
Various - Omni: The Complete Fiction / Разные авторы - Полная коллекция художественных произведений из журнала "Omni" [2019, EPUB, ENG]

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Omni: The Complete Fiction

Название: Omni: The Complete Fiction / Полная коллекция художественных произведений из журнала "Omni"
Год выпуска: 2019
Издательство: Jerry eBooks
ISBN: отсутствует
Формат: EPUB
Качество: eBook
Язык: английский

Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Omni". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry.
"Omni" - журнал, посвященный науке, научной фантастике, фэнтэзи и парапсихологии. Вот такая смесь Smile. Издавался в США, Великобритании и еще в нескольких странах.
Журнал выпускался в бумажном виде с 1978 по 1995 год. В 1995-1998 годах "Omni" существовал как онлайн журнал (Omni Internet webzine). Новая попытка возродить журнал была предпринята в 2017 году, но с 2018 года никаких обновлений на сайте не было ...
В журнале публиковались рассказы, повести и отрывки из романов. Среди авторов были Theodore Sturgeon, Harlan Ellison, Robert Sheckley, Orson Scott Card, Alfred Bester, Robert A. Heinlein, Stephen King, Philip K. Dick, Roger Zelazny, Robert Silverberg, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. Le Guin и многие другие известные писатели.
Valley of the Kilns - James B. Hall
Invisible Stripes / Незримые оковы - Ron Goulart
Time Warp / Время — назад! - Theodore Sturgeon
Found! / Нашли! - Isaac Asimov
The Weariest River / Самая усталая река - Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
Whale Song - Leigh Kennedy
The Chessmen - William G. Shepherd
Controlled Experiment / Управляемый эксперимент - Rick Conley
Count the Clock that Tells the Time / Часы мне говорят... - Harlan Ellison
Body Game / Игра с телом - Robert Sheckley
A Hiss of Dragon - Gregory Benford and Marc Laidlaw
A Thousand Deaths / Тысяча смертей - Orson Scott Card
Newton's Gift - Paul J. Nahin
New is Beautiful - Tony Holkham
To Race the Wind - Jack C. Haldeman II
The Hole Thing - Dean R. Lambe
And Whether Pigs Have Wings - Nancy Kress
The Ancient Mind at Work - Suzy McKee Charnas
Lobotomy Shoals - Juleen Brantingham
The Signing Diamond - Dr. Robert L. Forward
The Blizzard Machine - Dean Ing
Unaccompanied Sonata / Соната без сопровождения - Orson Scott Card
The Great Moveway Jam - John Keefauver
Down & Out on Ellfive Prime - Dean Ing
The Eyes on Butterflies' Wings - Patrice Duvic
Hell Creatures of the Third Planet - Stephen Robinett
Galatea Galante / Прекрасная Галатея - Alfred Bester
Iceback Invasion - Hayford Peirce
No Future in It - Joe Haldeman
Oil is Not Gold - Sam Nicholson
Dark Sanctuary / Тёмный заповедник - Gregory Benford
God is an Iron / Господь жесток - Spider Robinson
Self-Discovery / Открытие себя - Vladimir Savchenko
The Language Clarifier / Очиститель языка - Paul J. Nahin
The Mickey Mouse Olympics / Микки Маус — олимпиец - Tom Sullivan
Halfjack / Получеловек - Roger Zelazny
The Way of Cross and Dragon / Путь креста и дракона - George R.R. Martin
The Madagascar Event - Robert Haisty
Fivesight - Spider Robinson
Deep-Breathing Exercises / Упражнения на дыхание - Orson Scott Card
The Empath and the Savages / Вчувствователь и дикари - John Morressy
The Rocks that Moved / Камнеход - John Keefauver
Sandkings / Короли-пустынники - George R.R. Martin
Quietus / Конец - Orson Scott Card
The Fox and the Hedgehog - John Anthony West
Kinsman - Ben Bova
Graveside Watch / Ночное бдение - Edward H. Gandy
The Vacuum-Packed Picnic / Пикник на Луне - Ric Gauger
The Number of the Beast / Число Зверя - Robert A. Heinlein
The Test / Испытание - Stansilaw Lem
Rent Control / Квартирка с антресолями - Walter Tevis
The Number of the Beast / Число Зверя - Robert A. Heinlein
Malthus's Day - Jayge Carr
Soul Search - Spider Robinson
War Beneath the Tree - Gene Wolfe
Sam and the Dirty Mudder - Dean Ing
Adventure of the Metal Murderer / Металлический убийца - Fred Saberhagen
Lesson One - James Randi
The Box - Paul J. Nahin
Fat Farm / Жиртрест - Orson Scott Card
Message from Earth - Ian Stewart
Why Dolphins Don't Bite - Theodore Sturgeon
The President's Image - Stephen Robinett
The Emperor's New Clothes - John Anthony West
Why Dolphins Don't Bite - Theodore Sturgeon
X-Hero - John Brunner
The Longest Story Ever Told - Hugh Downs
Giant on the Beach - John Keefauver
The Last Jerry Fagin Show - John Morressy
Why Dolphins Don't Bite - Theodore Sturgeon
Josie and the Elevator - Thomas M. Disch
Men Like Us - David Drake
Some of My Best Friends are Americans - François Camoin
Return from the Stars / Возвращение со звёзд - Stanislaw Lem
Marchianna - Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
Firestarter / Воспламеняющая взглядом - Stephen King
Sigmund in Space - Barry N. Malzberg
Firestarter / Воспламеняющая взглядом - Stephen King
A Father's Gift / Дар Отца - Paul J. Nahin
The Future Lost / Не надеясь на будущее - Robert Sheckley
Our Lady of the Sauropods / Мадонна динозавров - Robert Silverberg
In the Hereafter Hilton / В отеле «Новый Путь» - Bob Shaw
The Curio Shop - William Kotzwinkle
Only You Fanzy / Только вас, Фэнзи! - Sherwood Springer
The Marching Morons - C.M. Kornbluth
Prairie Sun - Edward Bryant
Rautavaara's Case / Дело Раутаваары - Philip K. Dick
Easy Points - Kathleen V. Westfall
Out of Luck / Невезение - Walter Tevis
Prime Time - Norman Spinrad
The Hunting of Hewlish - Sam Nicholson
St. Amy's Tale / Рассказ святой Эми - Orson Scott Card
Body Ball - John Keefauver
A Cage for Death - Ian Watson
Standing Woman - Tsutsui Yasutaka
Where No Man Goes - Bob Buckley
Last of the Wild Ones / Последняя из Диких - Roger Zelazny
Serpent's Teeth - Spider Robinson
Icons - Barry N. Malzberg
The Hitmaker - Cynthia Morgan
Last Waltz / Последний вальс - Warren Brown
The Infinite Plane - Paul J. Nahn
Johnny Mnemonic / Джонни-мнемоник - William Gibson
Colonel Stonesteel's Genuine Home-Made Truly Egyptian Mummy / Подлинная египетская мумия работы полковника Стоунстила - Ray Bradbury
Angel at the Gate - Russell M. Griffin
A Sepulcher of Songs / Гробница песен - Orson Scott Card
The Palace at Midnight / Полночь во дворце - Robert Silverberg
Blind Spot - Jayge Carr
Voyagers - Ben Bova
The Microbotic Revolution - Ian Stewart
The Fighter - Wayne Wightman
Going Under - Jack Dann
Mr. Mouse - Frank L. Calloway
On the Slab - Harlan Ellison
Oath of Fealty / Клятва верности - Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
Soft Ions - Racter
Hinterlands / Захолустье - William Gibson
Executive Clemency - Gardner Dozois and Jack C. Haldeman II
The Soul Painter and the Shapeshifter / Живописец и меняющий форму - Robert Silverberg
Forever / Они собирались жить вечно... - Damon Knight
Ringtime - Thomas M. Disch
Ashes - Ian Stewart
Vox Olympica - Michael Bishop
Elephant Song / Песнь слона - Barry B. Longyear
Triggering - John Shirley
Petra / Камень - Greg Bear
The Audubon Effect - Scott Sanders
The Far Side of the Bell-Shaped Curve / Не такие, как все - Robert Silverberg
And Also Much Cattle - Connie Willis
When Auld's Acquaintance is Forgot - Harlan Ellison
With the Original Cast - Nancy Kress
I am the Burning Bush - Gregg Keizer
The Accident / Несчастный случай - Stanislaw Lem
Ike at the Mike - Howard Waldrop
The White Plague / Белая чума - Frank Herbert
Burning Chrome / Сожжение Хром - William Gibson
The White Plague / Белая чума - Frank Herbert
Triceratops - Kono Tensei
The Man Who Met Picasso - Michael Swanwick
Eyes I Dare Not Meet in Dreams / Те глаза, что и во сне страшно встретить - Dan Simmons
Foundation's Edge / Край Академии - Isaac Asimov
A Matter of Fact / Голая истина - Rudyard Kipling
Farmer on the Dole / Переквалификация - Frederik Pohl
Augenblick - Steve Perry
Number 13 - Stephen Robinett
Returning Home - Ian Watson
The Changed Man and the King of Words / Изменившийся и Король Слов - Orson Scott Card
The Mind of Medea - Kate Wilhelm
The Best of Both Worlds - Lois Metzger
Saul's Death - Joe Haldeman
The Last Child into the Mountain - Michael Bishop and Lee Ellis
The End of the World News - Anthony Burgess
The Shirt's Tale, The Shorts Story - Thomas M. Disch
Blind Shemmy - Jack Dann
The End of the World News - Anthony Burgess
Amanda and the Alien / Аманда и пришелец - Robert Silverberg
Vengeance is Yours - Pat Cadigan
Edges - Gregg Keizer
A Teardrop Falls / Падение капли слезы - Larry Niven
Kaleidoscope - Cherry Wilder
Red Star, Winter Orbit / Красная звезда, орбита зимы - Bruce Sterling and William Gibson
Wired - David Bischoff
Man-Mountain Gentian - Howard Waldrop
Boundary Echoes - John M. Ford
Seventh Sense / Седьмое чувство - Robert Haisty
Carrion Comfort / Утеха падали - Dan Simmons
Multiples - Robert Silverberg
Borovsky's Hollow Woman - John Duntemann and Nancy Kress
During the Jurassic - John Updike
The Robots of Dawn / Роботы зари - Isaac Asimov
Carrion Comfort / Утеха падали - Dan Simmons
Sister Angel - Kate Wilhelm
400 Boys / 400 поганцев - Marc Laidlaw
Amor y Pesestas - Stephen Robinett
Double Treble - Harlan Ellison, Pat Cadigan, Thomas M. Disch, Edward Bryant, Gene Wolfe and Frederik Pohl
The Circus Animal - Scott Russell Sanders
Track of a Legend - Cynthia Felice
Monolyth - Jayge Carr
The Lurking Duck - Scott Baker
Variation on a Man - Pat Cadigan
Morning Child - Gardner Dozois
Deserted Cities of the Heart - Lewis Shiner
Heretics of Dune / Еретики Дюны - Frank Herbert
Fire - Jere Cunningham
My Rose and My Glove - Harvey Jacobs
Transit of Earth / Кассета бессмертия - Arthur C. Clarke
Sunken Gardens / Глубинные сады - Bruce Sterling
At the Embassy - Elizabeth A. Lynn
New Rose Hotel / Отель «Новая роза» - William Gibson
Itself Surprised / Сам себя удивил - Roger Zelazny
Adagio - Barry B. Longyear
Tooth Fairy - Carol Carr
I Suppose You are Wondering Why We are Here / Спроси, зачем мы пришли - Ray Bradbury
The Visionary / Мечтательница: История жизни Дятла из Дома Змеевика - Ursula K. Le Guin
Poli-Sci-Fi - Robert Silverberg, Barry N. Malzberg, Maria Randall, Jim Aikin, Isaac Asimov, and Norman Spinrad
Out of Time - Ben Bova
The Serrated Edge - Edward Bryant
Trojan Horse / Троянский конь - Michael Swanwick
Robotgnomics / Роботогномика - Robert Sheckley
With Virgil Oddum at the East Pole / С Вергилием на Восточном полюсе - Harlan Ellison
Flying Saucer Rock & Roll - Howard Waldrop
A Man Who Knew His Birds - William Kotzwinkle
Sea of Tranquillity - Marc Laidlaw
The Gods of Mars / Боги Марса - Gardner Dozois, Jack Dann and Michael Swanwick
Minor Surgery and a Poker Game - M.G. Jacobs
Hong's Bluff - William F. Wu
Trapdoor / Лаз в потолке - Ray Bradbury
Immortal Night - Gregory Benford
Dead Run - Greg Bear
Reason Seven - Barry N. Malzberg
Dreams Unwind - Karl Hansen
O Homo, O Femina, O Tempora - Kate Wilhelm
The Mind Like a Strange Balloon - Tom Maddox
The Man Who Always Wanted to Travel - Edward Bryant
Dogfight / Поединок - Michael Swanwick and William Gibson
Roadside Rescue / Обслуживание на дорогах - Pat Cadigan
The Kite Man - Robert Dunn
The Ark / Я хочу, чтобы они исчезли! - Bruce McAllister
Mozart in Mirrorshades / Моцарт в зеркальных очках - Bruce Sterling and Lewis Shiner
Quicktime - Harlan Ellison
Under Siege / В осаде - George R.R. Martin
Snow - John Crowley
The Most Profound Caress - Julio Cortazar
The Dragon Seed - Kate Wilhelm
Travels in the Interior - Scott Russell Sanders
Tangents / Касательные - Greg Bear
Sam and the Banzai Runner - Dean Ing
The Man Who Wasn't There - William Kotzwinkle
Robotvendor Rex / Робот-коробейник по имени Рекс - Robert Sheckley
Sarah Runs the Weasel - Walter Jon Williams
Snake Eyes / Глаза Змеи - Tom Maddox
Permafrost / Вечная мерзлота - Roger Zelazny
Sarah Runs the Weasel - Walter Jon Williams
The Book of Blood / Книга крови - Clive Barker
Against Babylon / ...На Вавилон - Robert Silverberg
Chimera Dreams - Gregg Keizer
Rock Garden - Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
The Lions are Asleep this Night - Howard Waldrop
Fire Catcher - Richard Kadrey
Listening to Brahms / Слушая Брамса - Suzy McKee Charnas
The End of the Whole Mess / Конец всей этой мерзости - Stephen King
Pig Thieves on Ptolemy: A Tale of the Tricentennial - Leo Daugherty
Tatoos - Jack Dann
Our Town / Наш город - Kim Stanley Robinson
The Girl with the Vita-Gel Hair - Thomas M. Disch
Covenant of Souls - Michael Swanwick
Daddy's Big Girl / Папина большая девочка - Ursula K. Le Guin
Paper Moon - Garry Kilworth
Kingdom Come - Bruce McAllister
The Circular Library of Stones - Carol Emshwiller
Babel's Children / Дети Вавилонской башни - Clive Barker
The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar - William S. Burroughs
Night of the Cooters - Howard Waldrop
The Evening and the Morning and the Night - Octavia E. Butler
On Golden Seas / Золото морей - Arthur C. Clarke
The Visitation and Other Divine Encounters - Greg Bear, Gérard Klein, Michael Bishop, Roger Zelazny, Connie Willis, John Brunner, Jack Dann and Jeanne Van Buren Dann, and Damien Broderick
Forever Yours, Anna / Твоя навеки — Анна - Kate Wilhelm
Stardust - Harvey Jacobs
Patterns - Pat Cadigan
Palindrome - Thomas M. Disch
Pictures Made of Stone - Lucius Shepard
Pear-Shaped Man / Человек-в-форме-груши - George R.R. Martin
Hardware - Robert Silverberg
Rebels - Lewis Shiner
Diner - Neal Barrett, Jr.
E Ticket to Namland / Электронный билет во Вьетнамленд - Dan Simmons
Adestes Fideles / Марсианское Рождество - Frederik Pohl
Arachne - Lisa Mason
The Avenger of Death - Harlan Ellison
Headset - Pat Cadigan
The Gulf Wars - Bruce Sterling
The Robot and the One You Love - Tom Maddox
The Looking-Glass Man - Garry Kilworth
A Handful of Horror - Edward Bryant, Patricia Highsmith, Pat Cadigan, Michael Swanwick, and Dan Simmons
Fragments of Papyrus from the Temple of the Older Gods - William Kotzwinkle
Life of Buddha - Lucius Shepard
The Girl Who Loved Animals - Bruce McAllister
The Domino Master - Michael Blumlein
Wild, Wild Horses - Howard Waldrop
The Dream of the Wolf / Сон волка - Scott Bradfield
Bruno's Shadow - Marc Laidlaw
Schrödinger's Kitten / Кошечка Шрёдингера - George Alec Effinger
Hannibal's Elephants / Слоны Ганнибала - Robert Silverberg
Six Flights of Fantasy - Joyce Carol Oates, K.W. Jeter, Barry N. Malzberg, Daniel Pinkwater, T. Coraghessan Boyle and Howard Waldrop
In a World Like This - Nancy Kress
Shoo Fly - Richard Matheson
Youthful Folly - Lucius Shepard
On the Edge - Sharon N. Farber
Fledged - Carol Emshwiller
The Gulag on the Rue des Grande Augustins - Gregg Keizer
Solace - Gardner Dozois
Mr. Fiddlehead / Мистер Фидлхэд - Jonathan Carroll
Filming the Making of the Film of the Making of “Fitzcarraldo” - Garry Kilworth
Snow Angels - Michael Swanwick
Finders Keepers - Gahan Wilson, Richard Christian Matheson, Michaelene Pendleton, and Pat Murphy
Baby Strange - Tom Maddox
The Gates of Babel - J.R. Dunn
To the Promised Land - Robert Silverberg
Little Boy Blue - Bruce McAllister
Shoot the Moon / Подлунный мир - Pat Cadigan
Unidentified Objects - James R. Blaylock
Reading the Silks - Michael Bishop
His Powder'd Wig, His Crown of Thornes / Его напудренный парик, его терновый венец - Marc Laidlaw
Becoming Cindy - Richard Kadrey
At the Rialto / В отеле «Риальто» - Connie Willis
Man's Best Friend - Thomas M. Disch, Gregory Benford, Edward Bryant, Tom Dworetzky, and Karen Joy Fowler
Family - Joyce Carol Oates
Tomorrow's Child - Lisa Mason
Looking Down - Carol Emshwiller
The Sadness of Detail / Печаль подробностей - Jonathan Carroll
The Power and the Passion / Сила и страсть - Pat Cadigan
The Chill of it All - Gahan Wilson, Whitely Strieber, John Skipp and Craig Spector, and Pat Cadigan
And the Angels Sing / И ангелы поют - Kate Wilhelm
Over Flat Mountain - Terry Bisson
Einstein's Law - Ben Bova
Latter-Day Martian Chronicles - Isaac Asimov, Pat Murphy, Bruce Sterling, Joan D. Vinge, and Gregory Benford
Mosquito - Richard Calder
The Catch / Ловушка - Robert Silverberg
In the Country of the Tattooed Men / В стране татуированных людей - Garry Kilworth
Dancing in Dreamtime - Scott Russell Sanders
Something About a Death, Something About a Fire - Peter Straub
Tower of Babylon / Вавилонская башня - Ted Chiang
Après Moi - Gardner Dozois
Snapshots from the Butterfly Plague - Michael Bishop
The Dead Love You / Мёртвые любят тебя - Jonathan Carroll
The Sons of Noah - Jack Cady
Dream Cargoes / Груз мечты - J.G. Ballard
Peter - Pat Murphy
The Last Surviving Veteran of the War of San Francisco - Robert Silverberg
Alien/Nation - Barry N. Malzberg, William Relling, Jr., and Terry Bisson
A Kiss, A Wink, A Grassy Knoll - Jack Womack
Johnny Come Home - Pat Cadigan
Stigmata - Robert Frazier
Voices - Jack Dann
Life regarded as a Jigsaw of Highly Lustrous Cats / Жизнь как пазл, составленный из чрезвычайно лучезарных кошек - Michael Bishop
Hunters in the Forest / Охотники в лесу - Robert Silverberg
Skinner's Room - William Gibson
The Vampire State - W.E. Gutman
The Other Shore - J.R. Dunn
The First Contact with the Gorgonids / Первый контакт с горгонидами - Ursula K. Le Guin
Carl's Lawn & Garden - Terry Bisson
The Life of My Crime / Жизнь моей преступности - Jonathan Carroll
A Little Night Music / Музыка маленькой ночи - Lucius Shepard
Ship Full of Jews - Barry N. Malzberg
The Eye of the Beholder - Joyce Carol Oates, Lucius Shepard, Leigh Kennedy and Samuel R. Delany
The Effects of Alienation - Howard Waldrop
The Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore / Человек, который пригнал корабль Христофора Колумба к берегу - Harlan Ellison
Two Guys from the Future - Terry Bisson
Overtures - J.R. Dunn
Venus is Hell - Jack Williamson
Gravity's Angel - Tom Maddox
In Memoriam - Poul Anderson
Sacred Cow / Священная корова - Bruce Sterling
The Battle of Long Island - Nancy Kress
Like My Dress - Sandra Hendler
The Diane Arbus Suicide Portfolio - Marc Laidlaw
Grand Prix - Simon D. Ings
England Underway - Terry Bisson
Mrs. Jones - Carol Emshwiller
Art Appreciation - Barry N. Malzberg and Jack Dann
Mefisto in Onyx / Мефистофель в ониксе - Harlan Ellison
Thanksgiving / День благодарения - Joyce Carol Oates
The Relativity of Chaos - Michaela Roessner, Connie Willis, and John Kessel
A Man on Crutches - Paul Park
Assassin - Bruce McAllister
A Wheel in the Desert, the Moon on some Swings / Колесо в пустыне, качели при луне - Jonathan Carroll
Fire, Ice / Огонь, лёд - Joe Haldeman
Why Did? - Howard Waldrop
Black Drongo - Garry Kilworth
Bloodletting / Кровопускание - Kate Wilhelm
Queen of Angels - Kathe Koja
See Rock City - Allen Steele
Paris in June - Pat Cadigan
Margin of Error - Nancy Kress
The Fire that Scours - Edward Bryant
Isobel Avens Returns to Stepney in the Spring / Изабель Авенс возвращается в Стэпни по весне - M. John Harrison
Dying - Michael Marshall Smith
There are No Dead / Смерти нет - Terry Bisson
Occam's Ducks - Howard Waldrop
Volatile - Simon Ings
Resolve and Resistance - S.N. Dyer
Some Like it Cold / Некоторые любят похолоднее - John Kessel
Once More, Legato / И снова легато - Ray Bradbury
Three Portraits from Heisenberg - Kathe Kotja and Barry N. Malzberg
Olders / Старшие - Ursula K. Le Guin
Chromo - Ernie Colon and A.J. Gamble
Feigenbaum Number / Число Файгенбаума - Nancy Kress
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life - Michaela Roessner
Death in the Promised Land / Смерть в стране грёз - Pat Cadigan
Hot Times in Magma City - Robert Silverberg
Jubilee - Jack Dann
The Day the Dam Broke - Kathleen Ann Goonan
The Dealings of Daniel Kesserich - Fritz Leiber
The Martian Invasion Journals of Henry James - Robert Silverberg
Solitaire - Kathleen Ann Goonan
Thirteen Phantasms / Тринадцать призраков - James P. Blaylock
Dr. Tilmann's Consultant - Cherry Wilder
Death Do Us Part - Robert Silverberg
Making Good Time - James Patrick Kelly and Rachel Pollack and Pat Cadigan and Nancy Kress
Get a Grip - Paul Park
Open Veins - Simon Ings
Cyril Berganske - Michael Bishop
The Reef Builders - Rosaleen Love, Terry Bisson, Maureen McHugh, and Karen Joy Fowler
Space Opera / Космическая опера - Michael Kandel
Coming to Terms with the Great Plague - Brian Stableford
The Darcy Bee - Kathleen Ann Goonan, John Clute and Elizabeth Hand, Kim Newman, Jonathan Lethem
Mr. Goober's Show - Howard Waldrop
Round Robin: Group Story Telling - Kelley Eskridge, Graham Joyce, Edward Bryant, and Kathe Koja
Queen of Angels - Kathe Koja
The Cave Painting - Garry Kilworth
Thirteen Phantasms / Тринадцать призраков - James P. Blaylock
Mr. Goober's Show - Howard Waldrop
Against Babylon / ...На Вавилон - Robert Silverberg
Sidewalks - Maureen McHugh
Verweile Doch (But Linger) - Rich Larson
Amanda and the Alien / Аманда и пришелец - Robert Silverberg
Once More, Legato

Ray Bradbury

Fentriss sat up in his chair in the garden in the middle of a fine autumn and listened. The drink in his hand remained unsipped, his friend Black unspoken to, the fine house unnoticed, the very weather itself neglected, for there was a veritable fountain of sound in the air above them.
“My God,” he mid. “Do you hear?”
“What, the birds?” asked his friend Black, doing just the opposite, sipping his drink, noticing the weather, admiring the rich house, and neglecting the birds entirely until this moment.
“Great God in heaven, listen to them!” cried Fentriss.
Black listened. “Rather nice.”
“clean out your ears!”
Black made a halfhearted gesture, symbolizing the cleaning out of ears. “Well?”
“Damn it, don’t be funny. I mean really listen! They’re singing a tune!”
“Birds usually do.”
“No, they don’t; birds paste together bits and pieces maybe, five or six notes, eight at the most. Mockingbirds have repertoires that change, but not entire melodies. These birds are different. Now shut up and give over!”
Both men sat, enchanted. Black’s expression melted.
“I’ll be damned,” he said at last. “They do go on.” He leaned forward and listened intently.
“Yes . . .” murmured Fentriss, eyes shut, nodding to the rhythms that sprang like fresh rain from the tree just above their heads. “. . . ohmigod . . . indeed.”
Black rose as if to move under the tree and peer up. Fentriss protested with a fierce whisper:
“Don’t spoil it. Sit. Be very still. Where’s my pencil? Ah . . .”
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