
VanderMeer, Jeff and Ann (ed.) - Last Drink Bird Head / Вандермеер, Джефф и Энн (ред.) - Еще рюмочку, птичья голова [2009, EPUB, ENG]

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Jeff and Ann VanderMeer (ed.) - Last Drink Bird Head

Название: Last Drink Bird Head / Еще рюмочку, птичья голова
Год выпуска: 2009
Под редакцией: VanderMeer, Jeff and Ann / Вандермеер, Джефф и Энн
Издательство: The Ministry of Whimsy Press
ISBN: 978-1-890464-12-7 (ISBN в тексте книги указан только для издания в твердой обложке)
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Восьми десяткам писателей было предложено пофантазировать (в рамках 500 слов) на тему: что такое (или кто такой) Last Drink Bird Head? В числе вариантов: блюзмен, автор перформансов, крепкий напиток, город в Техасе, песня антарктических герлскаутов...
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Книга на русский не переводилась, перевод названия - моя личная импровизация Smile
Все рассказы, включенные в антологию, имеют одно и то же название, поэтому в содержании указаны только авторы. Да, в тексте книги - тоже так Smile

Daniel Abraham
Michael A. Arnzen
Steve Aylett
K. J. Bishop
Michael Bishop
Desirina Boskovich
Keith Brooke
Jesse Bullington
Richard Butner
Catherine Cheek
Matthew Cheney
Michael Cisco
Gio Clairval
Alan M. Clark
Brendan Connell
Paul Di Filippo
Stephen R. Donaldson
Rikki Ducornet
Clare Dudman
Hal Duncan
Brian Evenson
Eliot Fintushel
Jeffrey Ford
Richard Gehr
Felix Gilman
Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Rhys Hughes
Paul Jessup
Antony Johnston
John Kaiine
Henry Kaiser
Caitlin R. Kiernan
Tessa Kum
Ellen Kushner
Jay Lake
Tanith Lee
Stina Leicht
Therese Littleton
Beth Adele Long
Dustin Long
J. M. McDermott
Nick Mamatas
Sarah Monette
Kari O'Connor
Ben Peek
Holly Phillips
Louis Phillips
Tim Pratt
Cat Rambo
Mark Rich
Bruce Holland Rogers
Nicholas Royle
Eric Schaller
Ekaterina Sedia
Ramsey Shehadeh
Peter Straub
Victoria Strauss
Michael Swanwick
Mark Swartz
Alan Swirsky
Rachel Swirsky
Sonya Taaffe
Justin Taylor
Steve Rasnic Tem
Jeffrey Thomas
Scott Thomas
John Urbancik
Genevieve Valentine
Jeff VanderMeer
Kim Westwood
Leslie What
Andrew Rhys White
Conrad Williams
Liz Williams
Neil Williamson
Caleb Wilson
Gene Wolfe
Jonathan Wood
Marly Youmans
Catherine Zeidler
Michael Swanwick

The avicephalus walked into the bar, its frill ruffled and its beak clacking, the way they do when they’re spoiling for a fight. It acted like it owned the place. Which it didn’t. Not literally. But we both knew what the score was.
I smiled blandly. “What’ll you have?”
“Gimme a Singapore sling, ape face.” The avicephalus went over to the aquarium, eyed its contents skeptically, and then speared a neon tetra. The strike was so fast it barely made a splash. It threw back its head and swallowed. “Not much of a selection,” it grumbled.
“Mostly, they’re just decorative.”
The avicephalus took a stool. Their bodies were enough like ours that they could do that.
I finished mixing the drink and set it down in front of the alien. Then I glanced at the clock. 9:57 a.m. Avicephali were early drinkers. This one drank down the first glass in a single gulp. “Another.”
I made a second drink, set it down. Taking a chance, I said, “That’ll be twelve bucks. No charge for the fish.”
The avicephalus drew itself up, outraged. Its frill narrowed and lay down low on its head, the way they do just before they strike. It fixed me with those crazy orange eyes. “Do I look like a fool, monkey nose? Do I look like somebody who thinks we conquered this backwater planet just so I can take lip from some hick hominid bartender?”
“No, sir,” I said. Everybody knew that arguing with an alien was a good way to lose an eye. It was 9:59 now.
“Damn straight, I don’t. So from now on I expect you to—why do you keep looking at the time?”
“For that,” I said. It was 10:00 on the dot.
Outside, a bright light blossomed. It was the Planetary Control HQ going up.
While the avicephalus gawked, unable to process the extent of the changes that had just occurred, I put the lid over the fish tank. No more free lunch for this guy.
Then I smiled, not at all blandly. “Last drink, bird head.”
. . .
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