Годы выпуска: 1960-2019 г. Автор: Carter, Lin / Картер, Лин Язык: Английский Формат: fb2/epub Качество: OCR/eBook
Описание: Лин Картер (Linwood Vrooman Carter, 9 июня 1930 г. - 7 февраля 1988 г.) — американский писатель-фантаст, литературовед и редактор книжной серии Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series. Энтузиаст возрождения серии произведений Р. Говарда про Конана, задуманного и осуществлённого его соавтором Спрэгом де Кампом. Теоретик НФ-жанра. Его монография «Мнимые Миры» (Imaginary Worlds, 1973) признана настольной книгой поклонников НФ-жанра. Создатель избыточно богатых придуманных миров, наделённых невиданной флорой и фауной. В повести «Наивеличайшие еретики Оолимара» описано ездовое насекомое «глагоцит». Самые плодотворные и творчески удачные годы Картера как романиста связаны с созданием эпоса о затопленной Лемурии, предшествовавшей Атлантиде. Шесть (1965—1970) лет Картер писал сагу о приключениях варвара-короля Тонгора (Thongor). Издатели Бетти и Йан Баллантайн (Betty & Ian Ballantine) пригласили его на должность штатного редактора издательства Ballantine Books. Придумал для серии Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series новую торговую марку — белого единорога. Обновлённая Картером серия стала одним из самых успешных проектов издательства Ballantine Books.
01 Jandar of Callisto / Джандар с Каллисто 1972, fb2 02 Black Legion of Callisto / Чёрный Легион Каллисто 1972, fb2 03 Sky Pirates of Callisto / Небесные пираты Каллисто 1973, fb2 04 Mad Empress of Callisto / Сумасшедшая императрица Каллисто 1975, fb2 05 Mind Wizards of Callisto / Колдуны Мозга Каллисто 1975, fb2 06 Lankar of Callisto / Ланкар с Каллисто 1975, fb2 07 Ylana of Callisto / Илана с Калисто 1977, fb2 08 Renegade of Callisto / Изменник с Каллисто 1978, fb2
01 The Quest of Kadji / Поиски Каджи 1973, fb2, Five Star 03 Kellory the Warlock / Колдун Келлори 2016, epub, Wildside Press
02 The Enchantress of World's End 1975, fb2, DAW
The Man Without a Planet / Человек без планеты 1966, fb2, Ace Books
01 Under the Green Star / Мир Зелёной Звезды 1972, fb2 02 When the Green Star Calls / Зов Зелёной Звезды 1973, fb2 03 By the Light of the Green Star / Свет Зелёной Звезды 1974, fb2 04 As the Green Star Rises / Восход Зелёной Звезды 1975, fb2 05 In the Green Star's Glow / Закат Зелёной Звезды 1976, fb2
Corsairs of the Cosmos / Космический корсар 1987, fb2 Ghosts of Ganymede / Призраки Ганимеда 1988, fb2 Planet in Peril / Планета в опасности 1988, fb2 Beyond the Worlds We Know / За пределами знакомых миров 1988, fb2 (не окончено)
"For the Blood Is the Life" / Ибо кровь есть жизнь 1984, fb2 The Love of the Sea / Любовь и море 1984, fb2 Pale Shadow / Бледная тень 1985, fb2
The Man Who Loved Mars / Человек, любивший Марс 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781479408740, Wildside Press The Valley Where Time Stood Still / Долина Вечности 1976, epub, Popular Library The City Outside the World / Город за пределами мира 1977, fb2 Down to a Sunless Sea / Сонный Океан 1984, fb2
01 The Wizard of Lemuria / Колдун Лемурии 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4794-0636-4, Wildside Press 02 Thongor and the Dragon City (= Thongor of Lemuria) / Воин Лемурии 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4794-0637-1, Wildside Press 03 Thongor Against the Gods / Тонгор против Богов 2015, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4794-0639-5, Wildside Press 04 Thongor in the City of Magicians / Город Магов 1968, epub, Paperback Library 05 Thongor at the End of Time / Тонгор на Краю Времени 1968, epub, Paperback Library 06 Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus / Пираты Таракуса 2019, epub (retail), ISBN: 978-1-4732-2043-0, Gateway / Orion Young Thongor 2012, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781434443960, Wildside Press
Lemuria short fiction by Lin Carter Diombar's Song of the Last Battle poem by Lin Carter Black Hawk of Valkarth short story by Lin Carter The City in the Jewel novelette by Lin Carter Demon of the Snows short story by Lin Carter The Creature in the Crypt short story by Robert M. Price Mind Lords of Lemuria short story by Robert M. Price Silver Shadows short story by Robert M. Price Keeper of the Emerald Flame novella by Lin Carter Black Moonlight / Чёрная магия лунного света novelette by Lin Carter Thieves of Zangabal novella by Lin Carter
01 The Thief of Thoth / Тоутский вор 1972, fb2, Belmont Tower 03 Murder In Space / Убийство в космосе 1987, fb2
The Zanthodon Megapack 2014, epub (retail), ISBN: 9781479404506, Wildside Press
01 Journey to the Underground World02 Zanthodon04 Darya of the Bronze Age03 Hurok of the Stone Age05 Eric of Zanthodon
The Nemesis of Evil / Принц Заркон 2017, epub (retail), Thunderchild Publishing Invisible Death / Невидимая Смерть 2017, epub (retail), Thunderchild Publishing The Volcano Ogre / Вулканический Великан 2017, epub (retail), Thunderchild Publishing The Earth-Shaker 2017, epub (retail), Thunderchild Publishing Horror Wears Blue 2017, epub (retail), Thunderchild Publishing
The Star Magicians / Звёздные волшебники 1966, fb2, Ace Books Lost World of Time / Мир, затерянный во времени 2014, epub, Wildside Press Destination: Saturn / Место назначения: Сатурн 1967, fb2, Avalon Books (with David Grinnell aka Donald A. Wollheim) Tower of the Medusa / Башня Медузы 1969, fb2
The Xothic Legend Cycle: The Complete Mythos Fiction of Lin Carter 2006, fb2, ISBN: 9781568821955, Chaosium
The Red OfferingThe Dweller in the TombThe Thing in the PitOut of the AgesThe Horror in the GalleryThe Winfield Heritance / Наследство Уинфилдов Perchance to DreamStrange Manuscript Found in the Vermont WoodsDreams from R'lyeh: A Sonnet CycleSomething in the MoonlightThe Fishers from Outside / Рыболовы из Ниоткуда Behind the MaskThe Strange Doom of Enos Harker (with Robert M. Price) The Bell in the Tower (with H. P. Lovecraft) The Soul of the Devil-Bought (by Robert M. Price)
Lin Carter's Simrana Cycle 2018, epub, ISBN: 978-4-902075-99-1, Celaeno Press (ed. by Robert M. Price)
The Gods of Niom Parma short story by Lin Carter The Whelming of Oom short story by Lin Carter Zingazar short story by Lin Carter How Sargoth Lay Siege to Zaremm short story by Lin Carter The Laughter of Han short story by Lin Carter The Benevolence of Yib short story by Lin Carter How Ghuth Would Have Hunted the Silth short story by Lin Carter The Thievery of Yish short story by Lin Carter How Her Doom Came Down at Last on Adrazoon short story by Lin Carter How Jal Set Forth on His Journeying short fiction by Lin Carter The Gods of Neol Shendis short story by Lin Carter How Shand Became King of Thieves short fiction by Lin Carter and Robert M. Price Caolin the Conjurer (or, Dzimdazoul) short fiction by Glynn Owen Barrass and Lin Carter The Philosopher Thief short fiction by Darrell Schweitzer The Sorcerer's Satchel short fiction by Gary Myers An Unfamiliar Familiar short fiction by Adrian Cole The Summoning of a Genie in Error short fiction by Adrian Cole The Sad But Instructive Fable of Mangroth's Tomes short fiction by Charles Garofalo How Frindolf Got His Fill of Revenge short fiction by Charles Garofalo The Devil's Mine short fiction by Robert M. Price The Good Simranatan short fiction by Robert M. Price How Thongor Conquered Zaremm short fiction by Robert M. Price The River / Река short story by Lord Dunsany The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth / Неприступная для всех, кроме Сакнота, крепость short story by Lord Dunsany The Sword of Welleran / Меч Веллерана short story by Lord Dunsany Carcassonne / Каркассон short story by Lord Dunsany How Nuth Would Have Practiced His Art Upon the Gnoles / Как Нут практиковался на гнолах short story by Lord Dunsany The Distressing Tale of Thangobrind the Jeweller, and of the Doom That Befell Him short story by Lord Dunsany In Zaccarath / В Заккарате short story by Lord Dunsany How the Enemy Came to Thlūnrāna / Как враг пришёл в Тлунрану short story by Lord Dunsany The Jest of Droom Avista / Шутка Друм-Ависты short story by Henry Kuttner
Dead of Night / Конец ночи 1988, fb2 A Swordsman of Mars / Воин Марса 1989, fb2 The Life of Eibon According to Cyron of Varaad 2002, fb2
Lovecraft: A Look Behind the "Cthulhu Mythos" 1972, epub, ISBN: 0-345-02427-3, Ballantine Books
That the most far-reaching and momentous historical events often spring from minute and seemingly inconsequential accidents is a fact which I can attest from my own experience. For the past four months now - insofar as I have been able to measure the passage of time - I have dwelt on an alien world, surrounded by a thousand foes, struggling and battling my way through innumerable perils to win a place beside the most beautiful woman in two worlds. And all of these adventures, these wonders and terrors, sprang from a single cause, and that cause was a crumb of dirt half the size of my thumbnail. As I sit, painfully and slowly setting down these words with a quill pen and homemade ink on a sheet of rough parchment, I cannot help but wonder at the obscure vanity which prompts me to record the tale of my incredible adventures - a tale which began in a lost city deep in the impenetrable jungles of southeast Asia and which ventures from there across the incredible distance of three hundred and ninety million miles of infinite space to the surface of a weird and alien planet. A tale, furthermore, which I deem it most unlikely any other human eye will ever read. . . .
CHAPTER 1Red Swords in Thurdis
All day our swords drank deep and long Of blood wine-red, of blood wine-strong! Tonight in the red halls of hell We’ll feast with foes and friends as well! —War Song of the Valkarthan Swordsmen
Thongor of Valkarth ducked as the heavy wine goblet hurled harmlessly over his head, ringing against the wall and splattering cold wine over his face and naked chest. He blinked the cold, stinging fluid from his eyes expressionlessly. Jeled Malkh, the otar who had flung the goblet, threw back his head and laughed. “That is how a noble of Thurdis treats a nameless dog of a mercenary!” he sneered to his companions. They echoed his laughter. “Pity to waste good sarn-wine,” one remarked wittily. “Cheap ale of the Northlands is more his drink!” Jeled Malkh shrugged. “Imagine the lout daring to ask for the payment of his wager—and from the otar of his own hundred!” The cold sarn-wine dripped down Thongor’s mighty chest. He continued to regard the officer. His dark, tanned face was without expression, but those who knew him well could have read the cold glint in the strange golden eyes of the silent barbarian from the Northlands of Lemuria. With one hand he brushed the wine from his face, tossing back his long mane of black hair. He addressed Jeled Malkh quietly. “You refuse, then, to pay the wager?” . . .
UPD Релиз обновлен 04.09.2021
Добавлено: 04 Carter, Lin - Thongor in the City of Magicians (Thongor) - 1968.epub 05 Carter, Lin - Thongor at the End of Time (Thongor) - 1968.epub 06 Carter, Lin - Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus (Thongor) - 2019.epub 03 Carter, Lin - Kellory the Warlock (Chronicles of Kylix) - 2016.epub Carter, Lin - For the Blood Is the Life (Tara of the Twilight) - 1984.fb2 Carter, Lin - The Love of the Sea (Tara of the Twilight) - 1984.fb2 Carter, Lin - Pale Shadow (Tara of the Twilight) - 1985.fb2 Carter, Lin - Lost World of Time - 2014.epub Price, Robert M. (ed) - Lin Carter's Simrana Cycle - 2018.epub Carter, Lin - Lovecraft. A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos - 1972.epub Carter, Lin - Dead of Night - 1988.fb2 Carter, Lin - A Swordsman of Mars - 1989.fb2
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