
Haining, Peter (ed) - Time Travelers / Хэйнинг, Питер (ред) - Путешественники во времени [1998, epub, ENG]

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Peter Haining (ed) - Time Travelers

Название: Time Travelers / Путешественники во времени
Год выпуска: 1998
Под редакцией: Haining, Peter / Хэйнинг, Питер
Издательство: Barnes & Noble
ISBN: 0-7607-0914-9
Формат: epub
Качество: OCR (Jerry eBooks)
Язык: английский

Фантастика на классическую тему - путешествия во времени. Среди авторов: Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Brian W. Aldiss, L. Sprague de Camp, Alfred Bester, Ray Bradbury ...
A Little Something for Us Tempunauts / Скромная награда хрононавтам novelette by Philip K. Dick
Mr. Strenberry's Tale / Загадочный мистер Стренберри short story by J. B. Priestley
All the Time in the World / Всё время мира short story by Arthur C. Clarke
The Instability / Нестабильность short story by Isaac Asimov
Time Has No Boundaries (= The Face in the Photo) / Лицо на фотографии short story by Jack Finney
She Caught Hold of the Toe short fiction by Richard Hughes
The Reason Is with Us / Причина в нас самих short story by James E. Gunn
Man in His Time / Человек в своём времени short story by Brian W. Aldiss
The Clock That Went Backwards / Часы, которые шли вспять short story by Edward Page Mitchell
A Gun for Dinosaur / Ружьё на динозавра novelette by L. Sprague de Camp
Of Time and Kathy Benedict novelette by William F. Nolan
Production Problem / Производственная проблема short story by Robert F. Young
I Hear You Calling / Ты позвал меня short story by Eric Frank Russell
The Men Who Murdered Mohammed / Человек, который убил Магомета short story by Alfred Bester
Time Intervening / Переходный период short story by Ray Bradbury
The Grey Man / Серые люди short story by H. G. Wells
Flux novelette by Barrington J. Bayley and Michael Moorcock
The Greatest Television Show on Earth / Величайшее телешоу планеты short story by J. G. Ballard
Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot: XXXV short story by Reginald Bretnor (as by Grendel Briarton)
Time Bum / Мошенник во времени short story by C. M. Kornbluth
"All You Zombies—" / Все вы зомби... short story by Robert A. Heinlein
The Gernsback Continuum / Континуум Гернсбека short story by William Gibson
The Time Disease short story by Martin Amis
Eric F. Russell

A frightened town, dark and deadly. A minor NAME ON A VAST MAP. Formerly noteworthy for nothing save the idle rumour that a flying saucer had landed nearby. That had been a month ago and proved baseless. Police and pressmen scoured THE OUTSKIRTS. NO SAUCER.
This event faded, lost significance as hunters took off in pursuit of something else, something weightier and more urgent that cleared the streets by night. On the main stem a few dusty, neglected neons glowed over empty bars while cops lurked in shadowy doorways, watched cats playing leapfrog and jumping low.
Widgey Bullock knew nothing of this. To him the town had its virtues. That was why he had just arrived there. It was forty miles from port, devoid of naval patrols, officers, pickpockets and the same old bunch of painted trollops. A new landfall. A place where a naval stoker first-class could roll the boat without getting tossed into the brig.
. . .
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