
Merril, Judith (ed) - The Year's Best S-F / Меррил, Джудит (ред) - Лучшая фантастика года [1956-1970, fb2, ENG]

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Judith Merril (editor) - The Year's Best S-F

Название: The Year's Best S-F / Лучшая фантастика года
Год выпуска:1956-1968
Под редакцией: Merril, Judith / Меррил, Джудит
Издательство: Dell; Mayflower
Формат: fb2
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Одна из первых серий ежегодных антологий фантастики по типу "лучшее за год". Выходила с 1956 по 1968 год. Раньше ее выходила только серия под редакцией Everett F. Bleiler и T. E. Dikty (с 1949 по 1954 год)
S-F: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy 1956, fb2, Dell
The Stutterer novelette by R. R. Merliss
The Golem / Голем short story by Avram Davidson
Junior / Отпрыск short story by Robert Abernathy
The Cave of Night short story by James E. Gunn
The Hoofer short story by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
Bulkhead novelette by Theodore Sturgeon
Sense from Thought Divide novelette by Mark Clifton
Pottage novelette by Zenna Henderson
Nobody Bothers Gus short story by Algis Budrys
The Last Day of Summer short story by E. C. Tubb
One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts short story by Shirley Jackson
The Ethicators short story by Willard Marsh
Birds Can't Count short story by Mildred Clingerman
Of Missing Persons / О пропавших без вести short story by Jack Finney
Dreaming Is a Private Thing / Мечты — личное дело каждого short story by Isaac Asimov
The Country of the Kind / Страна милостивых short story by Damon Knight
The Public Hating / Общественное порицание short story by Steve Allen
Home There's No Returning / Обратной дороги нет novelette by Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore
SF: The Year's Greatest Science-Fiction and Fantasy Second Annual Volume 1957, fb2, Dell
The Man Who Liked Lions short story by John Bernard Daley
The Cosmic Charge Account novelette by C. M. Kornbluth
The Far Look / Двое с Луны novelette by Theodore L. Thomas
When Grandfather Flew to the Moon (= Return of the Moon Man) short story by E. L. Malpass
The Doorstop short story by Reginald Bretnor
Silent Brother short story by Algis Budrys
Stranger Station / Станция «Чужак» novelette by Damon Knight
Each an Explorer / По-своему исследователь short story by Isaac Asimov
All About "The Thing" poem by Randall Garrett
Put Them All Together, They Spell Monster short story by Ray Russell
Digging the Weans short story by Robert Nathan
Take a Deep Breath short story by Roger Thorne
Grandma's Lie Soap short story by Robert Abernathy
Compounded Interest / Наросло по процентам short story by Mack Reynolds
Prima Belladonna / Прима Белладонна short story by J. G. Ballard
The Other Man novella by Theodore Sturgeon
The Damnedest Thing short story by Garson Kanin
Anything Box short story by Zenna Henderson
SF: The Year's Greatest Science Fiction and Fantasy: 4th Annual Volume 1959, fb2, Dell
Pelt short story by Carol Emshwiller
Triggerman short story by J. F. Bone
The Prize of Peril / Премия за риск short story by Robert Sheckley
Hickory, Dickory, Kerouac [i]short story by Richard Gehman
The Yellow Pill / Жёлтая пилюля short story by Rog Phillips
River of Riches / Река сокровищ short story by Gerald Kersh
Satellite Passage short story by Theodore L. Thomas
Casey Agonistes short story by Richard McKenna
Space-Time for Springers short story by Fritz Leiber
Or All the Seas with Oysters / Моря, полные устриц short story by Avram Davidson
Ten-Story Jigsaw short story by Brian W. Aldiss
Fresh Guy / Новенький short story by E. C. Tubb
The Beautiful Things / Прекрасные вещи short story by Arthur Zirul
The Comedian's Children / Дети комедианта novelette by Theodore Sturgeon
The Short-Short Story of Mankind / Краткий курс истории человечества short story by John Steinbeck
From Science Fiction to Science Fact: The Universe essay by Judith Merril
Man in Space essay by Daniel Lang
Rockets to Where? essay by Judith Merril
The Thunder-Thieves poem by Isaac Asimov
The Thunder-Thieves (afterword) essay by Isaac Asimov
The Best of Sci-Fi 5 1966, fb2, Mayflower-Dell
The Handler / Кукловод short story by Damon Knight
The Other Wife short story by Jack Finney
No Fire Burns short story by Avram Davidson
No, No, Not Rogov! / Нет, нет, не Рогов short story by Cordwainer Smith
The Shoreline at Sunset / Берег на закате short story by Ray Bradbury
The Dreamsman short story by Gordon R. Dickson
Multum in Parvo short story by Jack Sharkey
Flowers for Algernon / Цветы для Элджернона novelette by Daniel Keyes
"What Do You Mean ... Human?" / Как вы сказали - "человек"? essay by John W. Campbell, Jr.
Sierra Sam essay by Ralph Dighton
A Death in the House / Смерть в доме short story by Clifford D. Simak
Mariana / Мариана short story by Fritz Leiber
An Inquiry Concerning the Curvature of the Earth's Surface and Divers Investigations of a Metaphysical Nature short story by Roger Price
Day at the Beach / Субботний отдых на берегу моря short story by Carol Emshwiller
Hot Argument poem by Randall Garrett
What the Left Hand Was Doing novelette by Randall Garrett
The Sound Sweep / Чистильщик звука novelette by J. G. Ballard
Plenitude short story by Will Mohler
The Man Who Lost the Sea short story by Theodore Sturgeon
Make a Prison short story by Lawrence Block
What Now, Little Man? novelette by Mark Clifton
Me poem by Hilbert Schenck
6th Annual Edition: the Year's Best S-F 1962, fb2, Dell
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble short story by Holley Cantine
The Never-Ending Penny / Непереводящийся цент novelette by Bernard Wolfe
The Fellow Who Married the Maxill Girl / Парень, который женился на дочке Мэксилла novelette by Ward Moore
Something Invented Me short story by R. C. Phelan
A Sigh for Cybernetics poem by Felicia Lamport
Obvious! (cartoon) interior artwork by Michael Ffolkes
I Remember Babylon / Я помню Вавилон short story by Arthur C. Clarke
The Lagging Profession essay by Theodore L. Thomas
The Distortion (cartoon) interior artwork by Shel Silverstein
Report on the Nature of the Lunar Surface / Заключение о состоянии лунной поверхности short story by John Brunner
J.G. (Excerpt from J.G. the Upright Ape) short fiction by Roger Price
Chief / Вождь short story by Henry Slesar
Psalm poem by Lester del Rey
The Large Ant / Чудовищный муравей short story by Howard Fast
A Rose By Other Name short story by Christopher Anvil
Enchantment short story by Elizabeth Emmett
Thiotimoline and the Space Age / Тиотимолин и космический век short story by Isaac Asimov
Beach Scene / На берегу short story by Marshall King
Creature of the Snows / Снежное видение short story by William Sambrot
Abominable / Ужасные short story by Fredric Brown
The Man on Top / Человек на вершине short story by Reginald Bretnor
David's Daddy short story by Rosel George Brown
The Thinkers (cartoon) interior artwork by Walt Kelly
Something Bright / Что-то блестящее short story by Zenna Henderson
In the House, Another short story by Joseph Whitehill
A Serious Search for Weird Worlds essay by Ray Bradbury
Ed Lear Wasn't So Crazy! poem by Hilbert Schenck
Cartoon: Instructor interior artwork by Thelwell
The Brotherhood of Keepers / Братья по разуму novelette by Dean McLaughlin
Hemingway in Space / Хемингуэй в космосе short story by Kingsley Amis
Mine Own Ways short story by Richard McKenna
Old Hundredth short story by Brian W. Aldiss
Radiation Blues poem by Theodore R. Cogswell
Blowup Blues poem by Theodore R. Cogswell
Ballad of the Shoshonu poem by Gordon R. Dickson
How to Think a Science Fiction Story (excerpt) essay by G. Harry Stine
The Year in S-F (The 6th Annual of the Year's Best S-F) essay by Judith Merril
S-F Books - 1960 essay by Anthony Boucher
Honorable Mentions essay by Judith Merril
7th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F 1963, fb2, Dell
Oneiromachia poem by Conrad Aiken
A Passage from the Stars short story by Kaatje Hurlbut
Among the Dangs (excerpt) short fiction by George P. Elliott
Immediately Yours short story by Robert Beverly Hale
Parky short story by David Rome
The Fastest Gun Dead short story by Julian F. Grow
All the Tea in China short story by Reginald Bretnor
The Portobello Road / Портобелло-роуд novelette by Muriel Spark
Ottmar Balleau X 2 short story by George Bamber
The Dandelion Girl / Девушка-одуванчик short story by Robert F. Young
Nightmare in Time (= The End) / Кошмар со временем short story by Fredric Brown
Cartoon: Looking Backward interior artwork by Jules Feiffer
Three Prologues and an Epilogue poem by John Dos Passos
It Becomes Necessary short story by Ward Moore
My Trial as a War Criminal short story by Leo Szilard
A Prize for Edie short story by J. F. Bone
Freedom novelette by Mack Reynolds
High Barbary short story by Lawrence Durrell
The Quaker Cannon novelette by C. M. Kornbluth and Frederik Pohl
Quake, Quake, Quake (Excerpt) poem by Paul Dehn
Judas Bomb short story by Kit Reed
A Small Miracle of Fishhooks and Straight Pins short story by David R. Bunch
The Tunnel Ahead short story by Alice Glaser
Extraterrestrial Trilogue on Terran Self-Destruction poem by Sheri S. Tepper
The Countdown short story by John Haase
The Beat Cluster / Битовое скопление short story by Fritz Leiber
In Tomorrow's Little Black Bag essay by James Blish
The Ship Who Sang novelette by Anne McCaffrey
A Planet Named Shayol / Планета Шеол novelette by Cordwainer Smith
The Asteroids, 2194 short story by John Wyndham
The Long Night / Долгая ночь short story by Ray Russell
To an Astronaut Dying Young poem by Maxine W. Kumin
Summation: S-F, 1961 essay by Judith Merril
Books essay by Anthony Boucher
Honorable Mentions essay by Judith Merril
9th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F 1965, fb2, Dell
Bernie the Faust / Берни по кличке Фауст novelette by William Tenn
Fortress Ship / Игра вслепую short story by Fred Saberhagen
Mr. Waterman short story by Peter Redgrove
Mrs. Pigafetta Swims Well / Госпожа Пигафетта очень хорошо плавает short story by Reginald Bretnor
Cartoon: Tree Trunks interior artwork by John Gallagher
They Don't Make Life Like They Used To / Не по правилам novelette by Alfred Bester
The Great Nebraska Sea short story by Allan Danzig
The Faces Outside short story by Bruce McAllister
A Slight Case of Limbo short story by Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
237 Talking Statues, Etc. / 237 говорящих статуй, портретов и прочее short story by Fritz Leiber
The Jazz Machine poem by Richard Matheson
Mourning Song short story by Charles Beaumont
Dog Eat Dog (cartoon) interior artwork by Jules Feiffer
The Jewbird / Еврей-птица short story by Bernard Malamud
On the Fourth Planet / На четвёртой планете short story by J. F. Bone
Poppa Needs Shorts short story by Leigh Richmond and Walt Richmond
Double Standard / Двойная мораль short story by Fredric Brown
Interview / Интервью short story by Frank A. Javor
Eight O'Clock in the Morning / В восемь утра short story by Ray Nelson
Where Is Everybody? essay by Ben Bova
The Earth Dwellers novelette by André Maurois
The Nobel Prize Winners short story by W. J. J. Gordon
Hot Planet short story by Hal Clement
IBM (cartoon) interior artwork by Mort Gerberg
Confessions of the First Number short story by Cliff Owsley
The Ming Vase / Ваза эпохи Мин novelette by E. C. Tubb
A Bargain with Cashel short story by Gerald Kersh
Drunkboat / Пьяный корабль novelette by Cordwainer Smith
Summation: SF, 1963 essay by Judith Merril
Books essay by Anthony Boucher
Honorable Mentions essay by Judith Merril
10th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F 1966, fb2, Dell
Automatic Tiger / Автоматический тигр short story by Kit Reed
The Carson Effect short story by Richard Wilson
The Shining Ones / Сверкающие short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Pacifist / Пацифист short story by Mack Reynolds
The New Encyclopaedist short story by Stephen Becker
The Legend of Joe Lee / Легенда о Джо Ли short story by John D. MacDonald
Gas Mask / Противогаз short story by James D. Houston
A Sinister Metamorphosis short story by Russell Baker
Sonny short story by Rick Raphael
The Last Secret Weapon of the Third Reich short story by Josef Nesvadba
Descending / Спуск short story by Thomas M. Disch
Decadence short story by Romain Gary
Be of Good Cheer short story by Fritz Leiber
It Could Be You / Может быть, вы? short story by Frank Roberts
A Benefactor of Humanity short story by James T. Farrell
Synchromocracy short story by Hap Cawood
The Search poem by Bruce Simonds
The Pirokin Effect / Эффект Пирокина short story by Larry Eisenberg
The Twerlik short story by Jack Sharkey
A Rose for Ecclesiastes / Роза для Екклезиаста novelette by Roger Zelazny
The Terminal Beach / Последний берег novelette by J. G. Ballard
Problem Child short story by Arthur Porges
The Wonderful Dog Suit / Чудесный костюм short story by Donald Hall
The Mathenauts short story by Norman Kagan
Family Portrait short story by Morgan Kent
The Red Egg short story by José María Gironella
The Power of Positive Thinking short story by M. E. White
A Living Doll short story by unknown (as by Robert Wallace)
Training Talk short story by David R. Bunch
A Miracle Too Many short story by Alan E. Nourse and Philip H. Smith
The Last Lonely Man / Последний одинокий человек short story by John Brunner
The Man Who Found Proteus short story by Robert Rohrer
Yachid and Yechida / Йохид и Йохида short story by Isaac Bashevis Singer
Summation essay by Judith Merril
11th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F 1967, fb2, Dell
Introduction essay by Judith Merril
Something Else short story by Robert J. Tilley
The Volcano Dances / Танцы на вулкане short story by J. G. Ballard
Slow Tuesday Night / Медленная ночь со вторника на среду short story by R. A. Lafferty
Better Than Ever short story by Alex Kirs
Coming-of-Age Day short story by A. K. Jorgensson
The Wall short story by Josephine Saxton
The Survivor novelette by Walter F. Moudy
Moon Duel / Лунная дуэль short story by Fritz Leiber
Project Inhumane short story by Alexander Malec
Those Who Can, Do / Кто во что горазд short story by Robert T. Kurosaka
Susan short story by Keith Roberts (as by Alistair Bevan)
Yesterdays' Gardens short story by Johnny Byrne
The Roaches / Насекомые short story by Thomas M. Disch
Game / Игра short story by Donald Barthelme
J Is for Jeanne short story by E. C. Tubb
Terminal short story by Ron Goulart
The Plot / Заговор short story by Tom Herzog
Investigating the Bidwell Endeavors short story by David R. Bunch
The Case poem by Peter Redgrove
There's a Starman in Ward 7 short story by David Rome
Eyes Do More Than See / Глазам дано не только видеть short story by Isaac Asimov
Maelstrom II / Второй Мальмстрем short story by Arthur C. Clarke
Two Telepathic Letters to Lord Kelvin short story by Alfred Jarry
Warrior / Воин short story by Gordon R. Dickson
Mars Is Ours! short story by Art Buchwald
Scarfe's World short story by Brian W. Aldiss
A Singular Case of Extreme Electrolyte Balance Associated with Folie a Deux short story by Robert D. Tschirgi
A Magus poem by John Ciardi
The Circular Ruins short story by Jorge Luis Borges
The Girl Who Drew the Gods novelette by Harvey Jacobs
The Drowned Giant / Утонувший великан short story by J. G. Ballard
Circe Undersea or a Cry from the Depths poem by George MacBeth
Somewhere Not Far from Here short story by Gerald Kersh
In the Ruins short story by Roald Dahl
Traveller's Rest short story by David I. Masson
Ado About Nothing / Много шума из ничего short story by Robert K. Ottum
Summation essay by Judith Merril
The Best of Sci-Fi 12 1970, fb2, ISBN: 0-583-11784-8, Mayflower
Introduction: Fish Out of Water, Man Beside Himself essay by Judith Merril
The Cinemagicians poem by Tuli Kupferberg
In Seclusion novelette by Harvey Jacobs
The Food Farm short story by Kit Reed
Gogol's Wife short story by Tommaso Landolfi
The Balloon / Воздушный шар short story by Donald Barthelme
The Cloud-Sculptors of Coral D / Облачные скульпторы коралла D short story by J. G. Ballard
Luana short story by Gilbert Thomas
W-a-v-e-r poem by Tuli Kupferberg
During the Jurassic short story by John Updike
The Fall of Frenchy Steiner novelette by Hilary Bailey
Light of Other Days / Свет былого short story by Bob Shaw
Beyond the Weeds short story by Peter Tate
The Primary Education of the Camiroi / Школа на Камирои (Выдержки из объединённого доклада учительско-родительскому комитету (УРК) г. Дюбюка) short story by R. A. Lafferty
When I Was Miss Dow short story by Sonya Dorman
A Vacation on Earth poem by Thomas M. Disch
Confluence short story by Brian W. Aldiss
Journal from Ellipsia (excerpt) short fiction by Hortense Calisher
An Ornament to His Profession novelette by Charles L. Harness
Narrow Valley / Узкая долина short story by R. A. Lafferty
They Do Not Always Remember / Они не всегда помнят short story by William S. Burroughs
The Winter Flies short story by Fritz Leiber
When I First Read ... poem by Dick Allen
You: Coma: Marilyn Monroe / Ты: кома: Мэрилин Монро short story by J. G. Ballard
And More Changes Still short story by Henri Michaux
The Other short story by Katherine MacLean
Chicken Icarus (= A Dream of Flying) short story by Carol Emshwiller
In the Egg poem by Günter Grass
The Star-Pit / Хомо Аструм novella by Samuel R. Delany
Personal short story by Tuli Kupferberg
by Henry Kuttner & C. L. Moore

If the last story was uncomfortably close to home, be warned that this is even closer. But don’t quit now. It’s the last one in the book, so you may be certain it will have a happy ending—of sorts. And, being the work of science-fantasy’s foremost collaborators, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuttner, you may be equally certain that the background of the fable will be painted in clear glowing colors; that the action of the story will move at a pulse-beat pace; and that the moral, when it comes, will be stated with an appropriate question mark.

* * * *

The General opened the door and came softly into the big, bright underground room. There by the wall under the winking control panels lay the insulated box, nine feet long, four feet wide, just as it always lay, just as he always saw it—day or night, waking or sleeping, eyes open or closed. The box shaped like a tomb. But out of it, if they were lucky, something would be born.
The General was tall and gaunt. He had stopped looking at himself in the mirror because his own face had begun to frighten him with its exhaustion, and he hated to meet the look of his own sunken eyes. He stood there feeling the beat of unseen machinery throb through the rock all around him. His nerves secretly changed each rhythmic pulse into some vast explosion, some new missile against which all defenses would be useless.
He called sharply in the empty laboratory, “Broome!” No answer. The General walked forward and stood above the box. Over it on the control panel lights winked softly on and off, and now and then a needle quivered. Suddenly the General folded up his fist and smashed the knuckles down hard on the reverberent metal of the box. A sound like hollow thunder boomed out of it.
“Easy, easy,” somebody said. Abraham Broome was standing in the doorway, a very old man, small and wrin­kled, with bright, doubtful eyes. He shuffled hastily to the box and laid a soothing hand on it, as if the box might be sentient for all he knew.
“Where the hell were you?” the General asked.
Broome said, “Resting. Letting some ideas incubate. Why?”
“You were resting?” The General sounded like a man who had never heard the word before. Even to himself he sounded strange. He pressed his eyelids with finger and thumb, because the room seemed to be dwindling all around him, and the face of Broome receded thinly into gray distances. But even with shut eyes he could still see the box and the sleeping steel giant inside, waiting pa­tiently to be born. Without opening his eyes, he said, “Wake it up, Broome.”
Broome’s voice cracked a little. “But I haven’t fin—”
“Wake it up.”
“Something’s gone wrong, General?”
General Conway pressed his eyelids until the darkness inside reddened—as all this darkness underground would redden when the last explosions came. Perhaps tomorrow. Not later than the day after. He was almost sure of that. He opened his eyes quickly. Broome was looking at him with a bright, dubious gaze, his lids sagging at the outer corners with the weight of unregarded years.
“I can’t wait any longer,” Conway said carefully. “None of us can wait. This war is too much for human beings to handle any more.” He paused and let the rest of his breath go out in a sigh, not caring—perhaps not daring—to say the thing aloud that kept reverberating in his head like steadily approaching thunder. Tomorrow, or the day after —that was the deadline. The enemy was going to launch an all-out attack on the Pacific Front Sector within the next forty-eight hours.
The computers said so. The computers had ingested every available factor from the state of the weather to the conditions of the opposing general’s childhood years, and this was what they said. They could be wrong. Now and then they were wrong, when the data they receivedwas in­complete. But you couldn’t go on the assumption that they would be. You had to assume an attack would come be­fore day after tomorrow.
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