Gordon R. Dickson / Гордон Диксон - Собрание сочинений
Годы выпуска: 1951-2019 г. Автор: Dickson, Gordon R. / Диксон, Гордон Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Гордон Диксон родился 1 ноября 1923 года в Эдмонтоне, Канада. Его семья переехала в США когда Диксону было тринадцать лет. Во время Второй мировой войны с 1943 по 1946 он служил в армии, после этого учился в Университете Миннесоты. Начал писать в начале 50-х (первая публикация — рассказ [Trespass!] в 1950), в 1956 выпустил дебютный роман «Пришельцы с Арктура» [Alien From Arcturus]. В 1959 году вышел его роман «Генетический генерал» [The Genetic General] начиная с которого к писателю начала приходить известность... Годом позже книга была переиздана под названием «Дорсай!» [Dorsai!], и открыла таким образом один из известнейших НФ-сериалов — «Дорсайский цикл» [Dorsai Cycle] (впрочем, это название самому Диксону не нравилось, он предпочитал название «Цикл о Чильде» [Childe Cycle]). Дорсаи — генетически «выведенные» солдаты, единственный вид «экспорта» с планеты носящей то же название. Подходя к делу с присущей ему тщательностью Диксон работает над циклом, скурпулезно вырисовывая хронологию событий будущих войн и генеалогию двух родов — Морганов и Грэймов, члены которых являются героями произведений серии. Рассказ этого цикла «Солдат, не спрашивай» [Soldier, Ask Not] принес в 1965 году Диксону первую Hugo Award. Две других он получил за повесть «Последний Дорсай» [Last Dorsai] и рассказ «Плащ и посох» [The Cloak and the Staff] — обе в 1981. В 1966 году Диксон был также удостоен Nebula Award за рассказ «Зовите его «Господин» [Call Him Lord]. Диксон задумывал серию о дорсаях, как цикл из 12 книг, но так и не успел закончить девятый роман.
Дорсайский цикл получал противоречивые отклики, многие критиковали его за милитаристскую направленность. Возможно поэтому, а может быть из желания реализовать себя на ниве «фэнтези» в 1976 году Диксон переписывает один из своих ранних рассказов в одноименный роман «Дракон и Джордж» [The Dragon and the George] — полуюмористическую фэнтези, где главный герой, отправившись в параллельный мир на поиски пропавшей возлюбленной оказывается в теле дракона. Ему приходится пережить немало захватывающих приключений прежде чем дело дойдет до хэппи-энда... Этот роман получил British Fantasy Award и принес Диксону популярность в рядах почитателей фэнтези. По мотивам книги был даже снят полнометражный мультфильм «Полет драконов» — не очень примечательный с точки зрения мультипликации, но с весьма выразительным саундтреком. К этой теме Диксон вернулся в 1990 году, написав продолжение истории -«Рыцарь-дракон» [The Dragon Knight], а с 1992-го, после выхода романа «Дракон на границе» [The Dragon on the Board] книги цикла стали выходить чуть ли не ежегодно. Последний роман серии — [The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent] увидел свет уже после смерти автора. Однако, творчество Диксона отнюдь не исчерпывается тематикой двух больших «Д» — Дорсаями и Драконами. За свою почти полувековую творческую жизнь Диксон написал более 80 романов и множество рассказов. Он работал в соавторстве с такими корифеями жанра как Гарри Гаррисон, Кит Лаумер, Пол Андерсон; писал книги для детей, радиопьесы, редактировал антологии рассказов. Он умер в возрасте 77 лет утром 31 января 2001 года в Ричфилде (штат Миннесота), где прожил почти всю жизнь.
Act of Creation / Созидание 1957, fb2 Dorsai! (= The Genetic General) / Дорсай! (= Прирожденный полководец) 1960, fb2; 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-483-1, Start Science Fiction Necromancer (= No Room for Man) / Некромант 1982, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-56852-1, Ace Books; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-480-0, Start Science Fiction Soldier, Ask Not / Солдат, не спрашивай 1967, fb2, ISBN: 0812504003, Dell; 1993, epub, ISBN: 0-812-50400-3, Tor Tactics of Mistake / Тактика ошибок 1971, fb2; 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-481-7, Start Science Fiction The Spirit of Dorsai / Дух Дорсая 1979, fb2/epub; 1983, epub, ISBN: 0-441-77804-6, Ace Books (с иллюстрациями)
Prologue / Пролог Amanda Morgan / Аманда Морган Interlude / Интерлюдия Brothers / Братья Epilogue / Эпилог
Lost Dorsai / Потерянный Warrior / Воин The Plume and the Sword essay by Sandra Miesel The Final Encyclopedia: An Excerpt
The Final Encyclopedia / Абсолютная энциклопедия 1985, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-23777-0, Ace Books; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-486-2, Start Science Fiction The Chantry Guild / Гильдия 1989, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-441-10266-2, Ace Books
01 Young Bleys / Молодой Блейз 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-812-50947-1, Tor 02 Other / Иные 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-488-6, Start Science Fiction 03 Antagonist 2007, epub, ISBN: 0-312-85388-2, Tor (with David W. Wixon)
The Right To Arm Bears 2000, fb2/epub, ISBN: 0-671-31959-0, Baen
01 Spacial Delivery / Посылка из космоса 02 Spacepaw / Космическая лапа The Law-Twister Shorty
The Sheriff of Canyon Gulch / Шериф каньона Галч Don JonesIn Hoka Signo VincesThe Adventure of the Misplaced HoundYo Ho Hoka! / Йо-хо-хока! The Tiddlywink Warriors
PrologueThe Sheriff of Canyon Gulch / Шериф каньона Галч Interlude IDon JonesInterlude IIIn Hoka Signo VincesInterlude IIIThe Adventure of the Misplaced HoundInterlude IVYo Ho Hoka! / Йо-хо-хока! Interlude VThe Tiddlywink WarriorsInterlude VIJoy in MudvilleUndiplomatic ImmunityMysterious Message
Hokas Pokas! 2000, fb2 (with Poul Anderson)
Full Pack (Hokas Wild)The Napoleon CrimeStar Prince Charlie
Hilifter / Угонщик 1963, fb2 None But Man / Никто, кроме человека 1971, fb2, Pyramid Books
01 Home from the Shore 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-464-0, Start Science Fiction 02 The Space Swimmers / Космические пловцы 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-475-6, Start Science Fiction
Enter a Pilgrim 1974, fb2 The Cloak and the Staff 1980, fb2 Way of the Pilgrim / Путь Пилигрима 1987, fb2/epub
St. Dragon and the George / Святой Дракон и Георгий 1957, fb2 01 The Dragon and the George / Дракон и Георгий 2013, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-490-9, Start Science Fiction 02 The Dragon Knight / Рыцарь-дракон 1990, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-491-6, Start Science Fiction 03 The Dragon on the Border / Дракон на границе 1992, fb2/epub 04 The Dragon at War / Дракон на войне 1992, fb2/epub 05 The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll / Дракон, Эрл и Тролль 1994, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-494-7, Start Science Fiction 06 The Dragon and the Djinn / Дракон и Джинн 1996, fb2/epub 07 The Dragon and the Gnarly King / Дракон и король Подземья 1997, fb2/epub 08 The Dragon in Lyonesse 1998, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-497-8, Start Science Fiction 09 The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent 2000, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-498-5, Start Science Fiction
Of War and Codes and Honor 1991, fb2 (with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro) Down Among the Dead Men / Сошествие на планету обреченных 1993, fb2 (with Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
Secrets of the Deep 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-60977-170-6, Start Science Fiction
Secret Under the SeaSecret Under AntarcticaSecret Under the Caribbean
Alien from Arcturus (= Arcturus Landing) 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-459-6, Start Science Fiction Mankind on the Run / В бегах 1956, fb2, Ace Books; 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-465-7, Start Science Fiction Time to Teleport 1960, fb2 Delusion World / Иллюзорный мир 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-460-2, Start Science Fiction Naked to the Stars 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-468-8, Start Science Fiction Space Winners 1965, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-476-3, Start Science Fiction The Alien Way / Иной путь 1965, fb2; 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-458-9, Start Science Fiction Mission to Universe / Миссия во Вселенной 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-467-1, Start Science Fiction Planet Run / Гонка планет 1967, fb2/epub (with Keith Laumer) Wolfling / Дикий волк 1969, fb2/epub Hour of the Horde / Час Орды 1971, fb2, ISBN: 0-425-01957-8, Berkley Medallion; 1978, epub, ISBN: 0-87997-397-8, DAW Books Sleepwalker's World / Последняя миссия, или Мир сомнамбул 1985, epub, ISBN: 0-812-53556-1, Tor The Outposter / Пограничник 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-72140-2, Baen The Pritcher Mass / Масса Причера 1972, fb2; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-469-5, Start Science Fiction Alien Art / Чужое искусство 1973, fb2 The Last Master (= The R-Master) 1984, fb2, ISBN: 0-812-53562-6, Tor Gremlins, Go Home! 1974, fb2, ISBN: 0-312-35035-X, St. Martin's Press (with Ben Bova) Lifeboat (= The Lifeship) / Спасательный корабль 1985, epub, ISBN: 0-7088-8168-8, Orbit (with Harry Harrison) Time Storm / Шторм времени 1992, fb2, ISBN: 0-671-72148-8, Baen; 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62579-709-4, Baen The Far Call 1973, epub (журнальный вариант) Pro 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-470-1, Start Science Fiction Masters of Everon / Хозяева Эверона 2014, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-466-4, Start Science Fiction Jamie the Red / Рыжий Джеми 1984, epub, ISBN: 0-441-38245-2, Ace Books (with Roland J. Green) The Forever Man / Вечный человек 1986, fb2; 2013, epub, ISBN: 978-1-62793-463-3, Start Science Fiction The Earth Lords 1989, epub, ISBN: 0-441-18044-2, Ace Books Wolf and Iron 1993, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-8125-3334-7, Tor; 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62793-479-4, Start Science Fiction The Magnificent Wilf / Восхитительная Вильфа 2018, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-62579-674-5, Baen
The Star Road 1973, epub, ISBN: 0-385-06811-5, Doubleday
Whatever Gods There BeHilifter / Угонщик Building on the LineThe Christmas Present / Рождественский подарок 3-Part Puzzle (= Three-Part Puzzle)On Messenger MountainThe CatchJackal's Meal / Шакалий обед The Mousetrap
In Iron Years 1980, epub, ISBN: 0-385-01555-0, Doubleday
In Iron YearsHomecomingA Taste of TenureThe Hours Are GoodGifts / Дары ZeepsdayThings Which Are Caesar's
Beyond the Dar Al-Harb 1985, epub, ISBN: 0-812-53550-2, Tor
Beyond the Dar al-HarbOn Messenger MountainThings Which Are Caesar's
The Last Dream 1986, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-671-65559-4, Baen
Editor's Introduction by Sandra Miesel St. Dragon and the George / Святой Дракон и Георгий The Present State of Igneos ResearchYe Prentice and Ye DragonA Case HistoryThe Girl Who Played WolfSalmanazar / Салманасар With Butter and MustardThe AmuletThe Haunted VillageThe ThreeWalker Between the Planes (= Maverick)The Last Dream
The Stranger 1987, fb2, ISBN: 0-812-53579-0, Tor
God Bless ThemJamesE Gubling DowThe StrangerThe Friendly Man / Дружелюбный человек MX Knows BestThe Quarry3-Part PuzzleIT, Out of Darkest JungleThe Green BuildingTempus Non FugitCloak and StaggerAnd Then There Was PeaceThe Catch
Ends 1988, epub, ISBN: 0-671-69782-X, Baen Books
Á OutranceComputers Don't Argue / Машины не ошибаются By New Hearth FiresAncient, My EnemyTurnaboutAn Honorable Death / Достойная смерть Lost Dorsai / Потерянный Last VoyageCall Him Lord / Зовите его господин And Then There Was PeaceWhatever Gods There BeMinotaurEnter a PilgrimArmageddon
The Human Edge 2003, fb2/epub, ISBN: 978-0-7434-7174-9, Baen
Introduction: The Dickson Edge by Hank Davis Danger - Human / Опасность — человек! Sleight of Wit / Самое мощное оружие In the Bone / Врожденная способность 3-Part PuzzleAn Ounce of EmotionBrother CharlieThe Game of FiveTiger Green / Зелёный тигр "The Hard Way"Jackal's Meal / Шакалий обед On Messenger MountainThe Catch
Hour of the Gremlins 2002, fb2, ISBN: 0-7434-3569-9, Baen
Gremlins Go Home (with Ben Bova) Hour of the Horde / Час Орды Wolfling / Дикий волк
The Monkey Wrench / Незваный гость 1951, fb2 The Star-Fool 1951, fb2 Listen / Прислушайся 1952, fb2 No Shield from the Dead 1953, fb2 Of The People / О людях 1955, fb2 Strictly Confidential 1956, fb2 The Christmas Present / Рождественский подарок 1958, fb2 By New Hearth Fires 1959, fb2 The Dreamsman 1959, fb2 The Seats of Hell 1960, fb2 Idiot Solvant / Корень квадратный из бутылки шампанского 1962, fb2 Dolphin's Way / Путь дельфина 1964, fb2 Computers Don't Argue / Машины не ошибаются 1965, fb2 Call Him Lord / Зовите его господин 1966, fb2 Ancient, My Enemy 1969, fb2 Jean Dupres 1970, fb2 Powerway Emergency! 1972, fb2 The Brown Man 1984, fb2
The boy was odd. This much he knew for himself. This much he had heard his seniors — his mother, his father, his uncles, the officers at the Academy — mention to each other, nodding their heads confidentially, not once but many times during his short eighteen years of life, leading up to this day. Now, apart, wandering the empty rec fields in this long, amber twilight before returning to his home and the graduation supper awaiting him there, he admitted to the oddness — whether truly in himself, or only in what others thought of him. “An odd boy,” he had overheard the Commandant at the Academy saying once to the Mathematics Officer, “you never know which way he’ll jump.” Back at home right now, the family would be waiting his return — unsure of which way he would jump. They would be half expecting him to refuse his Outgoing. Why? He had never given them any cause to doubt. He was Dorsai of the Dorsai, his mother a Kenwick, his father a Graeme, names so very old their origin was buried in the prehistory of the Mother Planet. His courage was unquestioned, his word unblemished. He had headed his class. His very blood and bones were the heritage of a long line of great professional soldiers. No blot of dishonor had ever marred that roll of warriors, no home had ever been burnt, its inhabitants scattered and hiding their family shame under new names, because of some failure on the part of one of the family’s sons. And yet, they doubted. He came to the fence that marked off the high hurdles from the jump pits, and leaned on it with both elbows, the tunic of a Senior Cadet pulled tight across his shoulders. In what way was he odd? he wondered into the wide glow of the sunset. How was he different? He put himself apart from him in his mind’s eye, and considered himself. A slim young man of eighteen years — tall, but not tall by Dorsai standards, strong, but not strong by Dorsai standards. His face was the face of his father, sharp and angular, straight-nosed; but without his father’s massiveness of bones. His coloring was the dark coloring of the Dorsai, hair straight and black and a little coarse. Only his eyes — those indeterminate eyes that were no definite color but went from gray to green to blue with his shifting moods — were not to be found elsewhere on his family trees. But surely eyes alone could not account for a reputation of oddness? There was, of course, his temper. He had inherited, in full measure, those cold, sudden, utterly murderous Dorsai rages which had made his people such that no sane man cared to cross one of them without good reason. But that was a common trait; and if the Dorsai thought of Donal Graeme as odd, it could not be for that alone. Was it, he wondered now, gazing into the sunset, that even in his rages he was a little too calculating — a little too controlled and remote? And as he thought that thought, all his strangeness, all his oddness came on him with a rush, together with that weird sense of disembodiment that had afflicted him, now and again, ever since his birth. It came always at moments like this, riding the shoulders of fatigue and some great emotion. He remembered it as a very young boy in the Academy chapel at evening service, half-faint with hunger after the long day of hard military exercises and harder lesson. The sunset, as now, came slanting in through the high windows on the bare, highly polished walls and the solidographs of famous battles inset in them. He stood among the rows of his classmates between the hard, low benches, the ranked male voices, from the youngest cadet to the deep man-voices of the officers in the rear, riding the deep, solemn notes of the Recessional — that which was known as the Dorsai Hymn now, wherever man had gone, and which a man named Kipling had written the words of, over four centuries before.
…Far called, our navies melt away, On dune and headland sinks the fire. Lo! All our pomp of yesterday, Is one with Nineveh, and Tyre…
As he had remembered it being sung at the burial service when his youngest uncle’s ashes had been brought back from the slagged battlefield of Donneswort, on Freiland, third planet circling the star of Sirius.
…For heathen heart that puts her trust In reeking tube and iron shard, All valiant dust, that builds on dust And guarding, calls not thee to guard…
And he had sung with the rest, feeling then, as now, the final words in the innermost recesses of his heart.
…For frantic boast and foolish word— Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord! . . .
A TRIFLE DIFFIDENTLY, JIM ECKERT RAPPED WITH HIS CLAW on the blue-painted door. Silence. He knocked again. There was the sound of a hasty step inside the small, oddly peak-roofed house and the door was snatched open. A thin-faced old man with a tall pointed cap and a long, rather dingy-looking white beard peered out, irritably. “Sorry, not my day for dragons!” he snapped. “Come back next Tuesday.” He slammed the door. It was too much. It was the final straw. Jim Eckert sat down on his haunches with a dazed thump. The little forest clearing with its impossible little pool tinkling away like Chinese glass wind chimes in the background, its well-kept greensward with the white gravel path leading to the door before him, and the riotous flower beds of asters, tulips, zinnias, roses and lilies-of-the-valley all equally impossibly in bloom at the same time about the white finger-post labelled S. Carolinus and pointing at the house—it all whirled about him. It was more than flesh and blood could bear. At any minute now he would go completely insane and imagine he was a peanut or a cocker spaniel. Grottwold Hanson had wrecked them all. Dr. Howells would have to get another teaching assistant for his English Department. Angie… Angie! Jim pounded on the door again. It was snatched open. “Dragon!” cried S. Carolinus, furiously. “How would you like to be a beetle?” “But I’m not a dragon,” said Jim, desperately. The magician stared at him for a long minute, then threw up his beard with both hands in a gesture of despair, caught some of it in his teeth as it fell down and began to chew on it fiercely. “Now where,” he demanded, “did a dragon acquire the brains to develop the imagination to entertain the illusion that he is not a dragon? Answer me, O Ye Powers!” “The information is psychically, though not physiologically correct,” replied a deep bass voice out of thin air beside them and some five feet off the ground. Jim, who had taken the question to be rhetorical, started convulsively. “Is that so?” S. Carolinus peered at Jim with new interest. “Hmm.” He spat out a hair or two. “Come in, Anomaly—or whatever you call yourself.” Jim squeezed in through the door and found himself in a large single room. It was a clutter of mismatched furniture and odd bits of alchemical equipment. “Hmm,” said S. Carolinus, closing the door and walking once around Jim, thoughtfully. “If you aren’t a dragon, what are you?” “Well, my real name’s Jim Eckert,” said Jim. “But I seem to be in the body of a dragon named Gorbash.” “And this disturbs you. So you’ve come to me. How nice,” said the magician, bitterly. He winced, massaged his stomach and closed his eyes. “Do you know anything that’s good for a perpetual stomach-ache? Of course not. Go on.” . . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 22.10.2024
Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - Naked to the Stars - 2013.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Way of the Pilgrim (Shane Evert) - 1987.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Замены: Dickson, Gordon R. - Masters of Everon - 1979.epub заменен на Dickson, Gordon R. - Masters of Everon - 2014.epub (OCR на ebook)
Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - Hour of the Horde - 1978.epub к имеющемуся fb2 Замены: 02 Dickson, Gordon R. - Other (Bleys Ahrens Trilogy) - 1995.epub (OCR на eBook) 02 Dickson, Gordon R. - Other (Bleys Ahrens Trilogy) - 2013.epub
Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - The Star-Fool - 1951.fb2 Dickson, Gordon R. - Listen - 1952.fb2 Dickson, Gordon R. - Strictly Confidential - 1956.fb2 Dickson, Gordon R. - By New Hearth Fires - 1959.fb2 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Seats of Hell - 1960.fb2 Dickson, Gordon R. - Powerway Emergency - 1972.fb2 Dickson, Gordon R. - Pro - 1978.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - The Brown Man - 1984.fb2 Dickson, Gordon R. - Earthman's Burden (Hoka) - 2013.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Wolf and Iron - 2013.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Замены: Dickson, Gordon R. - Necromancer (Childe Cycle) - 1982.epub на Dickson, Gordon R. - Necromancer (Childe Cycle) - 2013.epub (OCR на eBook) 01 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon and the George (The Dragon and the George) - 1976.epub на 01 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon and the George (The Dragon and the George) - 2013.epub (OCR на eBook)
Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - Mankind on the Run - 2014.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Dickson, Gordon R. - The Final Encyclopedia (Childe Cycle) - 2013.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Dickson, Gordon R. - Space Winners - 2013.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Dickson, Gordon R. - The Pritcher Mass - 2013.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) 01 Dickson, Gordon R. - Home from the Shore (Sea People) - 2014.epub 02 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Space Swimmers (Sea People) - 2014.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Delusion World - 2013.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Mission to Universe - 2013.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Secrets of the Deep (Underseas) - 2013.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - The Star Road - 1973.epub Замены: 02 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon Knight (The Dragon and the George) - 1990.epub на 02 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon Knight (The Dragon and the George) - 2013.epub (OCR на eBook) 05 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll (The Dragon and the George) - 1994.epub на 05 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll (The Dragon and the George) - 2013.epub (OCR на eBook) 08 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon in Lyonesse (The Dragon and the George) - 1998.epub на 08 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon in Lyonesse (The Dragon and the George) - 2013.epub (OCR на eBook) 09 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent (The Dragon and the George) - 2000.epub на 09 Dickson, Gordon R. - The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent (The Dragon and the George) - 2013.epub (OCR на eBook)
Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - The Earth Lords - 1989.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - The Magnificent Wilf - 2018.epub
Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - The Spirit of Dorsai (Childe Cycle) - 1983.epub (с иллюстрациями, к имеющимся fb2 и epub) Dickson, Gordon R. - Lost Dorsai (Childe Cycle) - 1981.epub (с иллюстрациями, к имеющемуся fb2) Dickson, Gordon R. - The Chantry Guild (Childe Cycle) - 1989.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Dickson, Gordon R. - Jamie the Red - 1984.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - In Iron Years - 1980.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Ends - 1988.epub
Замены: Dickson, Gordon R. - Arcturus Landing - 1978.epub на Dickson, Gordon R. - Alien from Arcturus - 2014.epub (OCR на retail) Dickson, Gordon R. - Time Storm - 1977.epub на Dickson, Gordon R. - Time Storm - 2019.epub (OCR на retail) Dickson, Gordon R. - Pro - 1978.epub на Dickson, Gordon R. - Pro - 2014.epub (OCR на retail) Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - Beyond the Dar Al-Harb - 1985.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 03.12.2016 Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - Naked to the Stars - 2013.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Way of the Pilgrim (Shane Evert) - 1987.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Замены: Dickson, Gordon R. - Masters of Everon - 1979.epub заменен на Dickson, Gordon R. - Masters of Everon - 2014.epub (OCR на ebook)
UPD Релиз обновлен 11.05.2017
UPD Релиз обновлен 01.08.2018 См. "История обновлений"
UPD Релиз обновлен 04.07.2019
UPD Релиз обновлен 13.10.2020 Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - The Earth Lords - 1989.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - The Magnificent Wilf - 2018.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 21.09.2023 Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - The Spirit of Dorsai (Childe Cycle) - 1983.epub (с иллюстрациями, к имеющимся fb2 и epub) Dickson, Gordon R. - Lost Dorsai (Childe Cycle) - 1981.epub (с иллюстрациями, к имеющемуся fb2) Dickson, Gordon R. - The Chantry Guild (Childe Cycle) - 1989.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) Dickson, Gordon R. - Jamie the Red - 1984.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - In Iron Years - 1980.epub Dickson, Gordon R. - Ends - 1988.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 22.10.2024 Замены: Dickson, Gordon R. - Arcturus Landing - 1978.epub на Dickson, Gordon R. - Alien from Arcturus - 2014.epub (OCR на retail) Dickson, Gordon R. - Time Storm - 1977.epub на Dickson, Gordon R. - Time Storm - 2019.epub (OCR на retail) Dickson, Gordon R. - Pro - 1978.epub на Dickson, Gordon R. - Pro - 2014.epub (OCR на retail) Добавлено: Dickson, Gordon R. - Beyond the Dar Al-Harb - 1985.epub