Название: Imagination: The Complete Fiction / Полная коллекция произведений из журнала "Imagination" Год выпуска: 2021 Издательство: Jerry eBooks ISBN: отсутствует Формат: EPUB Качество: eBook Язык: английский
Описание: Антология, составленная из художественных произведений, опубликованных в журнале "Imagination". Сканирование, вычитка, форматирование, создание электронной книги - Jerry. "Imagination" - журнал НФ и фэнтези, издавался с 1950 по 1958 годы. Среди авторов: Theodore Sturgeon, Poul Anderson, Ray Bradbury, Eric Frank Russell, James Blish, L. Sprague de Camp, Robert Sheckley, Damon Knight, Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, Robert Silverberg, Frederik Pohl, Lloyd Biggle, Jr. ...
The Soul Stealers - Chester S. Geier Wind in Her Hair - Kris Neville One for the Robot—Two for the Same ... - Rog Phillips Look to the Stars - Willard E. Hawkins Inheritance - Edward W. Ludwig
Meet Me in Tomorrow / Встречай меня завтра - Guy Archette (Chester S. Geier) Technical Slip / Недоглядели - John Beynon (John Wyndham) Tourists to Terra - Mack Reynolds “What So Proudly We Hail ...” - Day Keene The Ultimate Quest - Hal Annas It's Raining Frogs! - Milton Lesser The Old Ones - Betsy Curtis The Brave Walk Alone - John McGreevey
Revolt of the Devil Star - Ross Rocklynne “Shadow, Shadow, on the Wall ...” / Тень, тень на стене - Theodore Sturgeon Maid—To Order! - Hal Annas The Barrier - Bryce Walton The Vengeance of Toffee - Charles F. Myers The Builders - Fox B. Holden World of the Mad / Мир безумных - Poul Anderson
Beyond the Fearful Forest - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) “In This Sign ...” (= The Fire Balloons) / Огненные шары - Ray Bradbury The Longsnozzle Event - Hal Annas “Drink My Red Blood ...” / Выпей мою кровь - Richard Matheson Afternoon of a Fahn (= Rainbow's End) / Конец радуги - Eric Frank Russell The Hungry House / Голодный дом - Robert Bloch Not in the Rules - Mack Reynolds An Eel by the Tail - Allen K. Lang
Hell's Angel - Robert Bloch Beyond the Ultra-Violet - Frank M. Robinson Perfect Companion - John McGreevey The Martians and the Coys - Mack Reynolds Follow the Weeds - Margaret St. Clair Double Identity - Charles F. Myers The Void is My Coffin - James Blish
Cry Chaos! - Dwight V. Swain The Answer - Emil Petaja Hold Back Tomorrow - Kris Neville Master Race - Richard Ashby I'll See You in My Dreams - William Campbell Gault The Mistake of Christopher Columbus - Jules Archer We're Off to Mars! - Carlton Furth
Beware, the Usurpers! - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) They Reached for the Moon - William Oberfield The Owl and the Ape / Сова и обезьяна - L. Sprague de Camp Playmate - Leslie A. Croutch The Gift - Melvin Sturgis The Old Way - Milton Lesser
Special Delivery - Kris Neville The Most Horrible Story - John W. Jakes Alias a Woo-Woo - Sherwood Springer Yachting Party - Fox B. Holden Letter to the Editor / Письмо литературному агенту - Richard Matheson Return Engagement - Margaret St. Clair Run, Little Monster! / Беги, маленькое чудовище! - Chester S. Geier
Dark Destiny - Dwight V. Swain Space Opera - John W. Jakes Once Upon a Monbeast ... - Charles E. Fritch The Killer - J.T. Oliver Ride the Crepe Ring - Milton Lesser Rebirth - Daniel F. Galouye
Tonight the Sky Will Fall! - Daniel F. Galouye Hideout - Fox B. Holden Final Examination / Последнее испытание - Robert Sheckley The Dark Came Out to Play ... - Zenna Henderson The Stranger - Gordon R. Dickson Survivors - Arthur Dekker Savage Destiny Uncertain - Rog Phillips
No Time for Toffee! - Charles F. Myers The Reluctant Hero - Daniel F. Galouye “This World is Ours!” - Emil Petaja The Mischievous Typesetter - Noel Loomis So Many Worlds Away ... - Dwight V. Swain
The Weapon from Eternity - Dwight V. Swain It Kud Habben Tu Yu! / Это можт свучиться с топой! - Damon Knight The Dangerous Doll - Daniel F. Galouye Theft - Bill Venable Tomorrow the World! - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps)
Armageddon, 1970 - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) Wanderlust - Alan E. Nourse Skin Game - John W. Jakes “Hey Ma, Where's Willie?” - I.M. Bukstein Patrol - Richard H. Nelson The Cosmic Bluff - Mack Reynolds
Children of the Chronotron - S.J. Byrne Cinderella, Inc. - Harry C. Crosby (Christopher Anvil) The Beachcomber - Damon Knight The Toy - Kris Neville Writing Class / Курс писательского мастерства - Robert Sheckley Time Grabber - Gordon R. Dickson The Levitant - Daniel F. Galouye
Deepfreeze / Глубокая заморозка - Robert Donald Locke Mr. Spaceship / Профессор Звездолёт - Philip K. Dick Restricted Tool - Malcolm B. Morehart, Jr. Spillthrough - Daniel F. Galouye Adolescents Only - Irving Cox, Jr. Earthsmith - Milton Lesser
Earth Alert! - Kris Neville Piper in the Woods / Дудочники - Philip K. Dick Elegy - Charles Beaumont The Dark Goddess - Richard S. Shaver The Invader / Захватчик - Alfred Coppel Pioneer - William Hardy
The Enchanted Crusade - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) Paradise Planet - Richard S. Shaver The Lost Ego - Rog Phillips Second Wind - Daniel F. Galouye Preferred Position - Dave Dryfoos “... Do Us Part” - Louis G. Daniels (Daniel F. Galouye)
The Fist of Shiva - Daniel F. Galouye Milk Run - Robert Donald Locke Earth Can Be Fun - John W. Jakes Doom Satellite - A. Bertram Chandler Lesson for Today - Joel Nydahl The Big Cheese - Edward Wellen
The Star Lord - Boyd Ellanby Effie - Daniel F. Galouye Rub-a-Dub-Dub - Frank Richards Paycheck / Полный расчёт - Philip K. Dick The Grunder - Zenna Henderson Death Sentence / Равносильно смерти - William Vine (John Christopher)
Voyage to Eternity - Milton Lesser The Animated Pinup - Lewis Parker Native Son - T.D. Hamm The Cosmic Poachers / Космические браконьеры - Philip K. Dick The Minus Woman - Russ Winterbotham Dogfight—1973 - Mack Reynolds
The Buttoned Sky - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) The Substitute - Zenna Henderson Spacemen Never Die! - Morris Hershman The Prophetic Camera - John McGreevey There is a Reaper ... - Charles V. De Vet Stopover Planet - Robert Ernest Gilbert
No Sons Left to Die! - Hal Annas The Cyberene - Rog Phillips Jabberwock, Beware! - Richard A. Sternbach Love That Woo-Woo! - Sherwood Springer The Fugitives - Malcolm B. Morehart, Jr. Emergency Rations - Theodore R. Cogswell
The Time Armada (Part One) - Fox B. Holden Heir Apparent - Alan E. Nourse Combatman - John Massie Davis So Says the Master - Daniel F. Galouye World Without Glamor - Milton Lesser The Impossible Planet / Планета, которой не было - Philip K. Dick Hold On to Your Body! - Richard O. Lewis
Sky Lift / Тяжесть небес - Robert A. Heinlein The Time Armada (Conclusion) - Fox B. Holden Roll Out the Rolov! - Harry C. Crosby (Christopher Anvil) Guaranteed—Forever! - Frank M. Robinson The Music Master / Музыкант - F.L. Wallace Test Problem - Alan J. Ramm
The Cosmic Junkman - Rog Phillips First Captive - Evan Hunter Earthmen Ask No Quarter! - Fox B. Holden Project: Earth / Проект «Земля» - Philip K. Dick Blessed Are the Meekbots - Daniel F. Galouye Man-Trap - Hal Annas
Peril of the Starmen - Kris Neville X Marks the Asteroid - Ross Rocklynne A Zloor for Your Trouble! - Mack Reynolds Repeat Performance - Rog Phillips “Leave, Earthmen—or Die!” - John Massie Davis To Sup with the Devil - Myron I. Scholnick
Planet of Dread - Dwight V. Swain Rocket to Freedom - John Christopher Greetings from Earth! - Sherwood Springer Blessed Event - Charles F. Myers Ticket to the Stars - Raymond E. Banks The Man Who Made the World - Richard Matheson
Tyrants of Time - Milton Lesser The Fifty-Fourth of July - Alan E. Nourse Disposal Unit - Daniel F. Galouye The Plagiarist from Rigel IV - Evan Hunter The Sling and the Stone - Michael Shaara A Soldier's Home is Battle - Lowell Stone
Secret of the Immortals - Daniel F. Galouye Pariah - Milton Lesser Journey for the Brave - Alan E. Nourse The Disembodied Man - Larry Maddock The Frogs of Mars - Roger Dee
The Giants from Outer Space - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) Off-Limits Planet / Заповедная планета - Robert Sheckley Cosmic Santa Claus - Daniel F. Galouye Prelude to Space - Robert W. Haseltine Cancer World - Harry Warner, Jr. Spies Die Hard! - Arnold Marmor
Slaves to the Metal Horde - Milton Lesser Reception Committee - Len Guttridge ... The World Is but a Stage - Daniel F. Galouye Earthmen Die Hard! - Richard O. Lewis Beware the Star Gods - S.J. Byrne The Scandalized Martians - Arnold Marmor
The Terror Out of Space - Dwight V. Swain John's Other Practice - Winston Marks The Crawlers / Ползуны - Philip K. Dick The Incredible Aliens - William Bender, Jr. Messenger / Посланник - William Morrison Birthday Present - Arnold Marmor
Phantom World - Daniel F. Galouye The Queen of Space - Joseph Slotkin The Dangerous Scarecrow - Carl Jacobi Danger in the Void - Charles E. Fritch Supermen Need Superwives! - Louis G. Daniels (Daniel F. Galouye) Marty the Martian - Arnold Marmor
Vengeance from the Past - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) The Battle of the Bells / Битва за колокол - Jerome Bixby Immortality, Inc. - Daniel F. Galouye Welcome to Paradise - Allyn Donnelson Three Spacemen Left to Die! - Russ Winterbotham
The Laughter of Toffee - Charles F. Myers The Incredible Life-Form - Winston Marks The Invisible Enemy - Arnold Castle The Cautious Invaders - Arthur Sellings The Day They Came - Len Guttridge Earth's Gone to the Dogs! - William J. McClellan
Don't Panic! - Geoff St. Reynard (Robert W. Krepps) Let Space Be Your Coffin - S.M. Tenneshaw Trouble Near the Sun - Alan J. Ramm Eight Million Dollars from Mars! - Winston Marks The Frightful Ones - Richard Maples The Missing Disclaimer - Sam Sackett
Revolt of the Outworlds - Milton Lesser And All the Girls Were Nude - Richard Magruder Strange Eden / Странный Эдем - Philip K. Dick The Vegans Were Curious - Winston Marks The Miracle of Dan O'Shaughnessy - Evan Hunter Fish Fry - Arnold Marmor
World of the Drone - Robert Abernathy Comfort Me, My Robot / Утешь меня, робот - Robert Bloch The Dictator - Milton Lesser The Hand - Jerry Sohl Brown John's Body - Winston Marks
Cosmic Saboteur - Frank M. Robinson Disaster Committee - Raymond E. Banks Never Gut-Shoot a Wampus - Winston Marks The Aab - Edward W. Ludwig Stellar Vengeance - Frank Freeman
Highways in Hiding / Космическая чума (Part I) - George O. Smith The Long Way Home - Mack Reynolds No-Risk Planet - Milton Lesser You Don't Walk Alone - Frank M. Robinson Training Device - Theodore R. Cogswell
Hunting License - James McConnell Highways in Hiding (Part II) - George O. Smith A Matter of Ethics - Russ Winterbotham The Voyage of Vanishing Men - Stanley Mullen Albatross - Mack Reynolds
Flight Perilous! - Ray C. Noll Highways in Hiding (Part III) - George O. Smith Moonfall - A. Bertram Chandler The Pleasure Was Ours - Ray Russell Moonlight and Robots - Jerry Dunham
Wanted: One Sane Man - Frank M. Robinson Highways in Hiding (Conclusion) - George O. Smith Problem Planet - Russ Winterbotham The Hood Maker / Капюшонщик - Philip K. Dick The Martian / Марсианин - Robert Silverberg
Newshound - Milton Lesser Space Gamble - Mack Reynolds Export Commodity - Irving Cox, Jr. The Chromium Fence / Неприсоединившийся - Philip K. Dick The Lonely - William F. Temple
Es Percipi - Stephen Marlowe (Milton Lesser) The Last Plunge - Sam Sackett Deadline Sunday - Daniel F. Galouye The Pioneer - Irving Cox, Jr. No Gun to the Victor - Theodore R. Cogswell
The Day the Sun Died - Daniel F. Galouye The Underground - Gordon Dickson Martyr's Flight - Hank Searls Not in the Script - Arnold Marmor Selling Point - Norman Arkawy
Secret of the Martians - Paul W. Fairman Stop, You're Killing Me! - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser) Everybody's Happy but Me! - Frederik Pohl To Serve the Master / На службе у хозяина - Philip K. Dick Meeting at the Summit - Ivar Jorgensen The Cosmic Snare - Milton Lesser
The Legion of Lazarus / Легион лазарей - Edmond Hamilton The Graveyard of Space - Milton Lesser Mr. Chipfellow's Jackpot / Клад мистера Чипфеллоу (рассказ-загадка). Тысяча ключей к загадке мистера Чипфеллоу (ответ) - Dick Purcell The Beasts in the Void - Paul W. Fairman Zero Hour - Alexander Blade Prison of a Billion Years / Тюрьма в миллиард лет - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser)
Battle for the Stars - Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton) Dalrymple's Equation - Paul W. Fairman Gunnison's Bonanza - Dick Purcell Planet of Doom - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser) Mystery at Mesa Flat - Ivar Jorgensen The Obedient Servant - S.M. Tenneshaw
Forever We Die! - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser) We Run from the Hunted! - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser) The Man with the Golden Eyes - Alexander Blade Traitor's Choice - Paul W. Fairman “Next Stop, Nowhere!” - Dick Purcell
Citadel of the Star Lords - Edmond Hamilton Trouble on Sun-Side - S.M. Tenneshaw World of the Hunter - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser) John Harper's Insight - Dick Purcell Day of the Comet - Ivar Jorgensen Centauri Vengeance - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser)
Last Call for Doomsday! - S.M. Tenneshaw (Edmond Hamilton) The Alien Dies at Dawn - Alexander Blade (Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett) The Thing in the Truck - Darius John Granger (Milton Lesser) Lair of the Dragonbird - Randall Garrett (Robert Silverberg) Revolt of the Brains - C.H. Thames (Milton Lesser) The Inquisitor - Randall Garrett (Robert Silverberg)
Compete or Die! - Mark Reinsberg The Man Who Made Himself - Charles Beaumont Outcast of the Stars / Звёздный изгнанник - Robert Silverberg The Time Snatcher - Randall Garrett The Incomplete Theft / Незаконченная кража - Ralph Burke (Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett) Bleekman's Planet / Планета Бликмена - Ivar Jorgensen (Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett)
Bring Back My Brain! - Dwight V. Swain Secret of the Painting - Robert Moore Williams Harwood's Vortex / Вихрь Харвуда - Robert Silverberg Guardians of the Tower - Randall Garrett The Old Man / Старик - S.M. Tenneshaw (Robert Silverberg)
The Sinister Invasion - Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton) Kill Me if You Can! - S.M. Tenneshaw (Randall Garrett) Six Frightened Men - Randall Garrett (Robert Silverberg) The Three Thieves of Japetus - Mark Reinsberg Woman's World / Мир женщин - Robert Silverberg
Battle Out of Time - Dwight V. Swain The Hostile Survivors - A. Bertram Chandler Skid Row Pilot - Randall Garrett Reality Unlimited / Реальность неограничена - Robert Silverberg Flight into the Unknown - Tom W. Harris
You Can't Buy Eternity! - Dwight V. Swain John Holder's Weapon - Robert Moore Williams The Mannion Court-Martial - Randall Garrett Overlord of Colony Eight / Повелитель колонии Восемь - Robert Silverberg The Ambassador's Pet - Alexander Blade (Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett) Barnstormer - Tom W. Harris
Fugitive from the Stars - Edmond Hamilton The Fall of Archy House - Tom W. Harris Hero from Yesterday - Robert Randall (Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett) Rescue Mission / Спасательная миссия - Robert Silverberg House Operator - S.M. Tenneshaw (Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett) Satellite of Death - Randall Garrett
The Cosmic Looters - Alexander Blade (Edmond Hamilton) Death Walks on Mars - Alan J. Ramm A Madman on Board / Псих на борту - Randall Garrett (Robert Silverberg) Never Trust a Thief! / Никогда не доверяй вору - Ivar Jorgensen (Robert Silverberg) Get Out of My Body! - Tom W. Harris
Corridor of the Suns / Коридоры звёзд - Edmond Hamilton Flypaper Planet - A. Bertram Chandler The Mind Digger - Winston Marks Morgan's Lucky Planet - Lloyd Biggle, Jr. Goodbye, Dead Man! - Tom W. Harris
The Friendly Killers - S.M. Tenneshaw Voyage to Procyon / Путешествие на Процион - Robert Silverberg Menace from Vega - Robert Randall (Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett) Prisoner of War - Randall Garrett Come Into My Brain! / Не в своём уме - Alexander Blade (Robert Silverberg)
Special Delivery - Kris Neville Glug - Harlan Ellison Homecoming Horde / Орда захватчиков - Robert Silverberg You'll Like It on Mars! - Tom W. Harris
The Assassin - Harlan Ellison The Vicious Delinquents - Mark Reinsberg Miss Impossible - C.H. Thames (John Jakes) The Miserly Robot - R.J. Rice
Morgan’s Lucky Planet
Lloyd Biggle, Jr.
He never worried very much about police traps, for space cops were suckers and he was lucky. Now he had another chance to prove it!
HAARN’S FIELD, a shabby, trash-littered, converted junk pasture thirty miles from the center of Barimus City. The field lay peacefully serene under the bright light of Barimus’ twin moons. A single ship silently pointed its dark silhouette upwards. Radiation scars glowed softly luminous in the moonlight. The hilp weed, a scraggly plant that persisted in growing where no living thing ought to survive, was in bloom, its small white blossoms whipping in fitful gusts of wind. A rumbling drone sounded from the direction of Barimus City, the noise rising and falling on the tossing wind. An air car topped a low hill, followed by another, and another—six, eight, ten air cars, unlighted, hugging the ground as they raced at maximum velocity. Light flashed suddenly as a door to the weather-worn control shack jerked open. A man darted out, sprinted at a half crouch along the rickety board fence, leaped a radiation scar, and scurried up the ship’s ramp. The ramp was moving jerkily upward as the first air car swooped down and screeched to a halt. Men poured out, uniformed men, grimly alert and with weapons pointing menacingly at the ship. They fanned out and ran forward as the ramp disappeared and the air lock clanged shut. ...