Годы выпуска: 1981-2022 г. Автор: de Lint, Charles / де Линт, Чарльз Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Чарльз де Линт (Charles Henri Diederick Hoefsmit de Lint, р. 22 декабря 1951 г.) - канадский писатель-фантаст. Молодой де Линт мечтал стать музыкантом, и одним из главных его увлечений на всю жизнь стала кельтская музыка. Тогда, в конце 60-х, этноискусство было малопопулярным и не давало надежд на большие заработки, но Чарльз устраивается на работу в звукозаписывающую компанию, со временем сколачивает небольшую группу, начинает выступать в ночных клубах. Писал же он только для себя — и прозу, и стихи, и музыку. Литературную карьеру решил случай. В 1975 году сочинения де Линта случайно попались на глаза одному из его друзей, и он посоветовал Чарльзу послать пару рассказов в небольшой журнальчик. Полученный гонорар составлял «баснословную» сумму аж в десять долларов! Но сам факт казался де Линту удивительным: «Неужели кто-то готов платить деньги за то, что для меня просто хобби?!». Увы, мгновенного чуда не произошло. После первой удачной публикации — восемь лет сплошных отказов, хотя вдохновленный де Линт пишет роман за романом. 1980 год становится переломным для творчества де Линта. Он переносит сюжет своих произведений в городскую атмосферу. И дело не только в смене антуража, проза де Линта перестала быть фэнтезийной, — скорее это «магический реализм». За следующий год де Линт публикует три романа, тиражи быстро переваливают за десять тысяч, а вместе с ними растут и гонорары. «Я не хочу писать из-за денег. Я хочу, чтобы мне платили за то, что я пишу», — таков принцип де Линта. Нарушая сложившиеся каноны жанров, Чарльз де Линт создает новый жанр. Его произведения — это городские сказки, где в подчеркнуто урбанистическом мире, в вечно спешащем, разноголосом и многонациональном мегаполисе конца ХХ века разворачиваются удивительные и загадочные события. «В этом как раз вся суть, — говорит автор, — поставить мифологический архетип в современные, нарочито реальные обстоятельства. И наоборот — обыкновенного человека, желательно реалиста и материалиста, забросить в подчеркнуто мифологическую ситуацию». Сам писатель определяет своё творчество как «мифологическую фантазию», синтез реализма, мифа и народной сказки.
Into the Green 1993, epub, ISBN: 0-7408-0346-8, Peanut Press
The Valley of the Troll 1984, fb2
01 The Wild Wood 1994, epub, ISBN: 0-553-09630-3, Bantam Spectra
Stick / Штырь 1986, fb2 Berlin / Берлин 1989, fb2 May This Be Your Last Sorrow / Пусть у тебя больше не будет огорчений 1998, fb2 A Tangle of Green Men 2011, fb2
The Fair in Emain Macha 1990, epub, ISBN: 0-812-50821-1, Tor
The Rat's Alley Shuffle 1986, fb2 The Skin and Knife Game 1988, fb2 (with Lee Barwood)
The Little Country / Маленькая страна 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-39-8, Triskell Press Jodi and the Witch of Bodbury 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-41-1, Triskell Press
01 Jack the Giant-Killer / Джек Победитель Великанов 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-31-2, Triskell Press 02 Drink Down the Moon Отведай лунного света 1990, epub
Tamson House, Ottawa, OntarioMerlin Dreams in the Mondream Wood / Мечты Мерлина в Мондримском саду Ascian in RoseWestlin WindGhostwood
Wooden Bones / Деревянные кости 1989, fb2 There's No Such Thing / Такого не бывает 1991, fb2 Fairy Dust / Волшебная пыль 1993, fb2 The Road to Lisdoonvarna 2001, fb2, ISBN: 1-892284-91-X, Subterranean Press
The Fane of the Grey Rose 1979, fb2 The Harp of The Grey Rose 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-14-240060-2, Firebird / Penguin
Uncle Dobbin's Parrot Fair / Птичий рынок дядюшки Доббина The Stone Drum / Барабан из камня Timeskip / Прыжок во времени Freewheeling / Езда без правил That Explains Poland / Ну и Польша Romano Drom / Романодром The Sacred Fire / Священный огонь Winter Was Hard / Зима была суровой Pity the Monsters / Пожалейте чудовищ Ghosts of Wind and Shadow / Духи ветра и тени The Conjure Man / Чародей Small Deaths / Маленькая смерть The Moon Is Drowning While I Sleep / Луна тонет, пока я сплю In the House of My Enemy / В доме врага моего But for the Grace Go I / Не было бы счастья Bridges / Мосты Our Lady of the Harbour / Пречистая Дева озера Paperjack / Бумажный Джек Tallulah / Таллула
02 Memory and Dream / Лезвие сна 1994, fb2; 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-29-9, Triskell Press 03 The Ivory and the Horn 1995, fb2; 1996, epub, ISBN: 0-812-53408-5, Tor
Waifs and Strays / Брошенные и забытые Mr. Truepenny's Book Emporium and GalleryThe Forest Is CryingThe Wishing WellDead Man's ShoesBird Bones and Wood AshA Tempest in Her EyesSaxophone Joe and the Woman in BlackThe Bone WomanPal o' MineWhere Desert Spirits Crowd the NightDream Harder, Dream TrueThe Pochade BoxCoyote StoriesThe Forever Trees
Sweetgrass & City StreetsSaskiaIn This Soul of a WomanThe Big SkyBirdsPassingHeld Safe by Moonlight and VinesIn the PinesShining Nowhere But in the DarkIf I Close My Eyes ForeverHeartfiresThe InvisiblesSeven for a SecretCrow Girls / Девушки-воронушки Wild HorsesIn the Land of the UnforgivenMy Life as a Bird / «Моя жизнь, как птица» China DollIn the Quiet After MidnightThe PennymenTwa CorbiesThe Fields Beyond the Fields
07 Forests of the Heart 2000, fb2, ISBN: 0-312-86519-8, Tor; 2001, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-429-91126-9, Tor 08 The Onion Girl / Волчья тень 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781429911276, Tor 09 Tapping the Dream Tree 2007, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4299-1133-7, Tor
Ten for the DevilWingless AngelsThe Words That RemainMany Worlds Are Born TonightThe Buffalo ManSecond ChancesForest of StoneEmbracing the MysteryMasking IndianGranny WeatherThe Witching HourPixel Pixies / Пиксельные пикси Trading Hearts at the Half Kaffe CafeMaking a Noise in This WorldFreakBig City LittlesSign HereSeven Wild Sisters / Семь диких сестёр
10 Spirits in the Wires / Призраки в Сети 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-312-86971-1, Tor 11 Widdershins 2006, epub, ISBN: 0-765-31285-9, Tor 12 Promises to Keep 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-70-1, Triskell Press 13 Muse and Reverie 2009,epub, ISBN: 978-0-7653-2340-8, Tor
Somewhere in My Mind There Is a Painting Box / Где-то у меня в мозгу прячется ящик с красками RefinerytownA Crow Girls Christmas (with MaryAnn Harris) Dark Eyes, Faith, and Devotion / Тёмные очи, вера и преданность Riding ShotgunSweet Forget-Me-NotThat Was Radio ClashThe Butter Spirit's TitheDa Slockit LightThe Hour Before DawnNewford Spook SquadIn SightThe World in a Box
14 The Wind in His Heart 2017, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-76-3, Triskell Press One Chance / Единственный шанс 1988, fb2 The Dreaming Place / Страна сновидений 1990, epub, ISBN: 0-689-31571-6, Atheneum / Macmillan From a Whisper to a Scream 2003, fb2, ISBN: 0-312-70950-1, Orb; 2011, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781429911313, Orb I'll Be Watching You 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-765-30435-X, Orb Refinerytown 2001, fb2 Somewhere in My Mind There Is a Painting Box / Где-то у меня в мозгу прячется ящик с красками 2002, fb2 The Butter Spirit's Tithe 2004, fb2; 2004, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-10-7, Triskell Press Medicine Road 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-1-892391-88-9, Tachyon Publications The Blue Girl 2004, epub, ISBN: 0-670-05924-2, Viking Newford Spook Squad 2004, fb2 Dark Eyes, Faith, and Devotion / Тёмные очи, вера и преданность 2005, fb2 The Universal Soldier 2006, fb2 Dharma 2006, fb2 Companions to the Moon 2007, fb2 Crow Roads 2007, fb2 Little (Grrl) Lost / Нереальное приключение 2007, fb2, ISBN: 978-0-670-06144-0, Viking Dingo 2008, fb2 Seven Wild Sisters / Семь диких сестёр 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-316-23995-0, Little, Brown (иллюстрированное издание) Newford Stories: Crow Girls 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-56-5, Triskell Press
Crow Girls / Девушки-воронушки Twa CorbiesThe Buffalo ManA Crow Girls' Christmas (with MaryAnn Harris) Make a Joyful Noise
The Mystery of Grace 2009, epub, ISBN: 978-0-7653-1756-8, Tor The Painted Boy 2010, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-101-44534-1, Viking Barrio Girls 2012, fb2 Jack in the Green 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-17-6, Triskell Press Dog Boys 2012, fb2; 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-16-9, Triskell Press Sheriff Poole & the Mech Gang 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-13-8, Triskell Press
01 Under My Skin / В тени другого мира 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-11-4, Triskell Press 02 Over My Head 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-18-3, Triskell Press 03 Out of This World 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-14-319317-3, Razorbill
The Riddle of the Wren / Загадка поющих камней 1984, fb2, ISBN: 0-441-72229-6, Ace Books Mulengro: A Romany Tale 1985, fb2 Wolf Moon 1988, epub, ISBN: 0-451-15487-8, Signet / New American Library The Valley of Thunder 1989, epub, ISBN: 0-553-27958-0, Bantam Spectra Svaha 2000, fb2, ISBN: 0-7408-0807-9, Peanut Press; 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-66-4, Triskell Press Angel of Darkness 2002, epub, ISBN: 0-312-87400-6, Tor The Cats of Tanglewood Forest / Кошки Дремучего леса 2013, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-316-21551-0, Little, Brown
The Very Best of Charles de Lint 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-45-9, Triskell Press
In Which We Meet Jilly Coppercorn (Newford) Coyote Stories (Newford) Laughter in the Leaves (Cerin Songweaver) The Badger in the Bag (Cerin Songweaver) And the Rafters Were Ringing (Cerin Songweaver) Merlin Dreams in the Mondream Wood / Мечты Мерлина в Мондримском саду (Ottawa and the Valley) The Stone Drum / Барабан из камня (Newford) Timeskip / Прыжок во времени (Newford) Freewheeling / Езда без правил (Newford) A Wish Named Arnold / Желание по имени Арнольд (Ottawa and the Valley) Into the Green (Angharad) The Graceless Child / Неприглядное дитя Winter Was Hard / Зима была суровой (Newford) The Conjure Man / Чародей (Newford) We Are Dead TogetherMr. Truepenny's Book Emporium and Gallery (Newford) In the House of My Enemy / В доме врага моего (Newford) The Moon Is Drowning While I Sleep / Луна тонет, пока я сплю (Newford) Crow Girls / Девушки-воронушки (Newford) Birds (Newford) Held Safe by Moonlight and Vines (Newford) In the Pines (Newford) Pixel Pixies / Пиксельные пикси (Newford) Many Worlds Are Born Tonight (Newford) Sisters / Сёстры (Ottawa and the Valley) Pal o' Mine (Newford) That Was Radio Clash (Newford) Old Man Crow (Newford) The Fields Beyond the Fields (Newford)
Triskell Tales: 22 Years of Chapbooks 2000, fb2, ISBN: 1-892284-78-2, Subterranean Press
Leaves for MaryAnnThe Three That Came (Cerin Songweaver) My Ainsel'Grymalkin (Cerin Songweaver) The Oak King's Daughter (Cerin Songweaver) The Moon Is a MeadowHumphrey's ChristmasA Pattern of Silver Strings (Cerin Songweaver) Root of Horn (Cerin Songweaver) Meran's Stone (Cerin Songweaver) Withered Trickster (Cerin Songweaver) The Piper (Cerin Songweaver) Secret Stones, Hollow Hills (Cerin Songweaver) Days of Fading (Cerin Songweaver) They Will Come Again (Cerin Songweaver) Glass Eyes and Cotton Strings (Cerin Songweaver) In Mask and Motley (Cerin Songweaver) Blood to Blood (Cerin Songweaver) Telynros (Cerin Songweaver) Alken's Song (Cerin Songweaver) The Mysteries (Cerin Songweaver) Root Truths (Cerin Songweaver) Four Seasons and the First Day of the Year (Cerin Songweaver) Laughter in the Leaves (Cerin Songweaver) An Fear Glas (Cerin Songweaver) The Calendar of the TreesThe Three Plushketeers Meet Santy ClausThe Badger in the Bag (Cerin Songweaver) The Old Tunes (Cerin Songweaver) The Three Plushketeers and the Garden SlugsAnd the Rafters Were Ringing (Cerin Songweaver) The Lark in the Morning (Cerin Songweaver) Bones (Cerin Songweaver) The Drowned Man's Reel (Cerin Songweaver) The Stone Drum / Барабан из камня (Newford) Ghosts of Wind and Shadow / Духи ветра и тени (Newford) Tapu'at HouseSacred LandApollo, Arizona & Oliver TwistThe Fairy HouseThe Fairy House JigMission San Xavier del BacFlatbread & ChiliBajadaTucsonMount LemmonSaguaro DreamCoyoteAt the BorderThe Bone Woman (Newford) Mr. Truepenny's Book Emporium and Gallery (Newford) Coyote Stories (Newford) Heartfires (Newford) Crow Girls / Девушки-воронушки (Newford) My Life As a Bird / «Моя жизнь, как птица» (Newford) The Fields Beyond the Fields (Newford) Second Chances (Newford) The Buffalo Man (Newford) Pixel Pixies / Пиксельные пикси (Newford)
A Pattern of Silver Strings 1981, fb2 The Fair in Emain Macha 1990, epub, ISBN: 0-812-50821-1, Tor The White Road 1987, fb2 The Soft Whisper of Midnight Snow 1988, fb2 The Wild Girl 1990, fb2 A Tattoo on Her Heart / Татуировка на её сердце 1990, fb2 Death Leaves an Echo 1991, fb2 Horsepower & Medicine 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-0-920623-84-8, Triskell Press
Footprints In The Dust
Put your hand.Here.Listen to my heart beat.
—Ingrid Karidins, from the liner notes of A Darker Passion
ISeptember 1992
Katharine Mully had been dead for five years and two months, the morning Isabelle received the letter from her. Standing by the roadside, Isabelle had to lean against her mailbox to keep her balance. Her knees went watery. A wave of dizziness started up in the pit of her stomach and rushed up between her temples. She no longer heard the world around her—not the birdsong from the cedars that courted the verge in a row of yellow-green and shadow, nor the sporadic traffic from the highway. All she could do was stare down in numbed incomprehension at the letter that lay on top of the bundle of mail she’d taken out of the box. The envelope was smudged and dirtied, one corner crinkled. The address was handwritten in a script that was oh so familiar. It had to be a joke, she thought. Someone’s sick, twisted idea of a joke. . . .
Nearly everything that matters is a challenge,and everything matters. —Rilke
Some things have to be believed to be seen. —Madeleine L’Engle
I am going over yonderWhere no ghost can follow meThere's another place beyond hereWhere I'll be free I believe —Steve Earle, “Over Yonder (Jonathan's Song)”
Those days, the prickly pear boys hung around the Little Tree Trading Post during the day, drowsing in the desert heat mostly, but still seeing and hearing everything that took place between the old adobe building and the two-lane road that ran up into the rez from the highway. They weren’t seen, themselves—or at least not as themselves. Nobody gave a second glance to the small grove of cacti crowded up against the base of one saguaro or another. Nobody even noticed that they were rarely in exactly the same place from one morning to the next. But Thomas Corn Eyes did. He worked at the trading post and noted their different position every morning when he arrived for work. No one in Thomas’s family had ever had eyes the colour of corn, either the green leaves of the tall midsummer growths or the yellow of the kernels. They got their name back when the federal government insisted a surname was required for everybody, without exception. On the rez they had a lot of fun coming up with names the whites thought were pregnant with traditional meaning. Johnny Squash Mother. Agnes White Deer. Robert Twin Dogs. No, Thomas had brown eyes, the same as everyone else in the tribe. The difference was he could also see a little deeper into the invisible world of the spirits than most people could, but that wasn’t something he would ever talk about. He didn’t want to risk gaining the attention of the tribal shaman, Ramon Morago. For the past decade Morago had been searching for an apprentice, and working with him was the last thing Thomas wanted. . . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 07.10.2024
Добавлено: de Lint, Charles - Svaha - 2000.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Dog Boys (Santo del Vado Viejo, AZ) - 2012.epub (к имеющемуся fb2) de Lint, Charles - The Butter Spirit's Tithe (Newford) - 2004.epub (к имеющемуся fb2)
Исправлена нумерация книг в цикле "Newford" (по данным isfdb): 02 de Lint, Charles - Dreams Underfoot (Newford) - 1993.fb2 заменен на 01 de Lint, Charles - Dreams Underfoot (Newford) - 1993.fb2 02 de Lint, Charles - Dreams Underfoot (Newford) - 2017.epub заменен на 01 de Lint, Charles - Dreams Underfoot (Newford) - 2017.epub 01 de Lint, Charles - Memory and Dream (Newford) - 1994.fb2 заменен на 02 de Lint, Charles - Memory and Dream (Newford) - 1994.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Spirits in the Wires (Newford) - 2004.epub заменен на 10 de Lint, Charles - Spirits in the Wires (Newford) - 2004.epub 10 de Lint, Charles - Widdershins (Newford) - 2006.epub заменен на 11 de Lint, Charles - Widdershins (Newford) - 2006.epub 11 de Lint, Charles - The Wind in His Heart (Newford) - 2017.epub заменен на 14 de Lint, Charles - The Wind in His Heart (Newford) - 2017.epub Замены (OCR на retail): 01 de Lint, Charles - Memory and Dream (Newford) - 1994.epub на 02 de Lint, Charles - Memory and Dream (Newford) - 2014.epub 05 de Lint, Charles - Someplace to Be Flying (Newford) - 1998.epub на 05 de Lint, Charles - Someplace to Be Flying (Newford) - 2013.epub de Lint, Charles - The Little Country (Little People of Another Land) - 2001.epub на de Lint, Charles - The Little Country (Little People of Another Land) - 2014.epub Добавлено: 13 de Lint, Charles - Muse and Reverie (Newford) - 2009.epub de Lint, Charles - From a Whisper to a Scream (Newford) - 2011.epub (retail к имеющемуся OCR fb2)
Добавлено: 12 de Lint, Charles - Promises to Keep (Newford) - 2015.epub
Добавлено: de Lint, Charles - The Harp of The Grey Rose (Cerin Songweaver) - 2004.epub de Lint, Charles - The Fair in Emain Macha - 1990.epub de Lint, Charles - Wolf Moon - 1988.epub
Добавлено: 01 de Lint, Charles - The Wild Wood (Brian Froud's Faerielands) - 1994.epub de Lint, Charles - Juniper Wiles (Newford) - 2021.epub de Lint, Charles - Juniper Wiles and the Ghost Girls (Newford) - 2022.epub
Добавлено: de Lint, Charles - The Valley of the Troll (Aynber) - 1984.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Stick (Chronicles of the Borderlands) - 1986.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Berlin (Chronicles of the Borderlands) - 1989.fb2 de Lint, Charles - May This Be Your Last Sorrow (Chronicles of the Borderlands) - 1998.fb2 de Lint, Charles - A Tangle of Green Men (Chronicles of the Borderlands) - 2011.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Jodi and the Witch of Bodbury (Little People of Another Land) - 2014.epub de Lint, Charles - The Rat's Alley Shuffle (Liavek) - 1986.fb2 de Lint, Charles - The Skin and Knife Game (Liavek) - 1988.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Wooden Bones (Ottawa and the Valley) - 1989.fb2 de Lint, Charles - There's No Such Thing (Ottawa and the Valley) - 1991.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Fairy Dust (Ottawa and the Valley) - 1993.fb2 de Lint, Charles - The Road to Lisdoonvarna (Ottawa and the Valley) - 2001.fb2 de Lint, Charles - The Fane of the Grey Rose (Cerin Songweaver) - 1979.fb2 de Lint, Charles - One Chance (Newford) - 1988.fb2 de Lint, Charles - I'll Be Watching You (Newford) - 2004.epub de Lint, Charles - Medicine Road (Newford) - 2009.epub de Lint, Charles - Dharma (Newford) - 2006.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Svaha - 2015.epub (retail epub к имеющемуся fb2) de Lint, Charles - Triskell Tales - 2000.fb2 de Lint, Charles - The White Road - 1987.fb2 de Lint, Charles - The Soft Whisper of Midnight Snow - 1988.fb2 de Lint, Charles - The Wild Girl - 1990.fb2 de Lint, Charles - A Tattoo on Her Heart - 1990.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Death Leaves an Echo - 1991.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Horsepower & Medicine - 2019.epub Перемещено в папки соответствующих циклов со сменой имен файлов: de Lint, Charles - Berlin - 1989.fb2 -> de Lint, Charles - Berlin (Chronicles of the Borderlands) - 1989.fb2 de Lint, Charles - A Tangle of Green Men - 2011.fb2 -> de Lint, Charles - A Tangle of Green Men (Chronicles of the Borderlands) - 2011.fb2 de Lint, Charles - Jack in the Green - 2012.epub -> de Lint, Charles - Jack in the Green (Santo del Vado Viejo, AZ) - 2012.epub Заменено: 01 de Lint, Charles - Moonheart (Ottawa and the Valley) - 1984.epub на 01 de Lint, Charles - Moonheart (Ottawa and the Valley) - 2013.epub (OCR на retail) 04 de Lint, Charles - Trader (Newford) - 1997.epub на 04 de Lint, Charles - Trader (Newford) - 2014.epub (OCR на retail)
UPD Релиз обновлен 27.07.2018
UPD Релиз обновлен 30.11.2019
UPD Релиз обновлен 09.09.2021 Добавлено: 12 de Lint, Charles - Promises to Keep (Newford) - 2015.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 18.09.2022 Добавлено: de Lint, Charles - The Harp of The Grey Rose (Cerin Songweaver) - 2004.epub de Lint, Charles - The Fair in Emain Macha - 1990.epub de Lint, Charles - Wolf Moon - 1988.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 19.09.2023 Добавлено: 01 de Lint, Charles - The Wild Wood (Brian Froud's Faerielands) - 1994.epub de Lint, Charles - Juniper Wiles (Newford) - 2021.epub de Lint, Charles - Juniper Wiles and the Ghost Girls (Newford) - 2022.epub
UPD Релиз обновлен 07.10.2024 Обновление получилось большое и заняло много времени. Значительная часть материала для обновлений была в сканах, вычитка после OCR - штука весьма трудоемкая ...