
Harrison, Harry (ed.) - Nova 1-4 / Гаррисон, Гарри (ред.) - Серия антологий Nova 1-4 [1970-1975, EPUB/FB2, ENG]

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Harry Harrison (ed.) - Nova 1-4

Название: Nova / Серия антологий Nova
Год выпуска: 1970-1974
Под редакцией: Harrison, Harry / Гаррисон, Гарри
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Все 4 выпуска серии антологий Nova. Первые 3 выпуска - Jerry eBooks. Nova 4 - я нашел только весьма сырой OCR, выправил его, насколько было возможно.
Nova 1 1970, epub, Delacorte Press
The Big Connection / Короткое замыкание by Robin Scott Wilson (as by Robin Scott)
A Happy Day in 2381 / Счастливый день в году 2381 by Robert Silverberg
Terminus Est by Barry N. Malzberg
Hexamnion by Chan Davis
And This Did Dante Do by Ray Bradbury
The Higher Things by John R. Pierce
Swastika! by Brian W. Aldiss
The Horars of War / УЖОСы войны by Gene Wolfe
Love Story in Three Acts / История любви в трёх актах by David Gerrold
Jean Duprès by Gordon R. Dickson
In the Pocket by Barry N. Malzberg (as by K. M. O'Donnell)
Mary and Joe by Naomi Mitchison
Faces & Hands by James Sallis
The Winner / Победитель by Donald E. Westlake
The Whole Truth / Истинная природа by Piers Anthony
Nova 2 1972, epub, Walker & Co.
Zirn Left Unguarded, the Jenghik Palace in Flames, Jon Westerley Dead / Зирн без охраны, дворец Дженгик горит, Джон Вестерли мёртв by Robert Sheckley
"East Wind, West Wind" by Frank M. Robinson
The Sumerian Oath / Шумерская клятва by Philip José Farmer
Now+n Now-n / Сейчас +n. Сейчас -n by Robert Silverberg
Two Odysseys Into the Center by Barry N. Malzberg
Darkness by André Carneiro (trans. of A Escuridão 1963)
On the Wheel / Прекрасные другие миры by Damon Knight
Miss Omega Raven / Мисс Ворон Омега by Naomi Mitchison
The Poet in the Hologram in the Middle of Prime Time by Edward Bryant
The Old Folks / Старые люди by James E. Gunn
The Steam-Driven Boy / Мальчик на паровом ходу by John Sladek
I Tell You, It's True by Poul Anderson
And I Have Come Upon This Place by Lost Ways / Путём затерянным явился я сюда by James Tiptree, Jr.
The Ergot Show by Brian W. Aldiss
Nova 3 1973, epub, Walker & Co.
Welcome to the Standard Nightmare / Стандартный кошмар by Robert Sheckley
The Expensive Delicate Ship by Brian W. Aldiss
Dreaming and Conversions: Two Rules by Which to Live by Barry N. Malzberg
Breakout in Ecol 2 by David R. Bunch
The Cold War ... Continued by Mack Reynolds
The Factory by Naomi Mitchison
The Defensive Bomber / Бомбардировщик обороны by Harry Harrison (as by Hank Dempsey)
Endorsement, Personal by Dean McLaughlin
The National Pastime / Национальный вид спорта by Norman Spinrad
The Ultimate End by Dick Glass
Pity the Poor Outdated Man by Philip Shofner
The Exhibition by Scott Edelstein
Sketches Among the Ruins of My Mind by Philip José Farmer
Nova 4 1975, epub, Manor Books
The Monsters of Ingratitude IV by Brian W. Aldiss
Songs of War by Kit Reed
Protective Temporal Strike by Gerard E. Giannattasio
Making It All the Way into the Future on Gaxton Falls of the Red Planet by Barry N. Malzberg
Slaves of Time / Рабы времени by Robert Sheckley
Singular by Bill Garnett
Too Long at the Fair by Edward Wellen
Not a Petal Falls by Richard Bireley
My Affair with Science Fiction / Мой роман с научной фантастикой by Alfred Bester
Out of the Waters by Naomi Mitchison
Side View of a Circle by Michael Addobati
Beyond the Cleft by Tom Reamy
Our Lady of the Endless Sky by Jeff Duntemann
The monsters or Ingratitude IV

The day was so beautiful that I left the teleceptual studios during the lunch hour and walked along Terrazza Terrace. One delight about being on Ingratitude, of all the Zodiacal Planets, was that the Shield was faulty, giving superb solar distortions. Tourists came from parsecs around just to see the effect of supersonic peacocks plunging in and out of the sun, like javelins growing foliage before they burst into fire.
There on the terrace I turned suddenly and saw a man who stared at me through kookaburra glasses before coming forward and extending his hand. I recognized him by his handprint. "Lurido Ponds!" I said, "after all these years!" Where had I seen him last?
"Hazelgard Nef, incarnate and aglow . . . How are you, Nef?"
"In a state of rapture, dear boy. Let's have a nostril of striped aframosta, shall we?"
I sensed immediately that Ponds was going to be important to me; the wiring in the ulna of my left arm was signaling. As we sat down in the nearest afrohale bar, I tried him out with some trivial conversation. "I suppose you've heard about the new cult spreading through the Zodiacals? It claims that human beings are merely corpses, or revenants of foetuses, that what we think of as unborn children are in fact the dominant and adult stage of the human life cycle, and that what we have always called life is actually an Afterlife."
"What's the name of this cult?"
"I forget. Their leader calls himself Mister Queen Elizabeth."
. . .
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