
L. Sprague de Camp / Лайон Спрэг де Камп - Собрание сочинений (203 произведения) [1938-2015, fb2/epub, ENG]

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L. Sprague de Camp / Лайон Спрэг де Камп - Собрание сочинений

Годы выпуска: 1938-2015 г.
Автор: L. Sprague de Camp / Лайон Спрэг де Камп
Язык: Английский
Формат: fb2/epub
Качество: OCR/eBook

Лайон Спрэг де Камп (Lyon Sprague de Camp, 1907.11.27-2000.11.06)
Де Камп начал писательскую карьеру в тридцатых годах, сочиняя рассказы для бульварных журналов. Его буквально завораживали герои жанра «swords&sorcery» и особенно — Конан-варвар Роберта Говарда. Завершив множество недописанных самим Говардом историй о Конане, де Камп продолжил знаменитую сагу о варваре не менее впечатляющим числом своих произведений, а также работал в соавторстве с другим известным писателем-фэнтезийщиком Лином Картером (Lin Carter).
Несомненным успехом стал творческий союз де Кампа с писателем Флетчером Прэттом, библиотекарем, журналистом, военным историком. Их первая большая совместная работа — роман «Дипломированный чародей» («The Incomplete Enchanter») был издан в 1941 году. В книге, составленной из трех ранее Лайон Спрэг де Камп публиковавшихся в журналах повестей, рассказывалось о забавных приключениях Гарольда Ши, кочующего из одного мифического мира в другой. Роман стал классикой жанра и продолжает с успехом переиздаваться в наши дни. Впоследствии де Камп и Прэтт периодически возвращались к полюбившемуся герою. Другой знаменитой работой писателей стал цикл рассказов «The Gavagan's Bar», в России практически неизвестный.
Сам де Камп, однако, сочинял не очень охотно. Гораздо больше его занимали совсем другие вещи: он очень много путешествовал, изучал иностранные языки и говорил на нескольких из них, увлекался историей и написал книгу о великих городах прошлого и древней архитектуре, писал и о жизни Говарда Лавкрафта («Lovecraft: A Biography»), и о жизни Роберта Говарда («Dark Valley Destiny: The Life of Robert E. Howard», в соавторстве с Катериной Крук (Catherine A. Crook) и Джейн Гриффин (Jane Griffin)), причем за исследование последней был удостоен в 1984 году World Fantasy Special Award.
Жена Лайона Спрэга де Кампа — Кэтрин Аделаида Крук (Catherine Adelaide Crook), к счастью, убедила его уделять творчеству больше времени, и во многом благодаря ей читатели обязаны появлением более поздних сочинений писателя. Она стала соавтором де Кампа, написав вместе с ним такие романы, как «Кости Зоры» («The Bones of Zora»), «Мечи Зинджабана» («The Swords Of Zinjaban») и несколько других...
The Complete Compleat Enchanter 2015, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-320-1, Baen (with Fletcher Pratt)
01 The Roaring Trumpet / Ревущая труба
02 The Mathematics of Magic / Математика волшебства
03 The Castle of Iron / Железный замок
04 The Wall of Serpents / Стена змей
05 The Green Magician / Волшебник зеленых холмов
The Enchanter Reborn / Возрожденный чародей 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-72134-8, Baen (with Christopher Stasheff)
Professor Harold and the Trustees / Профессор Гарольд и попечители - novelette by Christopher Stasheff
Sir Harold and the Gnome King / Сэр Гарольд и король гномов - novelette by L. Sprague de Camp
Sir Harold and the Monkey King / Сэр Гарольд и король обезьян - novella by Christopher Stasheff
Knight and the Enemy / Рыцарь и его враги - novella by Holly Lisle
Arms and the Enchanter / Оружие и чародей - novella by John Maddox Roberts
The Exotic Enchanter / Странствующий чародей 1995, epub, ISBN: 0-671-87666-X, Baen (with Christopher Stasheff)
Enchanter Kiev / Чародей Киев - novella by Roland J. Green and Frieda A. Murray
Sir Harold and the Hindu King / Сэр Гарольд и раджа - novella by Christopher Stasheff
Sir Harold of Zodanga / Сэр Гарольд из Зоданга - novella by L. Sprague de Camp
Harold Sheakspeare / Гарольд Шекспир - novella by Tom Wham
01 The Incorporated Knight 1988, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-65435-7, Baen (with Catherine Crook de Camp)
02 The Pixilated Peeress 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-36733-2, Del Rey / Ballantine (with Catherine Crook de Camp)
The Fallible Fiend / Демон, который ошибался 2015, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-337-9, Baen
The Emperor's Fan / Веер императора 1973, fb2
The Honorable Barbarian / Уважаемый варвар 1989, epub
01 The Goblin Tower / Башня гоблинов 1968, fb2
02 The Clocks of Iraz / Часы Ираза 1971, fb2
03 The Unbeheaded King / Корона Ксилара 1983, fb2
01 The Queen of Zamba (= Cosmic Manhunt; A Planet Called Krishna) / Королева Замбы 1949, fb2
Perpetual Motion (= Wide-Open Planet) / Вечный двигатель 1950, fb2
02 The Search for Zei (= The Floating Continent) / Поиски Зеи 1962, fb2
03 The Hand of Zei / Рука Зеи 1963, fb2
Calories (= Gateway on Krishna) 1951, fb2
04 The Hostage of Zir 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-233-4, Baen
05-06 The Virgin of Zesh & The Tower of Zanid 1983, epub, ISBN: 0-441-86495-3, Ace Books
07 The Prisoner of Zhamanak 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-67937-4, Ace Books
08 The Bones of Zora 1984, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-07012-4, Ace Books
09 The Swords of Zinjaban 1991, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-72039-2, Baen
Rogue Queen / Королева оборванцев 2012, epub, ISBN: 978-1-61242-072-1, Phoenix Pick
The Colorful Character 1949, fb2
01 The Stones of Nomuru 1988, fb2
02 The Venom Trees of Sunga 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-37551-3, Del Rey / Ballantine
The Continent Makers and Other Tales of the Viagens 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-234-1, Baen
The Inspector's Teeth / Зубы инспектора (Earth)
Summer Wear / Летние одежды (Osiris)
Finished / Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается (Krishna)
The Galton Whistle (= Ultrasonic God) / Свисток Гальтона (Vishnu)
The Animal-Cracker Plot / Магические крекеры (Vishnu)
Git Along! / А ну, вперед, телятки! (Osiris)
Perpetual Motion / Вечный двигатель (Krishna)
The Continent Makers / Создатели континента (Earth)
The Treasure of Tranicos / Сокровища Траникоса 1953, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
Conan the Victorious 1957, fb2 (with Bjorn Nyberg)
The Thing in the Crypt / Тварь в склепе 1967, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
Wolves Beyond the Border / Волчий рубеж 1967, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
The Hall of the Dead / В зале мертвецов 1967, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
The City of Skulls / Город черепов 1967, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
The Curse of the Monolith (= Conan and the Cenotaph) / Проклятие монолита 1968, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
The Bloodstained God / Бог, запятнанный кровью 1956, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
The Frost Giant's Daughter / Дочь ледяного гиганта 1953, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
The Lair of the Ice Worm / Логово ледяного червя 1969, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
The Castle of Terror / Замок ужаса 1969, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
The Snout in the Dark / Рыло во тьме 1969, fb2 (with Lin Carter and Robert E. Howard)
Hawks over Shem / Ястребы над Шемом 1955, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
The Road of the Eagles / Дорога орлов 1955, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
Black Tears / Черные слезы 1968, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
The Flame Knife / Огненный кинжал 1955, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
Drums of Tombalku / Барабаны Томбалку 1966, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
Conan the Buccaneer / Корона кобры 1971, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
Conan the Usurper / Конан-узурпатор 1967, fb2 (with Robert E. Howard)
The Return of Conan / Возвращение Конана 1957, fb2 (with Bjorn Nyberg)
Conan of Aquilonia / Ветры Аквилонии 1977, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
The Witch of the Mists / Гиперборейская колдунья
Black Sphinx of Nebthu / Черный сфинкс Нептху
Red Moon of Zembabwei / Алая луна Зембабве
Shadows in the Skull / Тени каменного черепа
Conan of the Isles / Конан-островитянин 1968, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
Conan the Swordsman 1978, epub
Legions of the Dead / Легионы смерти (with Lin Carter)
The People of the Summit / Народ вершин (with Bjorn Nyberg)
Shadows in the Dark / Тени во тьме (with Lin Carter)
The Star of Khorala / Звезда Хоралы (with Bjorn Nyberg)
The Gem in the Tower / Камень на башне (with Lin Carter)
The Ivory Goddess / Богиня из слоновой кости (with Lin Carter)
Moon of Blood / Кровавая луна (with Lin Carter)
Conan the Liberator / Под знаменем черных драконов 1979, fb2 (with Lin Carter)
Conan and the Spider God / Конан и бог-паук 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-4299-7272-7, Tor
Conan the Barbarian / Сталь и змея 1982, epub (with Lin Carter)
The Command / Приказ 1938, fb2
The Incorrigible 1939, fb2
The Emancipated 1940, fb2
The Exalted (= The Exhalted) / Медведь в колледже 1940, fb2
The Bear Who Saved the World 1977, fb2 (Сильно переработанный вариант "The Command", with Catherine Crook de Camp)
None But Lucifer / Никто, кроме Люцифера 1939, fb2
Lest Darkness Fall / Да не опустится тьма 1941, fb2
Land of Unreason / Безумный мир 1987, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62579-346-1, Baen (with Fletcher Pratt)
Solomon's Stone 1942, fb2
The Carnelian Cube 1948, fb2 (with Fletcher Pratt)
Genus Homo 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-232-7, Baen (with P. Schuyler Miller)
The Undesired Princess 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-338-6, Baen
An Elephant for Aristotle 1958, fb2, Doubleday
The Glory That Was 1979, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-29400-6, Ace Books
The Tritonian Ring / Кольцо тритона 1968, epub, Paperback Library
The Bronze God of Rhodes 1963, fb2, Bantam Books
The Dragon of the Ishtar Gate 1968, fb2, Lancer Books
The Arrows of Hercules / Стрелы Геркулеса 1965, fb2
The Golden Wind 1969, fb2
The Great Fetish / Великий фетиш 1978, fb2
Divide and Rule / Разделяй и властвуй 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-209-9, Baen
Divide and Rule / Разделяй и властвуй
The Stolen Dormouse
The Wheels of If And Other Science-Fiction 1970, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-01893-8, Berkley Medallion
The Wheels of If
The Best-Laid Scheme
The Warrior Race / Воинственная раса
The Merman
The Contraband Cow
The Gnarly Man
Sprague de Camp's New Anthology 1953, fb2, Panther
Introduction to Sprague de Camp's New Anthology by Herbert J. Campbell
Calories (= Gateway on Krishna)
The Colorful Character
The Saxon Pretender
The Space Clause
Tales from Gavagan's Bar / Бар Гавагана 1978, epub, ISBN: 0-913896-12-8, Owlswick Press (illustrated); 2014, epub, eISBN: 978-1-62579-230-3, Baen (with Fletcher Pratt)
Elephas Frumenti / Теперь ещё и слоны...
The Ancestral Amethyst / Аметист в наследство
Here, Putzi! / Путци, сюда!
More Than Skin Deep / Сильное чувство
Beasts of Bourbon / Твари из бурбона
The Gift of God / Дар божий
The Better Mousetrap / Самая лучшая мышеловка
No Forwarding Address / Адреса не оставил
The Untimely Toper / Не вовремя
The Eve of St. John / Канун Иванова дня
The Love Nest / Любовное гнездышко
The Stone of the Sages / Камень мудрецов
Corpus Delectable / Тело дивной красоты
The Palimpsest of St. Augustine / Палимпсест св. Августина
Where to, Please? / Куда изволите?
Methought I Heard a Voice (= When the Night Wind Howls) / «Почудился мне голос...»
One Man's Meat / Что одному еда...
My Brother's Keeper / Сторож брату моему
A Dime Brings You Success / Гривенник принесет вам успех
Oh, Say! Can You See (= Ward of the Argonaut) / Тот, кто ее увидит
The Rape of the Lock / Врата отворились
Bell, Book and Candle / Колокольчик, книга и свеча
All That Glitters / Все, что блестит
Gin Comes in Bottles / Джин — в бутылке
There'd Be Thousands in It / Великое множество
The Black Ball / Черный шар
The Green Thumb / Чудеса кулинарии
Caveat Emptor / Покупатель, будь бдителен!
The Weissenbroch Spectacles / Очки Вайсенброха
A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales 1969, fb2, Curtis Books
A Gun for Dinosaur / С ружьём на динозавра
Aristotle and the Gun / Аристотель и оружие
The Guided Man
Internal Combustion
Cornzan the Mighty
Judgment Day / Судный день
A Thing of Custom
The Egg
Let's Have Fun
Impractical Joke
New Arcadia
The Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales 1970, fb2, Pyramid Books
The Reluctant Shaman / Шаман поневоле
The Hardwood Pile / Древесина первой категории
Nothing in the Rules / Всё не по правилам
The Ghosts of Melvin Pye / Призраки Мелвина Пая
The Wisdom of the East / Восточная мудрость
Mr. Arson / Мистер Пламен
Ka the Appalling / Ка Ужасный
The Best of L. Sprague de Camp 1978, fb2, ISBN: 0-345-25474-0, Del Rey / Ballantine
L. Sprague de Camp—Engineer and Sorcerer by Poul Anderson
Language for Time Travelers
The Command / Приказ
The Merman
Employment / Такая работа...
The Gnarly Man
"Reward of Virtue"
Nothing in the Rules / Всё не по правилам
The Hardwood Pile / Древесина первой категории
The Reluctant Shaman / Шаман поневоле
The Inspector's Teeth / Зубы инспектора
The Guided Man
"The Ameba"
Judgment Day / Судный день
A Gun for Dinosaur / С ружьём на динозавра
The Emperor's Fan / Веер императора
Two Yards of Dragon
"The Little Green Men" / Зеленые человечки
Author's Afterword
The Purple Pterodactyls / Пурпурные птеродактили 1980, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-69190-0, Ace Books
Balsamo's Mirror / Зеркало Бальзамо
The Lamp / Лампа
Algy / Алджи
The Menhir / Менгир
Darius / Дариус
United Imp / «Юнайтед Имп»
Tiki / Тики
Far Babylon / Далекий Вавилон
The Yellow Man / Желтый человек
A Sending of Serpents / Послание змей
The Huns / «Гунны»
The Purple Pterodactyls / Пурпурные птеродактили
Dead Man's Chest / Сундук мертвеца
The Figurine / Статуэтка
Priapus / Приап
Rivers of Time 1993, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-72195-X, Baen
Faunas (poem)
A Gun for Dinosaur / С ружьём на динозавра
The Cayuse
Crocamander Quest
Miocene Romance
The Synthetic Barbarian
The Satanic Illusion
The Big Splash
The Mislaid Mastodon
The Honeymoon Dragon
Lest Darkness Fall and Related Stories 2011, epub, ISBN: 978-1-61242-016-5, Phoenix Pick
Антология включена в коллекцию по той причине, что здесь - лучший из имеющихся (у меня) текстов Lest Darkness Fall
Lest Darkness Fall / Да не опустится тьма (1941) novel by L. Sprague de Camp
Afterword (Lest Darkness Fall and Related Stories) essay by Alexei Panshin and Cory Panshin
The Deadly Mission of Phineas Snodgrass (1962) essay by Frederik Pohl
The Apotheosis of Martin Padway (2005) novelette by S. M. Stirling
To Bring the Light (1996) novella by David Drake
Living Fossil / Живое ископаемое 1939, fb2
Ananias 1939, fb2
The Blue Giraffe 1939, fb2
Asokore Power 1940, fb2
The Wheels of If 1940, fb2
Invaders from Nowhere 1941, fb2
The Last Drop 2010, epub (with L. Ron Hubbard)
The Hibited Man 1949, fb2
The Care and Feeding of Mad Scientists 1951, fb2
Rogue Princess (= Saxon Pretender) 1952, fb2
The Soaring Statue 1952, fb2
The Space Clause 1952, fb2
The Ordeal of Professor Klein 1952, fb2
The Blunderer 1952, fb2
Possession 1955, fb2
Property of Venus 1955, fb2
Wyvernhold 1956, fb2
The Stone of the Wise 1956, fb2
Aristotle and the Gun / Аристотель и оружие 1958, fb2
The Synthetic Barbarian 1992, fb2
Crocamander Quest 1992, fb2
The Round-Eyed Barbarians 1992, fb2
Captain Leopard 1996, fb2

How's that, Miss Bergstrom? My strangest client? Let's see…There was…come to think, I'm sure the balmiest was young Standish, Clifton Standish. Of course you'll be careful of using people's true names in your story, because of the chance of lawsuits.
I first heard about Standish when I got back from taking a party of paleontologists to the Permian, so they could settle arguments over which kind of Permian lizard was the ancestor of the dinosaurs, and which of the mammals, and all the rest. They explained that most of these creatures weren't really lizards but belonged to other orders. But they looked like lizards and scuttled like lizards, so I'm willing to call them "lizards," just as we call all members of two quite distinct later reptilian orders "dinosaurs."
The Raja—that is, my partner, Chandra Aiyar—had been holding down the office in my absence. One day this bloke Standish came in with his friend Hofmann, saying they wanted a time safari to caveman days, to shoot dinosaurs the way our ancestors used to do.
The Raja told me: "I explained that this was jolly well impossible, since dinosaurs disappeared from the Earth sixty-odd million years ago, and the first organisms one could rightly call 'men' didn't appear till about four or five million years ago, when they were still pretty apeish. Also it took them another couple of million years to learn to hunt large, dangerous game. I cited the authorities, but I'm afraid they didn't believe me; they wanted to speak to you. I think I detected a touch of ethnic prejudice."
"You know I won't stand for that sort of thing," I said. "Did you throw them out of the office?"
"No, Reggie. Knowing you were due back shortly, I made another appointment for them. In fact, I think that buzzer means they're here now."
Standish and Hofmann came in and were introduced. Both were in their early thirties, but different in looks. Frank Hofmann was a good-sized bloke with the build of a former football player, now beginning to show a bit of fat. Dark hair, receding, and a little dark mustache.
. . .

I – Two Yards of Dragon

Eudoric Dambertson, esquire, rode home from his courting of Lusina, daughter of the enchanter Baldonius, with a face as long as an olifant's nose. Eudoric's sire, Sir Dambert, said:
"Well, how fared thy suit, boy? Ill, eh?"
"I—" began Eudoric as his stocky, muscular body slumped into a chair in his father's castle hall.
"I told thee 'twas an asinine notion, eh? Was I not right? When Baron Emmerhard hath more daughters than he can count, any one of whom would fetch a pretty parcel of land with her. Well, why answerest not?"
"I—" said Eudoric, his serious face gathering into a frown beneath his dark hair.
"Come on, lad, speak up!"
"How can he, when ye talk all the time?" said Eudoric's mother, the Lady Aniset.
"Oh," said Sir Dambert. "Thy pardon, son. Moreover and furthermore, as I've told thee, an thou were Emmerhard's son-in-law, he'd use his influence to get thee thy spurs. Here thou art, a strapping youth of three-and-twenty, not yet knighted. 'Tis a disgrace to our lineage."
"There are no wars toward, to afford opportunity for deeds of knightly dought," said Eudoric.
"Aye, 'tis true. Certes, we must all hail the blessings of peace, which the wise governance of our sovran Emperor hath given us for lo these thirteen years. Howsomever, to perform a knightly deed, our youthful gallants must needs wayky banditti, disperse rioters, and do such-like fribbling feats."
As Sir Dambert paused, Eudoric interjected: "Sir, that problem now appears on its way to solution."
"How meanest thou?"
"If you'll but hear me, Father! Doctor Baldonius has set me a task, ere he'll bestow Lusina upon me, which should fit me for knighthood in any jurisdiction." Eudoric's old tutor Baldonius, a wizardry scholar who eked out his pension by occasional theurgies, lived in semi-retirement in a house in the forest.
"And that is?" said Sir Dambert.
"He's fain to possess two square yards of dragon hide. Says he needs 'em for his magical mummeries."
UPD Релиз обновлен 25.07.2018
Внесерийные романы
de Camp, L. Sprague - Solomon's Stone - 1942.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Carnelian Cube - 1948.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - An Elephant for Aristotle - 1958.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Glory That Was - 1979.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Bronze God of Rhodes - 1963.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Dragon of the Ishtar Gate - 1968.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Arrows of Hercules - 1965.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Golden Wind - 1969.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Wheels of If And Other Science-Fiction - 1970.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Sprague de Camp's New Anthology - 1953.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - A Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales - 1969.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Reluctant Shaman and Other Fantastic Tales - 1970.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Purple Pterodactyls - 1980.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Rivers of Time - 1993.fb2
Цикл Viagens Interplanetarias (разбивка на подциклы по данным FantLab)
de Camp, L. Sprague - Calories (Krishna) - 1951.fb2 (рассказ)
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Colorful Character (Earth) - 1949.fb2 (рассказ)
07 de Camp, L. Sprague - The Prisoner of Zhamanak (Krishna) - 1983.fb2
08 de Camp, L. Sprague - The Bones of Zora (Krishna) - 1984.fb2
09 de Camp, L. Sprague - The Swords of Zinjaban (Krishna) - 1991.fb2
01 de Camp, L. Sprague - The Stones of Nomuru (Kukulkan) - 1988.fb2
02 de Camp, L. Sprague - The Venom Trees of Sunga (Kukulkan) - 1992.fb2
Цикл рассказов Johnny Black
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Command (Johnny Black) - 1938.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Incorrigible (Johnny Black) - 1939.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Emancipated (Johnny Black) - 1940.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Exalted (Johnny Black) - 1940.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Bear Who Saved the World (Johnny Black) - 1977.fb2 (Сильно переработанный вариант "The Command")
de Camp, L. Sprague - Living Fossil - 1939.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Ananias - 1939.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Asokore Power - 1940.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Invaders from Nowhere - 1941.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Hibited Man - 1949.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Care and Feeding of Mad Scientists - 1951.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Soaring Statue - 1952.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Ordeal of Professor Klein - 1952.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Blunderer - 1952.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Possession - 1955.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Property of Venus - 1955.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Stone of the Wise - 1956.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Wyvernhold - 1956.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Captain Leopard - 1996.fb2

de Camp, L. Sprague - The Best of L. Sprague de Camp - 1978.fb2 на файл лучшего качества
de Camp, L. Sprague - None But Lucifer - 1939.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Last Drop - 2010.epub
de Camp, L. Sprague - Rogue Princess - 1952.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - The Treasure of Tranicos (Conan) - 1953.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Wolves Beyond the Border (Conan) - 1967.fb2
de Camp, L. Sprague - Conan the Victorious (Conan) - 1957.fb2
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