-6, Del Rey / Ballantine 02 Tilting the Balance / Ответный удар 1996, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-38998-0, Del Rey / Ballantine In the Balance & Tilting the Balance 2002, epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-45613-7, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 In the Balance / Флот вторжения
02 Tilting the Balance / Ответный удар
03 Upsetting the Balance / Око за око 2002, fb2/epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-45363-1, Del Rey / Ballantine 04 Striking the Balance / Великий перелом 2002, fb2/epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-45364-8, Del Rey / Ballantine
01 Second Contact 2000, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-43022-0, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2002, epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-45365-5, Del Rey / Ballantine 02 Down to Earth 2001, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-43023-9, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2002, epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-45366-2, Del Rey / Ballantine 03 Aftershocks 2001, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-43021-2, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2002, epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-45367-9, Del Rey / Ballantine
Homeward Bound 2005, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-45846-X, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2004, epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-48194-8, Del Rey / Ballantine
Не фантастика. Исторические романы Издавалось под псевдонимом H. N. Turteltaub 01 Over the Wine-Dark Sea / По воле Посейдона. Морские приключения в Древнем мире 2001, fb2, ISBN: 0-312-70193-4, Forge; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-61242-141-4, Phoenix Pick 02 The Gryphon's Skull / Череп грифона 2002, fb2; 2002, epub, ISBN: 0-312-87222-4, Tor 03 The Sacred Land 2003, fb2; 2003, epub, ISBN: 0-765-30037-0, Forge 04 Owls to Athens 2004, fb2; 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-765-30038-9, Forge
Agent of Byzantium / Агент Византии 1987, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-86553-183-3, Congdon & Weed; 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-0944-7, Open Road Integrated Media A World of Difference / Битва в космосе 1990, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-36076-1, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-307-79233-4, Del Rey / Ballantine The Guns of the South 1993, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-38468-7, Del Rey / Ballantine; 2011, epub, eISBN: 978-0-307-79235-8, Del Rey / Ballantine The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump / Дело о свалке токсичных заклинаний 1993, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-72196-8, Baen; 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-5040-0943-0, Open Road Integrated Media The Two Georges 1995, fb2 (with Richard Dreyfuss) Thessalonica 1997, fb2 Justinian 1998, fb2 (под псевдонимом H. N. Turteltaub; исторический роман) Between the Rivers 1998, fb2, ISBN: 0-312-86202-4, Tor Household Gods 1999, fb2; 2012, epub, ISBN: 9781466828407, Tor (with Judith Tarr) Ruled Britannia 2002, fb2; 2003, epub, ISBN: 978-1-1012-1251-6, New American Library Conan of Venarium / Конан в Венариуме 2003, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781466828421, Tor In the Presence of Mine Enemies 2003, fb2; 2004, epub, ISBN: 978-1-1012-1257-8, Roc / New American Library Every Inch a King 2005, fb2; 2007, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-49809-0, Del Rey / Ballantine Fort Pillow 2006, fb2; 2007, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-0974-7, St. Martin's Press (исторический роман) After the Downfall 2008, fb2; 2008, epub, ISBN: 978-1-59780-130-0, Night Shade Books The Man with the Iron Heart 2008, fb2; 2008, epub, ISBN: 978-0-345-50777-8, Del Rey / Ballantine Give Me Back My Legions! / Верни мне мои легионы! 2009, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-312-37106-7, St. Martin's Press (исторический роман) Joe Steele 2015, fb2; 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-0-698-17887-8, Roc / New American Library The House of Daniel 2016, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4668-7133-5, Tor Through Darkest Europe, 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4668-7132-8, Tor Alpha and Omega, 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-399-18150-4, Del Rey Salamis 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-64710-008-7, CAEZIK SF & Fantasy Three Miles Down 2022, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-250-84485-9, Tor
A Different Flesh 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-0945-4, Open Road Integrated Media
Vilest BeastAnd so to BedAround the Salt LickThe Iron ElephantThough the Heavens FallTrapping RunFreedom
And so to BedBluff / Блеф A Difficult Undertaking / Осада Сотевага The Weather's Fine / Погода прекрасна Crybaby / Рева Hindsight / Самое надежное средство Gentlemen of the ShadeThe Boring Beast / Чудо-занудо The Road Not Taken / Дороги, которые мы не выбираем The Castle of the SparrowhawkThe Summer GardenThe Last Article / Последний символ The Girl Who Took Lessons / Женщина, которая брала уроки
Earthgrip (collection, 1991)
The G'Bur (= 6 +) / Ж'Буры The Atheters (= Nothing in the Night-Time) / Эсетеры The Foitani (= The Great Unknown) / Великое Неизвестное
Departures / Отправные точки 1993, fb2; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-0-307-79234-1, Del Rey / Ballantine
Counting PotsherdsDeath in VesunnaDeparturesIslands in the Sea / Острова в океане Not All WolvesClash of Arms / Поединок Pillar of Cloud, Pillar of FireReport of the Special Committee on the Quality of LifeBatboyThe Last ReunionDesignated HitterGladly Wolde He LerneThe Barbecue, the Movie, and Other Unfortunately Not So Relevant MaterialIn the Presence of Mine EnemiesThe R StrainLureSecret NamesLes Mortes D'ArthurLast Favour / Последняя любезность Nasty, Brutish, and...
Down in the Bottomlands and Other Places 1999, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-671-57835-9, Baen (with L. Sprague de Camp)
Down in the Bottomlands / В Низине novella by Harry Turtledove The Wheels of If novella by L. Sprague de Camp The Pugnacious Peacemaker novella by Harry Turtledove
Counting Up, Counting Down / Прямой отсчет, обратный отсчет 2002, epub, eISBN: 978-0-345-45499-7, Del Rey / Ballantine
Forty, Counting DownMust and ShallReady for the FatherlandThe Phantom Tolbukhin / Толбухин-призрак Deconstruction GangThe Green BuffaloThe Maltese ElephantVerminIls ne passeront pasIn This SeasonHoneymouthMyth Manners' Guide to Greek Missology #1: Andromeda and PerseusGoddess for a DayAfter the Last Elf Is DeadThe Decoy Duck / Подсадная утка The Seventh ChapterTwenty-one, Counting Up
Reincarnations 2009, fb2
The Haunted BicuspidReincarnation / Реинкарнация The Phantom Tolbukhin / Толбухин-призрак MosoBluethroatsWorlds Enough, and TimeHe Woke in DarknessThey'd Never—
Atlantis and Other Places 2010, epub, eISBN: 978-1-101-47509-6, Roc / New American Library
Audubon in Atlantis / Одюбон в Атлантиде BedfellowsNews from the FrontThe Catcher in the Rhine / Ловец в Рейне The DaimonFarmers' LawOccupation DutyThe Horse of BronzeThe Genetics LectureSomeone Is Stealing the Great Throne Rooms of the GalaxyUncle AlfThe Scarlet Band
We Install and Other Stories 2015, epub, ISBN: 978-1-5040-0940-9, Open Road Integrated Media
Father of the GroomWe InstallAlternate History: the How-to of What Might Have BeenDrang von OstenHoxbombLogan's LawThe Ring and IBirdwitchingDown in the Bottomlands / В Низине The Thing in the WoodsPerspectives on ChanukahUnder St. Peter's / Под собором Святого Петра It's the End of the World as We Know It, and We Feel Fine
And the Last Trump Shall Sound: A Future History of America 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-64710-006-3, CAEZIK SF & Fantasy
The Breaking of Nations novella by Harry Turtledove The Purloined Republic novella by James Morrow Because It Is Bitter novella by Cat Rambo
Herbig-Haro 1984, fb2 Trantor Falls / Падение Трантора 1989, fb2 Mebodes' Fly 1992, fb2 La Difference 1998, fb2 Black Tulip 2001, fb2 Of Mice And Chicks 2004, fb2 Hi, Colonic 2005, fb2 Getting Real 2009, fb2 We Haven't Got There Yet 2009, fb2; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-2477-1, Tor (A Tor.com Original) The House That George Built 2009, fb2 The Star and the Rockets 2009, fb2 Vilcabamba 2010, fb2; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-2616-4, Tor (A Tor.com Original) The Mrem Go West 2011, fb2 Shtetl Days 2011, fb2; 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-9118-6, Tor (A Tor.com Original) Lee at the Alamo 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-6531-6, Tor (A Tor.com Original) Cayos in the Stream 2013, fb2/epub Running of the Bulls 2013, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4668-4187-1, Tor (A Tor.com Original) Something Going Around 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4668-6907-3, Tor (A Tor.com Original) The Eighth-Grade History Class Visits the Hebrew Home for the Aging 2014, fb2; 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4668-6190-9, Tor (A Tor.com Original) Visitor from the East 2016, fb2 Peace Is Better 2016, fb2 Hail! Hail! 2018, epub Manuscript Tradition 2020, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-250-77009-7, Tor (A Tor.com Original) No Period 2020, epub (retail), Tor (A Tor.com Original) Or Even Eagle Flew 2021, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-952825-13-2, Prince of Cats Literary Productions
THE SUN OF NORTHERN GAUL WAS PALE, NOTHING LIKE THE hot, lusty torch that flamed over Italy. In the dim stillness beneath the trees, its light came wan, green, and shifting, almost as if undersea. The Romans pushing their way down the narrow forest track took their mood from their surroundings. They moved quietly; no trumpets or bawdy marching songs announced their coming. The daunting woods ignored them. Peering into the forest, Marcus Aemilius Scaurus wished he had more men. Caesar and the main Roman army were a hundred miles to the southwest, moving against the Veneti on the Atlantic coast. Scaurus’ three cohorts—“a reconaissance in force,” his superior had called them—were more than enough to attract the attention of the Gauls, but might be unable to deal with it, once attracted. “Only too right,” Gaius Philippus answered when the tribune said that aloud. The senior centurion, hair going gray and face tanned and lined by a lifetime on campaign, had long ago lost optimism with the other illusions of his youth. Though Scaurus’ birth gave him higher rank, he had the sense to rely on his vastly experienced aide. Gaius Philippus cast a critical eye on the Roman column. “Close it up, there!” he rasped, startlingly loud in the quiet. His gnarled vine-staff badge of office thwacked against his greave to punctuate the order. He quirked an eyebrow at Scaurus. “You’ve nothing to worry about anyway, sir. One look and the Gauls will think you’re one of theirs on a masquerade.” The military tribune gave a wry nod. His family sprang from Mediolanum in northern Italy. He was tall and blond as any Celt and used to the twitting his countrymen dished out. Seeing he’d failed to hit a nerve, Gaius Philippus took another tack. “It’s not just your looks, you know—that damned sword gives you away, too.” That hit home. Marcus was proud of his blade, a three-foot Gallic longsword he had taken from a slain Druid a year ago. It was fine steel and better suited to his height and reach than the stubby Roman gladii. “You know full well I had an armorer give it a decent point,” he said. “When I use a sword, I’m not such a fool as to slash with it.” “A good thing, too. It’s the point, not the edge, that brings a man down. Hello, what’s this about?” Gaius Philippus added as four of the small army’s scouts dashed into the woods, weapons in hand. They came out a few moments later, three of them forcibly escorting a short, scrawny Gaul while the fourth carried the spear he had borne. As they dragged their captive up to Scaurus, their leader, an underofficer named Junius Blaesus, said, “I’d thought someone was keeping an eye on us this past half hour and more, sir. This fellow finally showed himself.” . . .
Atvar, the commander of the Race’s conquest fleet, poked a control with a fingerclaw. A holographic image sprang into being above the projector in the fleetlord’s office. In the forty years since the conquest fleet came to Tosev 3 (half that many local years), he had grown all too intimately familiar with that particular image. So had Kirel, shiplord of the 127th Emperor Hetto, the bannership of the conquest fleet. The body paint on his scaly, green-brown hide was more ornate than every other male’s save only Atvar’s. His mouth fell open in amusement, revealing a great many small, sharp teeth. A slight waggle to his lower jaw gave his laughter a sardonic twist. “Once more we behold the mighty Tosevite warrior, eh, Exalted Fleetlord?” he said. He ended the sentence with an interrogative cough. “Even so, Shiplord,” Atvar answered. “Even so. He does not look as if he would cause us much trouble, does he?” “By the Emperor, no,” Kirel said. Both Atvar and he swiveled their turreted eyes so they looked down at the ground for a moment: a gesture of respect for the sovereign back on distant Home. As Atvar had done so many times before, he walked around the hologram to view it from all sides. The Tosevite male was mounted on a hairy local quadruped. He wore a tunic of rather rusty chain armor, and over it a light cloth coat. A pointed iron helmet protected his braincase. Tufts of yellowish hair grew like dry grass on his scaleless, pinkish cheeks and jaw. For armament, he had a spear, a sword, a knife, and a shield with a cross painted in red on it. A long, hissing sigh escaped Atvar. “If only it had been as easy as we thought it would be.” “Truth, Exalted Fleetlord,” Kirel said. “Who would have thought the Big Uglies”-the nickname the Race used for its Tosevite subjects and neighbors-“could have changed so much in a mere sixteen hundred years?” “No one,” Atvar said. “No one at all.” He used a different cough this time, one that emphasized the words preceding it. They deserved emphasis. The Race-and the Hallessi and Rabotevs, whose planets the Empire had ruled for thousands of years-changed only very slowly, only very cautiously. For the Race, one millennium was like another. After sending a probe to Tosev 3, everyone back on Home had blithely assumed the barbarians there would not have changed much by the time the conquest fleet arrived. Never in its hundred thousand years of unified imperial history-and never in the chaotic times before, for that matter-had the Race got a larger and more unpleasant surprise. When the conquest fleet did reach Tosev 3, it found not sword-swinging savages but a highly industrialized world with several empires and not-empires battling one another for dominance. ...
UPD Релиз обновлен 22.10.2022
Добавлено: 01 Turtledove, Harry - Beyond the Gap (Opening of the World) - 2007.epub к имеющемуся fb2 02 Turtledove, Harry - The Breath of God (Opening of the World) - 2008.epub к имеющемуся fb2 02 Turtledove, Harry - Fallout (The Hot War) - 2016.epub Turtledove, Harry - A Different Flesh - 2015.epub Turtledove, Harry - Departures - 2011.epub к имеющемуся fb2 Turtledove, Harry - The House of Daniel - 2016.epub Turtledove, Harry - Typecasting - 2016.epub Turtledove, Harry - Household Gods - 2012.epub
Добавлено: 01 Turtledove, Harry - Werenight (Gerin the Fox) - 2015.epub 02 Turtledove, Harry - Prince of the North (Gerin the Fox) - 2015.epub Turtledove, Harry - Every Inch a King - 2007.epub Turtledove, Harry - Lee at the Alamo - 2011.epub Turtledove, Harry - Shtetl Days - 2011.epub Turtledove, Harry - The Eighth-Grade History Class Visits the Hebrew Home for the Aging - 2014.epub
Добавлено: 03 Turtledove, Harry - Armistice (The Hot War) - 2017.epub
Добавлено: Turtledove, Harry - Mebodes' Fly - 1992.fb2 Turtledove, Harry - Between the Rivers - 1998.fb2 Turtledove, Harry - Visitor from the East - 2016.fb2 Turtledove, Harry - Peace Is Better - 2016.fb2 Turtledove, Harry - Hail! Hail! - 2018.epub Turtledove, Harry - Through Darkest Europe - 2018.epub
01 Turtledove, Harry - Gunpowder Empire (Crosstime Traffic) - 2010.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 02 Turtledove, Harry - Curious Notions (Crosstime Traffic) - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 03 Turtledove, Harry - In High Places (Crosstime Traffic) - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 04 Turtledove, Harry - The Disunited States of America (Crosstime Traffic) - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 06 Turtledove, Harry - The Valley-Westside War (Crosstime Traffic) - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 02 Turtledove, Harry - End of the Beginning (Days of Infamy) - 2005.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 02 Turtledove, Harry - The United States of Atlantis (Lost Continent of Atlantis) - 2008.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 04 Turtledove, Harry - Rulers of the Darkness (The Darkness) - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 03 Turtledove, Harry - King of the North (Gerin the Fox) - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) 01 Turtledove, Harry - Over the Wine-Dark Sea (Menedemos and Sostratos) - 2013.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Turtledove, Harry - Agent of Byzantium - 2015.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Turtledove, Harry - Fort Pillow - 2007.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Turtledove, Harry - We Haven't Got There Yet - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Turtledove, Harry - Vilcabamba - 2011.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Turtledove, Harry - Running of the Bulls - 2013.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) Turtledove, Harry - The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump - 2015.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2)
Добавлен новый роман Turtledove, Harry - Alpha and Omega - 2019.epub
Добавлено: Turtledove, Harry - And the Last Trump Shall Sound - 2020.epub (омнибус, содержит повесть "The Breaking of Nations") Turtledove, Harry - Salamis - 2020.epub Turtledove, Harry - Manuscript Tradition - 2020.epub Turtledove, Harry - Conan of Venarium - 2012.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) Turtledove, Harry - Three Bill Williamson Stories (Bill Williamson) - 2020.epub Перемещения: Файл Turtledove, Harry - Typecasting - 2016.epub переименован в Turtledove, Harry - Typecasting (Bill Williamson) - 2016.epub и перенесен в соответствующую папку
Добавлено: Turtledove, Harry - No Period - 2020.epub Turtledove, Harry - Or Even Eagle Flew - 2021.epub
Добавлено: Turtledove, Harry - Three Miles Down - 2022.epub
Внимание! Релиз обновлен 23.08.2016
UPD Релиз обновлен 20.05.2017 Добавлено: 01 Turtledove, Harry - Werenight (Gerin the Fox) - 2015.epub 02 Turtledove, Harry - Prince of the North (Gerin the Fox) - 2015.epub Turtledove, Harry - Every Inch a King - 2007.epub Turtledove, Harry - Lee at the Alamo - 2011.epub Turtledove, Harry - Shtetl Days - 2011.epub Turtledove, Harry - The Eighth-Grade History Class Visits the Hebrew Home for the Aging - 2014.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 22.07.2017 Добавлен новый роман из цикла "The Hot War"
UPD Релиз обновлен 29.11.2018 Список - в головном сообщении
UPD Релиз обновлен 10.08.2019 Добавлен новый роман Turtledove, Harry - Alpha and Omega - 2019.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 26.11.2020 Добавлено: Turtledove, Harry - And the Last Trump Shall Sound - 2020.epub (омнибус, содержит повесть "The Breaking of Nations") Turtledove, Harry - Salamis - 2020.epub Turtledove, Harry - Manuscript Tradition - 2020.epub Turtledove, Harry - Conan of Venarium - 2012.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся OCR fb2) Turtledove, Harry - Three Bill Williamson Stories (Bill Williamson) - 2020.epub Перемещения: Файл Turtledove, Harry - Typecasting - 2016.epub переименован в Turtledove, Harry - Typecasting (Bill Williamson) - 2016.epub и перенесен в соответствующую папку
UPD Релиз обновлен 12.01.2022 Добавлено: Turtledove, Harry - No Period - 2020.epub Turtledove, Harry - Or Even Eagle Flew - 2021.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 22.10.2022 Добавлено: Turtledove, Harry - Three Miles Down - 2022.epub